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Last active July 31, 2018 23:42
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a really tiny sloppy Haskell program to try to teach myself to add/multiply hexadecimal numbers without translating to decimal
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack --install-ghc script
--resolver lts-11.4
--package ilist
--package mtl
--package random
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Main where
import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit, isHexDigit)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import System.Random
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Index
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
type PLevel = Int
data Problem a = Add a a
| Mult a a
deriving (Eq, Ord)
class Base b where
base :: b
modReduce :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
modReduce x y
| x == -1 = [-1]
| x < 0 && x > -y = [-1, -x]
| x < y && x >= 0 = [x]
| otherwise = x `mod` y : modReduce (x `div` y) y
digits :: forall n. (Integral n, Base n) => n -> [n]
digits n = modReduce n base
instance Base Hexadecimal where
base = Hexadecimal 16
instance Base Int where
base = 10
adjacentsWith :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
adjacentsWith f [] = []
adjacentsWith f (_:[]) = []
adjacentsWith f (x:y:ys) = f x y : adjacentsWith f (y:ys)
isNoOp :: (Eq a, Num a) => Problem a -> Bool
isNoOp (Add _ 0) = True
isNoOp (Add 0 _) = True
isNoOp (Mult 0 _) = True
isNoOp (Mult _ 0) = True
isNoOp (Mult 1 _) = True
isNoOp (Mult _ 1) = True
isNoOp _ = False
opsHelper :: (Integral a, Base a) => [Problem a] -> [Problem a]
opsHelper initials = allOperations where
computeCarry x y = Add (x `mod` base) (y `div` base)
carries = nub . adjacentsWith computeCarry . reverse . map answerTo
allOperations = nub $ filter (not . isNoOp) $
++ (carries initials)
++ (carries . carries $ initials)
zipWithPad :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithPad f x y xs ys = zipWith f xs' ys' where
(xs', ys')
| length xs < length ys = (xs ++ repeat x, ys)
| otherwise = (xs, ys ++ repeat y)
individualOperations :: (Base a, Eq a, Integral a) => Problem a -> Int
individualOperations (Add x y) = length $ opsHelper initials where
initials = nub (zipWithPad Add 0 0 (digits x) (digits y))
individualOperations (Mult x y) = multiplyOps where
multiplies = zipWith (zipWith Mult) (repeat (digits x)) (map repeat (digits y))
multiplyOps = sum $ map (fromIntegral . length . opsHelper) multiplies
instance (Show a, Base a, Integral a) => Show (Problem a) where
show p@(Add a b) = "[" ++ show (individualOperations p) ++ "] " ++ show a ++ " + " ++ show b
show p@(Mult a b) = "[" ++ show (individualOperations p) ++ "] " ++ show a ++ " * " ++ show b
newtype Hexadecimal = Hexadecimal { decimal :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Bounded)
instance Show Hexadecimal where
show n = "0x" ++ map (intToDigit . decimal) (reverse (digits n))
instance Read Hexadecimal where
readsPrec p [] = []
readsPrec p (d:ds)
| isHexDigit d =
let extra = length ds
digit = digitToInt d
in (Hexadecimal $ digitToInt d, ds)
: map (\ (n, rem) ->
( Hexadecimal
( digit * 16 ^ (extra - length rem)
+ decimal n)
, rem ))
(readsPrec p ds)
| otherwise = []
answerTo :: Num a => Problem a -> a
answerTo (Add a b) = a + b
answerTo (Mult a b) = a * b
randomProblem :: (a -> a -> Problem a) -- a problem type
-> (Int -> a) -- a morphism to a from a random Int
-> Int -- an upper bound for the random int
-> IO (Problem a) -- returns a randomized problem
randomProblem mkProblem mkA upperBound = do
let mkRand = randomRIO (0, upperBound)
r1 <- mkRand
r2 <- mkRand
pure $ mkProblem (mkA r1) (mkA r2)
genProblem :: PLevel -> IO (Problem Hexadecimal)
genProblem level = do
isAddition <- randomIO
if isAddition || level <= 1
then randomProblem Add Hexadecimal (16 ^ (level + 1) - 1)
else randomProblem Mult Hexadecimal (16 ^ (level - 1) - 1)
genProblems :: IO [Problem Hexadecimal]
genProblems = go actions where
go [] = error "impossible: infinite list"
go xs = do
front <- sequence (take 100 xs)
end <- unsafeInterleaveIO (go (drop 100 xs))
pure $ front ++ end
difficultySeq x y = replicate x (genProblem y)
actions = concat $ zipWith difficultySeq (map (\x -> x * x) [2..]) [0..]
data GameState a = GameState
{ responses :: [ProblemResponse a]
, problems :: [Problem a]
type Game t a = StateT (GameState t) IO a
data ProblemResponse a
= Correct (Problem a)
| Incorrect (Problem a) a
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (Show a, Base a, Integral a) => Show (ProblemResponse a) where
show (Correct p) = "correct: " ++ show p ++ " = " ++ show (answerTo p)
show (Incorrect p n) = "incorrect: " ++ show p ++ " = " ++ show n
onProblems :: ([Problem a] -> [Problem a]) -> GameState a -> GameState a
onProblems f (GameState x y) = GameState x (f y)
onResponses :: ([ProblemResponse a] -> [ProblemResponse a]) -> GameState a -> GameState a
onResponses f (GameState x y) = GameState (f x) y
peekProblem :: Game a (Problem a)
peekProblem = gets (head . problems)
incorrect :: Eq a => Problem a -> ProblemResponse a -> Bool
incorrect p (Incorrect q _) = p == q
incorrect _ _ = False
processResult :: (Base a, Integral a, Eq a) => ProblemResponse a -> Game a ()
processResult (Correct p) = do
modify (onProblems (drop 1))
modify (onResponses (Correct p :))
lift $ putStrLn "correct :)"
processResult (Incorrect p n) = do
modify (onResponses (Incorrect p n :))
pos <- gets (length . takeWhile (incorrect p) . responses)
modify (onProblems (insertAt (pos * 2 * individualOperations p) p))
lift $ putStrLn "incorrect, try again"
verify :: (Integral n, Base n, Eq n) => Problem n -> n -> ProblemResponse n
verify p n
| n == answerTo p = Correct p
| otherwise = Incorrect p n
data Command
= Answer Hexadecimal
| Quit
| Skip Int
| History Int
getParsedLine :: IO Command
getParsedLine = do
putStr "=? "
l <- getLine
maybe (err >> getParsedLine) pure $ getAlt . mconcat $ Alt <$>
[ readQuit l
, Answer <$> readMaybe l
, readKeywordNum "skip" Skip l
, readKeywordNum "history" History l
err = putStrLn "couldn't read command; try again"
isWhiteSpace c = c `elem` [' ', '\t']
readKeywordNum w f l
| take (length w) l == w =
let rest = dropWhile isWhiteSpace (drop (length w) l)
in f <$> readMaybe rest
| otherwise = Nothing
readQuit l
| l == "quit" || l == ":q" || l == "exit" = Just Quit
| otherwise = Nothing
doOneProblem :: Game Hexadecimal ()
doOneProblem = do
p <- peekProblem
lift $ print p
command <- lift getParsedLine
case command of
Answer a -> processResult (verify p a)
Quit -> lift $ putStrLn "Goodbye :)" >> exitSuccess
Skip n -> modify (onProblems (drop n))
History n -> gets (take n . responses) >>= lift . mapM_ print
main :: IO ()
main = do
problems <- genProblems
evalStateT (sequence_ (repeat doOneProblem)) (GameState [] problems)
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