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Created August 17, 2017 13:59
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Excercises given in:
[Origami Programming](
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists, TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> import GHC.Exts (IsList, fromList, Item, toList)
> import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
> import Test.QuickCheck.All
> import Data.Char (digitToInt)
Here is a simple definition of a list as given in the paper. Where possible I
will duplicate the definitions rather than modifying to use standard library
> data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
> deriving (Show, Eq)
> wrap :: a -> List a
> wrap x = Cons x Nil
> nil :: List a -> Bool
> nil Nil = True
> nil (Cons _ _) = False
> asMaybe :: List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
> asMaybe Nil = Nothing
> asMaybe (Cons x xs) = Just (x, xs)
> reverseL :: List a -> List a
> reverseL = go Nil where
> go a Nil = a
> go a (Cons x xs) = go (Cons x a) xs
For convenience I also provide an instance of `IsList` for this data type.
> instance IsList (List a) where
> type Item (List a) = a
> fromList = foldr Cons Nil
> toList = foldL (:) []
Here is the simple `foldL` function defined in the paper.
> foldL :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
> foldL f e Nil = e
> foldL f e (Cons x xs) = f x (foldL f e xs)
The universal property is effectively the definition of this function
eta reduced.
Excercise 3.1:
h . foldL f e
Excercise 3.2:
> mapL :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
> mapL f = foldL (Cons . f) Nil
> appendL :: List a -> List a -> List a
> appendL = foldL Cons
> concatL :: List (List a) -> List a
> concatL = foldL appendL Nil
Excercise 3.3:
The insertion sort presented in the paper:
> isort :: Ord a => List a -> List a
> isort = foldL insert Nil
> where
> insert :: Ord a => a -> List a -> List a
> insert y Nil = wrap y
> insert y (Cons x xs) | y < x = Cons y (Cons x xs)
> | otherwise = Cons x (insert y xs)
> insert :: Ord a => a -> List a -> List a
> insert y Nil = wrap y
> insert y (Cons x xs) | y < x = Cons y (Cons x xs)
> | otherwise = Cons x (insert y xs)
Excercise 3.4:
> insert1 :: Ord a => a -> List a -> (List a, List a)
> insert1 y = foldL (\x (a, i) ->
> ( Cons x a
> , if y < x
> then Cons y (Cons x a)
> else Cons x i)) 
> (Nil, Cons y Nil)
> prop_insert1 = \(y :: Int, fromList -> xs) ->
> insert1 y xs == (xs, insert y xs)
Definition of paramorphism:
> paraL :: (a -> (List a, b) -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
> paraL f e Nil = e
> paraL f e (Cons x xs) = f x (xs, paraL f e xs)
Excercise 3.5:
> insert_para :: Ord a => a -> List a -> List a
> insert_para y = paraL
> (\x (a, i) -> if y < x then Cons y (Cons x a) else Cons x i)
> (Cons y Nil)
> prop_insert_para = \(y :: Int, fromList -> xs) ->
> insert y xs == insert_para y xs
Definintion of unfold for lists:
> unfoldL' :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> List a
> unfoldL' f u = case f u of
> Nothing -> Nil
> Just (x, v) -> Cons x (unfoldL' f v)
> unfoldL :: (b -> Bool) -> (b -> a) -> (b -> b) -> b -> List a
> unfoldL p f g b = if p b then Nil else Cons (f b) (unfoldL p f g (g b))
Excercise 3.6:
> unfoldL'_ :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> List a
> unfoldL'_ f = unfoldL (isJust . f) (fst . fromJust . f) (snd . fromJust . f)
> unfoldL_ :: (b -> Bool) -> (b -> a) -> (b -> b) -> b -> List a
> unfoldL_ p f g = unfoldL' (\b -> if p b then Just (f b, g b) else Nothing)
Definition of foldL' the dual of unfoldL'
> foldL' :: (Maybe (a, b) -> b) -> List a -> b
> foldL' f Nil = f Nothing
> foldL' f (Cons x xs) = f (Just (x, foldL' f xs))
Excercise 3.8:
> foldL'_ :: (Maybe (a, b) -> b) -> List a -> b
> foldL'_ f = foldL (curry (f . Just)) (f Nothing)
> foldL_ :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
> foldL_ f b = foldL' (\x -> if isJust x then uncurry f (fromJust x) else b)
Excercise 3.9:
> foldLargs :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (Maybe (a, b) -> b)
> foldLargs f b = (\x -> if isJust x then uncurry f (fromJust x) else b)
> unfoldLargs :: (b -> Bool) -> (b -> a) -> (b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe (a, b))
> unfoldLargs p f g = (\b -> if p b then Just (f b, g b) else Nothing)
Selection sort as an unfold:
> delmin :: Ord a => List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
> delmin Nil = Nothing
> delmin xs = Just (y, deleteL y xs)
> where y = minimumL xs
> minimumL :: Ord a => List a -> a
> minimumL (Cons x xs) = foldL min x xs
> deleteL :: Eq a => a -> List a -> List a
> deleteL y Nil = Nil
> deleteL y (Cons x xs)
> | y == x = xs
> | otherwise = Cons x (deleteL y xs)
> ssort :: Ord a => List a -> List a
> ssort = unfoldL' delmin
Excercise 3.10:
> deleteL' :: Eq a => a -> List a -> List a
> deleteL' y = paraL (\x (xs, a) ->
> if y == x
> then xs
> else Cons x a)
> Nil
> prop_deleteL' = \(x :: Int, fromList -> y) -> deleteL x y == deleteL' x y
Excercise 3.11:
> delmin' :: Ord a => List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
> delmin' = undefined
Bubble sort:
> bubble :: Ord a => List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
> bubble = foldL step Nothing
> where
> step x Nothing = Just (x, Nil)
> step x (Just (y, ys))
> | x < y = Just (x, Cons y ys)
> | otherwise = Just (y, Cons x ys)
Excercise 3.12:
> bubble' :: Ord a => List a -> List a
> bubble' = foldL step Nil
> where
> step x Nil = wrap x
> step x (Cons y ys)
> | x < y = Cons x (Cons y ys)
> | otherwise = Cons y (Cons x ys)
> prop_bubble' = \(fromList -> y :: List Int) -> bubble y == asMaybe (bubble' y)
Excercise 3.13:
> insert_unfold :: Ord a => a -> List a -> List a
> insert_unfold y xs = unfoldL' step (Just y, xs)
> where
> step (Nothing, Nil) = Nothing
> step (Just y', Nil) = Just (y', (Nothing, Nil))
> step (Nothing, Cons x xs') = Just (x, (Nothing, xs'))
> step (Just y', Cons x xs')
> | y' > x = Just (x, (Just y', xs'))
> | otherwise = Just (y', (Nothing, Cons x xs'))
> -- this only holds for sorted lists but that is okay because insert needn't
> -- work with unsorted lists regardless
> prop_insert_unfold = \(x :: Int, fromList -> ys) ->
> insert x (ssort ys) == insert_unfold x (ssort ys)
Definition of apomorphism:
> apoL' :: (b -> Maybe (a, Either b (List a))) -> b -> List a
> apoL' f u = case f u of
> Nothing -> Nil
> Just (x, Left v) -> Cons x (apoL' f v)
> Just (x, Right xs) -> Cons x xs
That is, an apomorphism is a short circuiting unfold.
Excercise 3.14:
> insert_apo :: Ord a => a -> List a -> List a
> insert_apo y xs = apoL' step (Just y, xs)
> where
> step (Just y', Nil) = Just (y', Right Nil)
> step (Just y', Cons x xs')
> | y' > x = Just (x, Left (Just y', xs'))
> | otherwise = Just (y', Right (Cons x xs'))
> -- other equations are unreachable because we have already short
> -- circuited
> step _ = undefined
> -- similarly to above, only works on sorted lists
> prop_insert_apo = \(x :: Int, fromList -> ys) ->
> insert x (ssort ys) == insert_apo x (ssort ys)
Definition of hylomorphism:
> hyloL f e p g h = foldL f e . unfoldL p g h
this could also be defined as:
> hyloL' f e p g h b = if p b then e else f (g b) (hyloL f e p g h (h b))
but in practice the compiler is good enough at stream fusion that fusing is not
necessary in this case
Exercise 3.15:
> toBinary :: String -> List Bool
> toBinary = reverseL
> . unfoldL (==0) ((==1).(`mod`2)) (`div`2)
> . snd
> . foldL stepFold (1, 0)
> . fromList
> where
> stepFold x (m, a) = (m * 10, a + m * digitToInt x)
> toInt :: List Bool -> Int
> toInt = snd . foldL stepFold (1, 0) where
> stepFold x (m, a) = (m * 2, a + m * intOf x)
> intOf True = 1
> intOf False = 0
> prop_toBinary (abs -> i) = show i == (show $ toInt $ toBinary $ show i)
Natural Numbers:
I slightly modify the definition to write this more easily
> data Nat = Z | S Nat
> deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
Num instance for ergonomics
> instance Num Nat where
> fromInteger = unfoldN (==0) (+(-1))
> (*) = mulN
> (+) = addN
> (-) = (fromJust .) . subN
> abs = id
> signum = const (S Z)
and natural numbers fold:
> foldN :: a -> (a -> a) -> Nat -> a
> foldN a f Z = a
> foldN a f (S k) = f (foldN a f k)
its the same as iter with arguments reversed
> iter :: Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
> iter n f x = foldN x f n
Exercise 3.16:
> foldN' :: (Maybe a -> a) -> Nat -> a
> foldN' f Z = f Nothing
> foldN' f (S k) = f $ Just $ foldN' f k
> foldN_ :: a -> (a -> a) -> Nat -> a
> foldN_ a f = foldN' (\x -> if isJust x then f (fromJust x) else a)
> foldN'_ :: (Maybe a -> a) -> Nat -> a
> foldN'_ f = foldN (f Nothing) (f . Just)
Excercise 3.18:
> addN, mulN, powN :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
> addN = flip foldN S
> mulN n = foldN Z (addN n)
> powN n = foldN (S Z) (mulN n)
Exercise 3.19:
> predN :: Nat -> Maybe Nat
> predN = foldN Nothing (maybe (Just Z) (Just . S))
Exercise 3.20:
> subN :: Nat -> Nat -> Maybe Nat
> subN = flip foldN (>>= predN) . Just
> eqN :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool
> eqN n m = case subN n m of
> Just Z -> True
> _ -> False
> lessN :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool
> lessN = ((not . isJust) .) . subN
Unfolds for natural numbers
> unfoldN' :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Nat
> unfoldN' f x = case f x of
> Nothing -> Z
> Just y -> S (unfoldN' f y)
> unfoldN :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Nat
> unfoldN p f x = if p x then Z else S (unfoldN p f (f x))
Exercise 3.21:
> unfoldN'_ f = unfoldN (isJust . f) (fromJust . f)
> unfoldN_ p f = unfoldN' (\x -> if p x then Nothing else Just (f x))
Exercise 3.23:
> divN :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
> divN n m = unfoldN' (flip subN m) n
Exercise 3.24:
> logN :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
> logN n m = unfoldN (flip lessN m) (flip divN m) n
until function that models while loops
> untilN :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
> untilN p f x = foldN x f (unfoldN p f x)
here is a simple hylomorphism
> hyloN' :: (Maybe a -> a) -> (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
> hyloN' f g = foldN' f . unfoldN' g
Exercise 3.25:
> hyloN'_ :: (Maybe a -> a) -> (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
> hyloN'_ f g x = case g x of
> Nothing -> x
> y@(Just _) -> hyloN'_ f g (f y)
Exercise 3.28:
> fix_hyloL f = hyloL const undefined (const True) id f undefined
> -- hacky code to be able to test all properties at the same time
> return []
> testAll = $quickCheckAll
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