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Last active August 13, 2018 14:33
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Telemetry Pre-Requisite Builds


Documentation is now available at

Pre-requisites Overview

Prior to deploying the telemetry platform, there is some pre-requisite builds that need to happen. Items that need building include:

  • barometer-collectd container (with patches)
  • metrics and events consumer containers
  • QPID dispatch router container


The barometer-collectd container is made up of two components:

  • forked barometer
  • forked collectd

When building the barometer-collectd container, you'll make use of a multi-stage Docker build which pulls code from a collectd git repository containing upstream changes that are not yet fully merged.

Code for these components are available at:

The barometer changes are from the following upstream contributions:

The collectd changes are from the following upstream contributions

metrics and events consumers

The metrics and events consumers are custom code that will (ideally) eventually make its way into the OPNFV Barometer project as their upstream homes.

QPID dispatch router (QDR)

Building QPID dispatch router container is primarily just a function of building an RPM, and installing that during container build time. We currently do not have any custom patches/code for the QDR. This is simply a packaging effort.

Building Containers

Four container images need to be built for telemetry.

  • barometer-collectd
  • metrics consumer
  • events consumer
  • QPID dispatch router (QDR)

The instructions for building these images is being performed in a virtual machine running Fedora 28.

Install Prerequisites

You'll need the following tools installed.

  • git
  • mock
sudo dnf install git mock -y

Installing Docker

In Fedora 28, the latest version of Docker currently being shipped is Docker 1.13, which does not have multi-stage build capabilities. We'll need to install the Docker-CE repository and install Docker 16.x which has multi-stage building. We make use of the multi-stage build process in Docker to keep the images small, and the development tools and source off the base image.

Work is being performed as a non-root user (admin user in this case).

sudo dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager \
    --add-repo \
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled docker-ce-edge
sudo dnf install docker-ce -y
sudo usermod -aG docker admin
newgrp docker

Login to Docker Hub

In order to push your images into a Docker Hub repository (or, or wherever you want to store your images), you'll need to login first. For Docker Hub you can just use docker login first before running the following builds.


cd ~
git clone
cd barometer/
git fetch --all
git checkout nfvpe/develop
docker build --tag nfvpe/barometer-collectd:latest --file ./docker/barometer-collectd/Dockerfile .
docker push nfvpe/barometer-collectd:latest


There are two consumers you need to build; metrics and events. The metrics container acts as the scrape target for Prometheus, and also pulls messages off the QDR bus. The events container takes events from the QDR message bus and stores them into an ElasticSearch database.

See in the service-assurance-poc repository within the docker/ subdirectory for more information about building.

We'll build both consumers from the service-assurance-poc git repository.

cd ~
git clone

Events consumer

cd ~/service-assurance-poc/
docker build --tag nfvpe/events_consumer:latest -f docker/events/Dockerfile .

Metrics consumer

cd ~/service-assurance-poc/
docker build --tag nfvpe/metrics_consumer:latest -f docker/metrics/Dockerfile .

QPID Dispatch Router (QDR)

The QPID Dispatch Router (QDR) has a slightly different build mechanism. Instead of compiling everything directly in the container and copying things over, we build a local RPM using mock and then do a COPY of the RPMs into the container image, where QDR is then installed.

Building the RPMs

Build the RPMs into your working directory using the provided script in the service-assurance-poc repository.

sudo usermod -aG mock admin
newgrp mock
cd ~/service-assurance-poc/qdr/

Building the container image

Now we build the container image much like we did for the events and metrics consumers.

cd ~/service-assurance-poc/
docker build --tag nfvpe/qpid-dispatch-router:latest -f docker/qdr/Dockerfile .
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