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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Extensions to the standard javascript String object
* Author : leif.o.olsen
* Description : Extensions to the standard javascript String object
(function () {
var methods = {
* Check if a string contains a newline character
* @return {boolean} true if a newline character ocurs in the string
hasNewLine: function() {
return (/\n/).test(this);
* Check if a string is empty
* @return {boolean} true if empty
isEmpty: function() {
return this == '';
* Check if a string only contains whitespaces
* @return {boolean} true if blank
isBlank: function() {
return /^\s*$/.test(this);
// Removes leading and trailing spaces
// This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
// See: // See:
// Example: ' hat cat ' returns 'hat cat'
trim: function() {
var s = this.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''),
i = s.length,
ws= /\s/;
if( i ) {
while (ws.test(s.charAt(--i)));
return s.slice(0, i + 1);
return '';
// trimLeft:
// Removes leading spaces
// This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
// Example: ' hat cat ' returns 'hat cat '
trimLeft: function() {
return( this.replace(/^\s\s*/, '') );
// trimRight:
// Removes trailing spaces
// This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
// Example: ' hat cat ' returns ' hat cat'
trimRight: function() {
return( this.replace(/\s\s*$/, '') );
// Removes leading and trailing (white)spaces and
// replaces interior consecutive spaces with a single space. If the string contains
// line breaks then the the line break will be kept in advantage of the space if preserveLineBreaks flag is true.
// This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
// Example: ' hat cat rat ' -> 'hat cat rat'
normalizeSpaces: function( preserveFlag ) {
var preserveNone = 0, // 00b
preserveSpace = 1, // 10b
preserveLbr = 2; // 01b
preserveFlag = preserveFlag || preserveNone;
for (var i = 0, lines = this.split("\n"), length = lines.length; i < length; i++) {
lines[i] = lines[i].trim().replace(/ +/g, ' ');
return ( preserveFlag & preserveSpace
? lines.join(' ') : preserveFlag & preserveLbr
? lines.join('\n') : lines.join('') ).trim();
// Returns a value >= 0 if 'token' ocurs in 's', otherwise -1
// flag : gim, see JavaScript RegExp documentation
// g - Not applicable, no meaning here
// i - Ignore case
// m - Multiline
// Example : this : 'a String'
// token : 'str'
// flag : i
// returns: 2
indexOfToken: function(token, flag) {
var result = new RegExp(token||'', flag||'').exec(this);
return( result ? result.index : -1 );
* Converts a hyphenated string to a camelcase string.
* Example: "this-is-hypen" --> "thisIsHypen"
* @return {String} The camelized string
toCamelCase: function() {
var s = this;
for(var exp = /-([a-z])/; exp.test(s); s = s.replace(exp, RegExp.$1.toUpperCase()) );
return s;
* Converts a cameCased string to a hyphenated string.
* Example: "thisIsCamel" --> "this-is-camel"
* @return {String} The hypenated string
toHyphen: function() {
return this.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
* Splits name value pairs into an hash array.
* example: "a:1;b:2;c:3" -> result['a']=1, result['b']=2, result['c']=3
* @param {Char} attributeSeparator, default value is ';'
* @param {Char} nameValueSeparator, default value is ':'
* @return {Array} Hash array with name value pairs where name is the index used to get the
* corresponding value.
splitAttributes: function(attributeSeparator, nameValueSeparator) {
var result=[];
if( this.length > 0 ) {
// the '\\s*'+(separator)+'\\s*' ensures that whitespaces are removed from
// the split. No need to trim name value pairs.
var attrs = this.split(new RegExp('\\s*'+(attributeSeparator || ';')+'\\s*'));
var nv = new RegExp('\\s*'+(nameValueSeparator || ':')+'\\s*');
for(var i=0, j=attrs.length; i<j; i++) {
var pair = attrs[i].split(nv);
if(pair && pair.length>1 && pair[1]) {
result[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return result;
// You supply a template string, in which you add place-holders for values using {0} to {9},
// and then supply up to 9 other arguments which represent the strings to insert. For example:
// "And the {0} want to know whose {1} you {2}".format("papers", "shirt", "wear"); ==>
// And the papers want to know whose shirt you wear
// see:
// see:
format: function( /* arguments */ ) {
var pattern = /\{\d+\}/g;
var args = arguments;
return this.replace( pattern, function(capture){
return args[capture.match(/\d+/)];
for (var i in methods) {
if (!String.prototype[i]) String.prototype[i] = methods[i];
(function() {
console.log("hasNewLine [" + "A string with \n newline".hasNewLine() + "]");
console.log("isEmpty [" + "".isEmpty() + "]");
console.log("isBlank [" + " ".isBlank() + "]");
console.log("indexOfToken [" + "This is my kittycat.".indexOfToken("cat") + "]");
console.log("indexOfToken [" + "This cat is my cat.".indexOfToken("Cat", 'i') + "]");
console.log("normalizeSpaces [" + ' This is my cat. '.normalizeSpaces() + "]");
console.log("trim [" + " This is my cat. ".trim() + "]");
console.log("trimLeft [" + " This is my cat. ".trimLeft() + "]");
console.log("trimRight [" + " This is my cat. ".trimRight() + "]");
console.log("toCamelCase [" + "riding-on-a-camel".toCamelCase() + "]");
console.log("toHyphen [" + "ridingOnACamel".toHyphen() + "]");
var v = "a:1;b:2;c:3".splitAttributes();
console.log("splitAttributes [" + v['a'] + ", " + v['b'] + ", "+ v['c'] + "]");
console.log("format [" + "The quick {0} fox jumps over the lazy {1}".format("brown", "dog") + "]");
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