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Ideas on amithgeorge/reddit-dailyprogrammer-clojure 214_intermediate.clj
From 82dab3592fcc4f51fa2ce25133617502b1671429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leif Poorman <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 20:30:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] index papers by canvas region
src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
index 3fd26d1..f05d15d 100644
--- a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
+++ b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(ns rdp.214-intermediate
(:require [ :as io]))
+(def BLOCKS 10)
(defn- read-line-ints
([] (read-line-ints (read-line)))
@@ -30,9 +32,9 @@
:canvas-width canvas-width
:canvas-height canvas-height}))))
-(defn- read-input-file
+(defn- read-input-file
- (with-open
+ (with-open
[rdr (io/reader (io/resource file-name))]
(binding [*in* rdr]
@@ -46,41 +48,84 @@
[[canvas-x canvas-y] {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
(and (<= x1 canvas-x x2) (<= y1 canvas-y y2)))
-(defn- visible-color
+(defn- intersects?
+ [{left-1 :x1 top-1 :y1 right-1 :x2 bottom-1 :y2 :as rect1}
+ {left-2 :x1 top-2 :y1 right-2 :x2 bottom-2 :y2 :as rect2}]
+ (not
+ (or (> left-1 right-2) ; 1 to right of 2
+ (< right-1 left-2) ; 1 to left of 2
+ (> top-1 bottom-2) ; 1 below 2
+ (< bottom-1 top-2) ; 1 above 2
+ )))
+(defn- coarse-index [canvas x y]
+ (let [x-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:w canvas) (float BLOCKS))))
+ y-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:h canvas) (float BLOCKS))))
+ x-idx (quot x x-step)
+ y-idx (quot y y-step)]
+ (+ (* BLOCKS y-idx) x-idx)))
+(defn- subdiv-rect [canvas x-idx y-idx]
+ (let [x-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:w canvas) BLOCKS)))
+ y-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:h canvas) BLOCKS)))]
+ (make-paper 0 (* x-idx x-step) (* y-idx y-step) x-step y-step)))
+(defn- make-paper-index [canvas papers]
+ (reduce
+ (fn [index [xi yi]]
+ (let [rect (subdiv-rect canvas xi yi)]
+ (assoc index
+ (+ (* BLOCKS yi) xi)
+ (filterv #(intersects? rect %) papers))))
+ {}
+ (for [xi (range BLOCKS) yi (range BLOCKS)] [xi yi])))
+(defn- old-visible-color
[coord papers]
(some #(when (covered? coord %1) (:color %1))
- papers))
+ papers))
+(defn- visible-color
+ [coord canvas paper-index]
+ (let [i (apply coarse-index canvas coord)
+ papers (get paper-index i [])]
+ (some #(when (covered? coord %1) (:color %1))
+ papers)))
(defn- visible-color-frequencies
- [{:keys [canvas-width canvas-height papers]}]
- (persistent!
- (reduce
- (fn [acc coord]
- (if-let [color (visible-color coord papers)]
- (assoc! acc color (inc (get acc color 0)))
- acc))
- (transient {})
- (for [y (range canvas-height)
- x (range canvas-width)]
- [x y]))))
+ [{:keys [canvas-width canvas-height papers paper-index]}]
+ (let [canvas (last papers)]
+ (persistent!
+ (reduce
+ (fn [acc coord]
+ (if-let [color (visible-color coord canvas paper-index)]
+ (assoc! acc color (inc (get acc color 0)))
+ acc))
+ (transient {})
+ (for [y (range canvas-height)
+ x (range canvas-width)]
+ [x y])))))
(defn- solve
(let [input (read-input-file input-file)
+ input (assoc input
+ :paper-index
+ (make-paper-index (last (:papers input)) (:papers input)))
color-map (visible-color-frequencies input)
sorted (sort-by key color-map)]
(doseq [line sorted]
(println (key line) (val line)))))
-;; (defn -main
+;; (defn -main
;; ([] (-main 0))
-;; ([index]
+;; ([index]
;; (time (solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index))))))
-(defn -main
+(defn -main
([] (-main "0"))
- ([index]
- (time
+ ([index]
+ (time
(binding [*unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed
- *warn-on-reflection* true]
+ *warn-on-reflection* true]
(solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index)))))))
From 409422b84867113f444c885da7b735bc323eed3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leif Poorman <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 21:06:29 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Calculate blockwise; parallelize
src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
index f05d15d..8f661d4 100644
--- a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
+++ b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
@@ -93,18 +93,17 @@
(defn- visible-color-frequencies
- [{:keys [canvas-width canvas-height papers paper-index]}]
- (let [canvas (last papers)]
- (persistent!
- (reduce
- (fn [acc coord]
- (if-let [color (visible-color coord canvas paper-index)]
- (assoc! acc color (inc (get acc color 0)))
- acc))
- (transient {})
- (for [y (range canvas-height)
- x (range canvas-width)]
- [x y])))))
+ [xlo xhi ylo yhi papers]
+ (persistent!
+ (reduce
+ (fn [acc coord]
+ (if-let [color (old-visible-color coord papers)]
+ (assoc! acc color (inc (get acc color 0)))
+ acc))
+ (transient {})
+ (for [y (range ylo yhi)
+ x (range xlo xhi)]
+ [x y]))))
(defn- solve
@@ -112,7 +111,22 @@
input (assoc input
(make-paper-index (last (:papers input)) (:papers input)))
- color-map (visible-color-frequencies input)
+ w (:canvas-width input)
+ h (:canvas-height input)
+ canvas (last (:papers input))
+ xstep (int (Math/ceil (/ w (float BLOCKS))))
+ ystep (int (Math/ceil (/ h (float BLOCKS))))
+ maps (doall
+ (pmap (fn [[xi yi]]
+ (let [xlo (* xstep xi)
+ ylo (* ystep yi)
+ xhi (min w (+ xstep xlo))
+ yhi (min h (+ ystep ylo))
+ idx (coarse-index canvas xlo ylo)
+ papers (get (:paper-index input) idx)]
+ (visible-color-frequencies xlo xhi ylo yhi papers)))
+ (for [xi (range BLOCKS) yi (range BLOCKS)] [xi yi])))
+ color-map (apply merge-with + maps)
sorted (sort-by key color-map)]
(doseq [line sorted]
(println (key line) (val line)))))
@@ -128,4 +142,5 @@
(binding [*unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed
*warn-on-reflection* true]
- (solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index)))))))
+ (solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index)))))
+ (shutdown-agents)))
From 18622f3c7d5e7d051a2550ec232fb41d5fa56c12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leif Poorman <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 21:19:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Make paper a record; use direct field access
src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj | 14 +++++---------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
index 8f661d4..c9568b3 100644
--- a/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
+++ b/src/rdp/214_intermediate.clj
@@ -11,16 +11,12 @@
(#(clojure.string/split %1 #" "))
(map #(Integer/parseInt %1))))))
+(defrecord Paper [color x1 y1 w h x2 y2])
(defn- make-paper
([w h] (make-paper 0 0 0 w h))
([color x y w h]
- {:color color
- :x1 x
- :y1 y
- :w w
- :h h
- :x2 (dec (+ x w))
- :y2 (dec (+ y h))}))
+ (->Paper color x y w h (dec (+ x w)) (dec (+ y h)))))
(defn- parse-inputs
@@ -45,8 +41,8 @@
(defn- covered?
- [[canvas-x canvas-y] {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
- (and (<= x1 canvas-x x2) (<= y1 canvas-y y2)))
+ [[canvas-x canvas-y] ^Paper p]
+ (and (<= (.x1 p) canvas-x (.x2 p)) (<= (.y1 p) canvas-y (.y2 p))))
(defn- intersects?
[{left-1 :x1 top-1 :y1 right-1 :x2 bottom-1 :y2 :as rect1}

Some ideas on amithgeorge/reddit-dailyprogrammer-clojure, problem 214_intermediate.

I started with this commit.

Then I:

  1. Divided the canvas into 10x10 blocks, created an index of {blockindex -> papers that intersect that block}. The reasoning is that if we calculate which block a pixel is in, we only need to check the papers that intersect that block.
  2. Changed the code to calculate colors for a block at a time; after that, it was a simple 2-line change to parallelize the work using pmap
  3. Make paper a record; use direct field access (this resulted in a modest improvement, but maybe not worth it).
  4. EDIT: use arrays for papers and color histogram, primitive type hints on Paper record fields

I made no effort to clean up the code or reduce duplication, sorry for the hacky stream-of-consciousness code.


I ran lein run 1 after every commit, and got:

  • Original code: 528477.159348 msecs
  • After indexing: 105969.135633 msecs (~5x speedup)
  • After parallelization: 12879.919062 msecs (~8x speedup again, on 12-core machine)
  • After making Paper a record: 11408.637102 msecs (~10% speedup)
  • EDIT: After using arrays for papers and color histogram and type hinting record fields: 1155.723592 msecs

The OP amithgeorge said here that the original code ran in 250-500 seconds on his machine (I'm unsure which version each benchmark was for). His C# version ran in 40 seconds. So I would say 11 seconds (or even 106) is a respectable showing.

EDIT: 1 second is definitely acceptable, don't you think?

(ns rdp.214-intermediate
(:require [ :as io]))
(def BLOCKS 10)
(defn- read-line-ints
([] (read-line-ints (read-line)))
(if-let [line input-line]
(->> line
(#(clojure.string/split %1 #" "))
(map #(Integer/parseInt %1))))))
(defrecord Paper [^long color ^long x1 ^long y1 ^long w ^long h ^long x2 ^long y2])
(defn- make-paper
([w h] (make-paper 0 0 0 w h))
([color x y w h]
(->Paper color x y w h (dec (+ x w)) (dec (+ y h)))))
(defn- parse-inputs
(let [[canvas-width canvas-height] (read-line-ints)]
(loop [papers (list (make-paper canvas-width canvas-height))
colors #{0}]
(if-let [[color x y w h] (read-line-ints)]
(recur (conj papers (make-paper color x y w h))
(conj colors color))
{:papers (into [] papers)
:colors colors
:canvas-width canvas-width
:canvas-height canvas-height}))))
(defn- read-input-file
[rdr (io/reader (io/resource file-name))]
(binding [*in* rdr]
(def ^:private input-files
(defn- covered?
[^long canvas-x ^long canvas-y ^Paper p]
(and (<= (.x1 p) canvas-x)
(<= canvas-x (.x2 p))
(<= (.y1 p) canvas-y)
(<= canvas-y (.y2 p))))
(defn- intersects?
[{left-1 :x1 top-1 :y1 right-1 :x2 bottom-1 :y2 :as rect1}
{left-2 :x1 top-2 :y1 right-2 :x2 bottom-2 :y2 :as rect2}]
(or (> left-1 right-2) ; 1 to right of 2
(< right-1 left-2) ; 1 to left of 2
(> top-1 bottom-2) ; 1 below 2
(< bottom-1 top-2) ; 1 above 2
(defn- coarse-index [canvas x y]
(let [x-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:w canvas) (float BLOCKS))))
y-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:h canvas) (float BLOCKS))))
x-idx (quot x x-step)
y-idx (quot y y-step)]
(+ (* BLOCKS y-idx) x-idx)))
(defn- subdiv-rect [canvas x-idx y-idx]
(let [x-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:w canvas) BLOCKS)))
y-step (int (Math/ceil (/ (:h canvas) BLOCKS)))]
(make-paper 0 (* x-idx x-step) (* y-idx y-step) x-step y-step)))
(defn- make-paper-index [canvas papers]
(fn [index [xi yi]]
(let [rect (subdiv-rect canvas xi yi)]
(assoc index
(+ (* BLOCKS yi) xi)
(into-array (filter #(intersects? rect %) papers)))))
(for [xi (range BLOCKS) yi (range BLOCKS)] [xi yi])))
#_(defn- old-visible-color
[coord papers]
(some #(when (covered? coord %1) (:color %1))
(defn- old-visible-color
[^long x ^long y ^"[Lrdp.214_intermediate.Paper;" papers]
(let [len (alength papers)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i len)
(let [p ^Paper (aget papers i)]
(if (covered? x y p)
(.color p)
(recur (unchecked-inc i))))
(defn- visible-color
[coord canvas paper-index]
(let [i (apply coarse-index canvas coord)
papers (get paper-index i [])]
(some #(when (covered? coord %1) (:color %1))
(defn- visible-color-frequencies
[xlo xhi ylo yhi papers]
(let [acc (transient {})]
(doseq [y (range ylo yhi)
x (range xlo xhi)]
(when-let [color (old-visible-color x y papers)]
(assoc! acc color (inc (get acc color 0)))))
(persistent! acc)))
(defn- visible-color-frequencies-arr
[xlo xhi ylo yhi colors papers]
(let [color-counts (long-array (count colors))]
(doseq [y (range ylo yhi)
x (range xlo xhi)]
(when-let [color (old-visible-color x y papers)]
(aset ^longs color-counts color
(inc (aget ^longs color-counts color)))))
(zipmap (range) color-counts)))
(defn- solve
(let [input (read-input-file input-file)
input (assoc input
(make-paper-index (last (:papers input)) (:papers input)))
w (:canvas-width input)
h (:canvas-height input)
canvas (last (:papers input))
colors (:colors input)
xstep (int (Math/ceil (/ w (float BLOCKS))))
ystep (int (Math/ceil (/ h (float BLOCKS))))
maps (doall
(pmap (fn [[xi yi]]
(let [xlo (* xstep xi)
ylo (* ystep yi)
xhi (min w (+ xstep xlo))
yhi (min h (+ ystep ylo))
idx (coarse-index canvas xlo ylo)
papers (get (:paper-index input) idx)]
(visible-color-frequencies-arr xlo xhi ylo yhi colors papers)))
(for [xi (range BLOCKS) yi (range BLOCKS)] [xi yi])))
color-map (apply merge-with + maps)
sorted (sort-by key color-map)]
(doseq [line sorted]
(println (key line) (val line)))))
;; (defn -main
;; ([] (-main 0))
;; ([index]
;; (time (solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index))))))
(defn -main
([] (-main "0"))
(binding [*unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed
*warn-on-reflection* true]
(solve (input-files (Integer/parseInt index)))))
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