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Created August 18, 2021 02:28
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//// Using BigQuery query results to populate a template slide deck ////
// This object defines the queries associate with each of the params used in the template
var queryObj = {
"new_cust": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `looker-private-demo.retail.customers` as custs " +
"JOIN `looker-private-demo.retail.transaction_detail` as trans ON = trans.customer_id " +
", UNNEST(trans.line_items) as line_items " +
"WHERE TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(custs.created_at,WEEK) = @week " +
"AND line_items.product_id in (select id from `looker-private-demo.retail.products` where category = @team);",
"rep_rate": "WITH repeat_orders as " +
"(SELECT trans.transaction_id as order_id, trans.transaction_timestamp as order_date, MIN(repeat_trans.transaction_timestamp) AS next_order_date " +
"FROM `looker-private-demo.retail.transaction_detail` as trans, UNNEST(trans.line_items) as line_items " +
"LEFT JOIN `looker-private-demo.retail.transaction_detail` repeat_trans ON trans.customer_id = repeat_trans.customer_id " +
"AND trans.transaction_timestamp < repeat_trans.transaction_timestamp WHERE " +
"TIMESTAMP_TRUNC( trans.transaction_timestamp,WEEK) = @week AND line_items.product_id in " +
"(select id from `looker-private-demo.retail.products` where category = @team) GROUP BY 1,2)" +
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN TIMESTAMP_DIFF(order_date, next_order_date, DAY) <= 30 THEN order_id ELSE NULL END) / NULLIF(COUNT(*),0) " +
"AS repeat_purchase_rate FROM repeat_orders;",
"sales": "SELECT SUM(line_items.sale_price) as total_sales " +
"FROM `looker-private-demo.retail.transaction_detail` as trans, UNNEST(trans.line_items) as line_items " +
"WHERE TIMESTAMP_TRUNC( trans.transaction_timestamp,WEEK) = @week AND line_items.product_id in " +
"(select id from `looker-private-demo.retail.products` where category = @team);",
"orders": "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT trans.transaction_id) as total_sales " +
"FROM `looker-private-demo.retail.transaction_detail` as trans, UNNEST(trans.line_items) as line_items " +
"WHERE TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(trans.transaction_timestamp,WEEK) = @week AND line_items.product_id in " +
"(select id from `looker-private-demo.retail.products` where category = @team);"
// Get the sunday for the previous complete week to use as the week filter
var curr = new Date();
var week = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(curr.setDate(curr.getDate() - curr.getDay() - 7)), "UTC", "YYYY-MM-dd");
// This function makes a copy of the template slide deck and returns the URL for the new deck
function makeCopy(){
// The Id of the presentation to copy
var templateId = "1sKCi5Ss_cXJIXo8waWu23rg8cziv_CYjy8mcnjT_QUM";
// Copy the file into the specified folder
var copyFile = {
title: "All Hands - Week of " + week,
parents: [{id: '14N9s7ASFiA5DSPJyJJJjGTWGiwg_Ofi2'}]
copyFile = Drive.Files.copy(copyFile, templateId);
var copyID =;
Logger.log("Created Copy - "+ copyID)
return copyID
// This function runs the specified query with given inputs
function runQuery(param, teamName) {
var projectId = 'leigha-bq-dev';
// If no param is provided, then the user is looking to get all the distinct teams
if(param == 'teams'){
query = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM `looker-private-demo.retail.products`"
query = queryObj[param]
var request = {
query: query,
queryParameters: [{name: 'team', parameterValue: {value: teamName}, parameterType: {type: 'STRING'}},
{name: 'week', parameterValue: {value: week}, parameterType: {type: 'STRING'}},],
useLegacySql: false
// If just looking for team names then you don't need the params
if(param == 'teams'){
request = {query:query, useLegacySql: false}
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request, projectId);
var jobId = queryResults.jobReference.jobId;
// Check on status of the Query Job
var sleepTimeMs = 500;
while (!queryResults.jobComplete) {
sleepTimeMs *= 2;
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.getQueryResults(projectId, jobId);
// Get all the rows of results
var rows = queryResults.rows;
while (queryResults.pageToken) {
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.getQueryResults(projectId, jobId, {
pageToken: queryResults.pageToken
rows = rows.concat(queryResults.rows);
// Unnest results from object
var results = []
rows.forEach((val) => {val.f.forEach((n_val) => {results.push(n_val.v)})})
// Return the results
return results
// This function uses the results of the query to populate the slide deck
function populateSlide(teamName, slideID, presentationID){
// Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for the slide based on the query object defined at the top of the script
requests = [{
replaceAllText: {
pageObjectIds: [slideID],
containsText: {
text: '{{team_name}}',
matchCase: true
replaceText: teamName
replaceAllText: {
containsText: {
text: '{{week}}',
matchCase: true
replaceText: week
for(var param in queryObj){
var val = runQuery(param, teamName)
replaceAllText: {
pageObjectIds: [slideID],
containsText: {
text: '{{' + param + '}}',
matchCase: true
replaceText: val[0]
// Execute the requests for this presentation
var result = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({requests: requests}, presentationID);
// This function runs through each team, makes a copy of the slide, and runs each helper function to run the queries and fill in the variables on the slide
function runScript(){
// First make a copy of the whole deck and get the ID for the new slide deck
var presentationID = makeCopy();
var slides = Slides.Presentations.get(presentationID).slides;
// Loop through each team name and make a copy of the slide
var teamNames = runQuery(param="teams", teamName="NA");
teamNames.forEach((team) => {
// Make a copy of the second slide
var requests = [{duplicateObject: {objectId: slides[1].objectId}}];
var resp = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationID);
// Populate the slide
populateSlide(team, resp.replies[0].duplicateObject.objectId, presentationID)
// Remove the second slide
var requests = [{deleteObject: {objectId: slides[1].objectId}}];
var resp = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationID);
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