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Created April 24, 2020 03:57
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Repeat Practice, Kata 8 on Codewars
Over the Intermission break, I worked on CodeWars, kata 8, to practice pseudo-code skills, and gain exposure to different ways of coding.
####1. String Repeat
Instructions: Write a function named repeatString that repeats the string (str), "n" times.
Sample tests:
describe("Tests", function() {
it ("Basic tests", function() {
Test.assertSimilar(repeatStr(3, "*"), "***");
Test.assertSimilar(repeatStr(5, "#"), "#####");
Test.assertSimilar(repeatStr(2, "ha "), "ha ha ");
Write a function named repeatString that repeats the string (str), n times.
string and n will be placeholders
repeatString(n, str) {
(instance of string) * n; <---- research string.protoypes, assign to variable
return "str repeated by n" <----- return variable
repeatString(n, str) {
var repeatedString = str.repeat(n);
return repeatedString
#### 2. Century From Year
The first century spans from the year 1 up to and including the year 100, The second - from the year 101 up to and including the year 200, etc. Given a year, return the century it is in.
Sample tests
Test.assertEquals(century(1705), 18, 'Testing for year 1705');
Test.assertEquals(century(1900), 19, 'Testing for year 1900');
Test.assertEquals(century(1601), 17, 'Testing for year 1601');
Test.assertEquals(century(2000), 20, 'Testing for year 2000');
Test.assertEquals(century(89), 1, 'Testing for year 89');
write function with year as parameter
year - 1
century is year/100
round down
add 1
function century(year) {
century = Math.floor((year-1)/100) + 1;
return `${century}, Testing for year ${year}`;
#### 3. Abbreviate a 2-Word Name
Write a function to convert a name into initials. This kata strictly takes two words with one space in between them.
The output should be two capital letters with a dot separating them.
Sample tests:
Test.assertEquals(abbrevName("Sam Harris"), "S.H");
Test.assertEquals(abbrevName("Patrick Feenan"), "P.F");
Test.assertEquals(abbrevName("Evan Cole"), "E.C");
Test.assertEquals(abbrevName("P Favuzzi"), "P.F");
Test.assertEquals(abbrevName("David Mendieta"), "D.M");
Write function shell and pass in 2-word name.
function abbrevName("Two Words") {
get each word; <--- research string.proto()
var getIndivWord = string.split();
get first char of each word
capitalize the chars
Add "." to each char
return interpolate "1stchar" + "." + 2ndChar" + "."
function abbrevName(name) {
var splitName = name.split(" ");
var firstName = splitName[0];
var secondName = splitName[1]
var firstInit = firstName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
var secInit = secondName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
return `${firstInit}.${secInit}`
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