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Created October 30, 2017 14:34
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Basic Radix sort via Counting Sort
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import random
from itertools import filterfalse, tee
def get_digit(number, digit):
# Given number, pull the digit-th digit (starts at 0).
# e.g. get_digit(120, 2) => 1
# e.g. get_digit(120, 0) => 0
return number // 10**digit % 10
def counting_sort(seq, digit, radix=10):
sorted_list = [0] * len(seq)
buckets = [0] * radix
# now iterate through and build a histogram of values by digit
for elem in seq:
place = get_digit(elem, digit)
print("Elem: {} Digit: {} Place: {}".format(elem, digit, place))
buckets[place] += 1
print("buckets {}".format(buckets))
# calculate starting index for each key
total = 0
for i in range(radix):
oldCount = buckets[i]
buckets[i] = total
total += oldCount
print("histo index buckets: {}".format(buckets))
for elem in seq:
print("Elem: {} - Putting something into element: sorted_list[{}]".format(elem, buckets[get_digit(elem, digit)]))
sorted_list[buckets[get_digit(elem, digit)]] = elem
buckets[get_digit(elem, digit)] += 1
print("digit buckets {}".format(buckets))
print("Sorted list: {}".format(sorted_list))
#return sorted_list
for i in range(len(seq)):
print("seq[{}]={} sorted_list[{}]={}".format(i, seq[i], i, sorted_list[i]))
seq[i] = sorted_list[i]
def filter_negpos(seq):
t1, t2 = tee(seq)
return list(filterfalse(lambda i: i >= 0, t1)), list(filter(lambda i: i>= 0, t2))
# A radix sort
# can operate different ways
# Usually order by radix and then sort via counting or bucket sort,
# but radix sort can be used exclusively
# For efficiency, use counting sort as the sorting subfunction
def digit_radix_sort(seq):
negatives, positives = filter_negpos(seq)
max_number = max(positives)
min_number = min(negatives)
max_digits = int(math.log(max_number, 10))
min_digits = int(math.log(abs(min_number), 10))
for i in range(max_digits + 1):
# now we're [0, max_number] range
counting_sort(positives, i)
for i in range(min_digits + 1):
counting_sort(negatives, i)
return negatives + positives
if __name__ == '__main__':
#ulist = [int(100000 * random.random()) for i in range(100)]
ulist = [-1, 35, -24, 245, 958, 380, 243, 223, 224, 253]
sorted_list = digit_radix_sort(ulist)
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