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Last active December 28, 2015 05:49
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extract from a VCF known disease loci obtained from Gene Cards
default: vcffilesdone
rm disease_loci/*/*vcf
rm vcffilesdone
#gene cards list of known disease loci
curl > diseaseloci.html
#scrape loci
toploci.txt : diseaseloci.html
perl -ne 'm/([0-9XY]+[pq][0-9.]+)/g and print $$1."\n";' < diseaseloci.html | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | perl -ne 'm/(\S+)$$/ and print $$1."\n"' > toploci.txt
#get locus coordinates
cytoBand.txt :
gunzip cytoBand.txt.gz
#put coordinates in useful format
cytoBand.grc.txt : cytoBand.txt
perl -ne 'm/chr(\S+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\S+)/;print "$$1\t$$2\t$$3\t$$1$$4\n"' cytoBand.txt > cytoBand.grc.txt
#extract top loci as bed file
toploci.bed : toploci.txt cytoBand.grc.txt
grep -f toploci.txt cytoBand.grc.txt | cut -f1,2,3 > toploci.bed
CEU.trio.2010_03.genotypes.annotated.vcf : CEU.trio.2010_03.genotypes.annotated.vcf.gz
gunzip $<
#split vcf files
vcffilesdone : toploci.bed CEU.trio.2010_03.genotypes.annotated.vcf
mkdir -p "disease_loci/locus_"$$COUNTER
cat toploci.bed | while read line; do COUNTER=$$((COUNTER+1)); echo "$$line" | bedtools intersect -a CEU.trio.2010_03.genotypes.annotated.vcf -b - -header -wa > "disease_loci/locus_"$$COUNTER"/locus_"$$COUNTER".vcf"; done;
touch vcffilesdone
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