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Last active January 19, 2018 05:25
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pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'COOKBOOKS', defaultVaule: "[jenkins,common,base]", description:"Add your cookbooks as []")
stages {
stage('fetch target chef') {
steps {
git 'ssh://'
stage('Testing - Staging') {
steps {
dir('cookbooks') {
script {
def cookbooks = ${params.COOKBOOKS}.trim().replaceAll(~/^\[|\]$/, '').split(',')
for (String item:cookbooks ) {
sh "cookstyle ${item}"
stage('Diff - Cookbooks') {
steps {
dir('cookbooks') {
script {
def cookbooks = "${params.COOKBOOKS}".trim().replaceAll(~/^\[|\]$/, '').split(',')
for (String item:cookbooks ) {
echo 'Diff start'
sh """
knife cookbook download ${item} -N -d old_${item}
diff -r old_${item}/* ${item} || true
stage('Sanity check') {
steps {
input "Does the staging environment look ok?"
stage('Deploy - Production') {
steps {
sh 'echo done'
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