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Created April 20, 2023 12:29
* Listen to any events on any elements
* Set passive elements by default
* Avoid listening multiple times to the same event for the same handler
* Support a virtual "connected" event that allows triggering code only once
const CONNECTED = "connected";
const supportedPassiveTypes = [
// Store all listened elements in here
// Use a WeakMap so they can be garbage collected once removed from dom
// event listeners will be cleaned up eventually in modern browsers (hopefully)
const map = new WeakMap();
* @param {String|NodeList|Array} target
* @param {String|Array} type
* @param {EventListener} listener
* @param {EventListenerOptions|Boolean} options
function listen(target, type, listener, options = false) {
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
type.forEach((type) => {
listen(target, type, listener, options);
const list = target instanceof NodeList || target instanceof Array ? target : document.querySelectorAll(target);
* @param {HTMLElement} el
(el) => {
let registry, set;
registry = map.get(el);
if (!registry) {
registry = new Map();
map.set(el, registry);
set = registry.get(type);
if (!set) {
set = new Set();
registry.set(type, set);
// Need toString comparison to compare anonymous functions instantiated multiple times
const str = listener.toString();
if (set.has(str)) {
// Don't listen multiple times for the same listener
* @type {AddEventListenerOptions}
let listenerOptions = {};
if (options instanceof Boolean) {
listenerOptions.capture = !!options;
} else {
listenerOptions = Object.assign(listenerOptions, options);
// @link
if (supportedPassiveTypes.includes(type)) {
listenerOptions = Object.assign(
passive: true,
el.addEventListener(type, listener, listenerOptions);
// Fake connected event, which makes syntax simpler when defining init code that should run only once
if (type === CONNECTED) {
el.dispatchEvent(new Event(CONNECTED));
export default listen;
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