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Created April 20, 2023 12:35
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* Entwine is inspired by a js lib (
* that allows binding behaviour to a give selector
* This library is a modern take on the same subject
* All elements get their own event listeners attached. This is an alternative approach
* to have one big delegator that deals with everything (see listen.js if that's what you want)
* I'm actually not sure what's the course of action ? :-)
* Supports once and passive events
* (dis)connected logic inspired by
const CONNECTED = "connected";
const DISCONNECTED = "disconnected";
let observer;
let globalListener;
let onceListener;
* A map that stores all elements with listeners
* Since it's a weak map, elements will get garbage collected
* But even then, we remove them as early as possible
* @type {WeakMap<HTMLElement|EventTarget, Array>}
let elementsMap = new WeakMap();
* Holds all definitions
* Multiple selectors can match the same elements (eg: button, .btn)
* @type {Object<string, Map<string, Object>>}
let definitionsNS = {};
const supportedPassiveTypes = [
class Listener {
constructor(once = false) {
this.once = once;
* @param {Event} ev
handleEvent(ev) {
Note: The value of event.currentTarget is only available while the event is being handled.
If you console.log() the event object,
storing it in a variable, and then look for the currentTarget key
in the console, its value will be null`.
const target = ev.currentTarget;
const selectors = elementsMap.get(target);
if (!selectors) {
// Call all definitions for this element by matching selector
selectors.forEach((selector) => {
callDefinitions(target, ev, selector, this.once);
* @param {HTMLElement|EventTarget} el
* @param {Event} ev
* @param {String} selector
* @param {Boolean} once
* @returns {void}
function callDefinitions(el, ev, selector, once = false) {
// Look for all definitions by namespace
for (const [ns, definitionsMap] of Object.entries(definitionsNS)) {
const def = definitionsMap.get(selector);
// Check if we have the event in our definitions
if (!def) {
const eventType = once ? `once_${ev.type}` : ev.type;
if (def[eventType]) {
def[eventType](ev, el);
* @param {HTMLElement} el
function bindRelevantDefinitions(el) {
for (const [ns, definitionsMap] of Object.entries(definitionsNS)) {
definitionsMap.forEach((definitions, selector) => {
queryAndMatch(el, selector).forEach((el) => {
bindDefinitions(el, definitions, selector);
* @param {String} selector
* @param {Object} definitions
* @param {HTMLElement|Document} root
function bindSelectorDefinitions(selector, definitions, root = document) {
* @param {HTMLElement} el
(el) => {
bindDefinitions(el, definitions, selector);
* Ignore private methods (starting with _), any other key is considered as an event
* @param {Object} definitions
* @returns {Array}
function getValidEvents(definitions) {
return Object.keys(definitions).filter((k) => {
return k.indexOf("_") !== 0;
* @typedef {object} ListenerOptions
* @property {string} type
* @property {EventListenerObject} listener
* @property {AddEventListenerOptions} opts
* @param {String} type
* @returns {ListenerOptions}
function getListenerOptions(type) {
const opts = {};
if (supportedPassiveTypes.includes(type)) {
opts.passive = true;
let listener = globalListener;
if (type.indexOf("once_") === 0) {
listener = onceListener;
type = type.replace("once_", "");
opts.once = true;
return { type, listener, opts };
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {Object} definitions
* @param {String} selector
function bindDefinitions(el, definitions, selector) {
getValidEvents(definitions).forEach((k) => {
const { type, listener, opts } = getListenerOptions(k);
el.addEventListener(type, listener, opts);
// If definition is added after DOMContentLoaded, call connected immediately
if (k === CONNECTED && DOMContentLoaded) {
callDefinitions(el, new Event(CONNECTED), selector);
let selectors = elementsMap.get(el) ?? [];
// Add selector to element map
if (selectors.indexOf(selector) === -1) {
elementsMap.set(el, selectors);
* @param {HTMLElement} el
function removeDefinitions(el) {
for (const [ns, definitionsMap] of Object.entries(definitionsNS)) {
definitionsMap.forEach((definitions, selector) => {
queryAndMatch(el, selector).forEach((el) => {
getValidEvents(definitions).forEach((k) => {
const { type, listener, opts } = getListenerOptions(k);
el.removeEventListener(type, listener, opts);
* @callback ElementCallback
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @returns {void}
* Call a function on an element and all its children
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {ElementCallback} cb
function recursive(el, cb) {
* @param {HTMLElement} child
(child) => {
* Returns all children matching selector and also check root element
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {String} selector
* @returns {Array<HTMLElement>}
function queryAndMatch(el, selector) {
let arr = [];
if (el.matches(selector)) {
return arr.concat(Array.from(el.querySelectorAll(`:scope ${selector}`)));
* @param {HTMLElement} el
function removeElementFromMap(el) {
recursive(el, (el) => {
if (elementsMap.has(el)) {
* @param {NodeList} nodes
* @param {String} type
function dispatchAll(nodes, type) {
for (let length = nodes.length, i = 0; i < length; ) {
const node = nodes[i++];
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
dispatchTarget(node, new Event(type));
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {Event} ev
function dispatchTarget(el, ev) {
let dispatched = false;
recursive(el, (el) => {
if (dispatched) {
if (elementsMap.has(el)) {
dispatched = true;
let DOMContentLoaded = false;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (ev) => {
// Call connected on all relevant selectors
for (const [ns, definitionsMap] of Object.entries(definitionsNS)) {
definitionsMap.forEach((defs, selector) => {
if (!defs[CONNECTED]) {
document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((el) => {
callDefinitions(el, new Event(CONNECTED), selector);
DOMContentLoaded = true;
* @param {string} selector
* @param {Object} definitions
* @param {string} ns
export default function entwine(selector, definitions, ns = "default") {
// init
if (!observer) {
observer = new MutationObserver(
* @param {Array<MutationRecord>} mutations
(mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
// Bind all relevant definitions
* @param {HTMLElement} el
(el) => {
dispatchAll(mutation.removedNodes, DISCONNECTED);
dispatchAll(mutation.addedNodes, CONNECTED);
// Don't wait for GC
* @param {HTMLElement} el
(el) => {
// Is this really necessary ?
observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
globalListener = new Listener();
onceListener = new Listener(true);
const definitionsMap = definitionsNS[ns] ?? new Map();
// It's a new definition namespace, register it
if (definitionsMap.size === 0) {
definitionsNS[ns] = definitionsMap;
let defs = Object.assign(definitionsMap.get(selector) ?? {}, definitions);
definitionsMap.set(selector, defs);
bindSelectorDefinitions(selector, defs);
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