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Last active August 20, 2021 12:32
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Dump php variables like a pro
// This file need to be included before vendor/autoload.php
if (!function_exists('dump')) {
function dump(...$vars)
$placeholder = "vscode://file/{file}:{line}:0";
// Get caller info
$file = '';
$basefile = "unknown";
$line = 0;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3);
// Remove one step if called through dd
if (!empty($backtrace[1]) && is_array($backtrace[1]) && $backtrace[1]['function'] === "dd") {
// Check origin
if (!empty($backtrace[0]) && is_array($backtrace[0])) {
$file = $backtrace[0]['file'];
$line = $backtrace[0]['line'];
$basefile = basename($file);
// Extract arguments
if ($file) {
$src = file($file);
$srcLine = $src[$line - 1];
// Find all arguments, ignore variables within parenthesis
preg_match("/d\((.+)\)/", $srcLine, $matches);
$arguments = [];
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$arguments = array_map('trim', preg_split("/(?![^(]*\)),/", $matches[1]));
// Display vars
$i = 0;
foreach ($vars as $v) {
$name = $arguments[$i] ?? 'debug';
if (in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'])) {
echo "$name in $basefile:$line\n";
} else {
$ideLink = str_replace(['{file}', '{line}'], [$file, $line], $placeholder);
echo "<pre>$name in <a href=\"$ideLink\">$basefile:$line</a></pre>";
return $vars;
if (!function_exists('dd')) {
function dd(...$vars)
call_user_func_array("dump", $vars);
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