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Created November 11, 2017 08:55
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Save lekro/cf01ebbf3e06099b78b3f9a992ad05c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Had a little too much fun visualizing people's numbers in the MW bracket, 11/11.
\begin{tikzpicture}[>= stealth']
\draw (0,0) -- (4.3,0) node[xshift=4ex] {\(\Re\{z\}\)};
\draw (0,0) -- (0,4.3) node[yshift=2ex] {\(\Im\{z\}\)};
\draw (0,0) -- (-2.3,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (0,-2.3);
\fill (0,0) circle (1pt) node[below left] {YZEROgame};
\fill (2,0) circle (1pt) node[above] {Topaz};
\fill (3,2) circle (1pt) node[above left] {Prozan};
\fill (3.14159,0.8pt) circle (1pt);
\draw [->] (4,1) node[above] {Kaisheng21} -- (3.14159,1pt);
\fill (3,0) circle (1pt);
\draw [->] (2,-1) node[below] {Evtema} -- (3,-1pt);
\fill (0,1) circle (1pt) node[above left] {Ausxh};
\fill (1,0) circle (1pt) node[below] {Adam};
\fill (22/7,-0.8pt) circle (1pt);
\draw [->] (4,-1) node[below] {CHRONOS!} -- (22/7,-1pt);
\draw[black!70!white] (2.8,3.8) node {\begin{tabular}{c}
MissileWars Tourney\\Lineup, Nov.11\\
\emph{Can you guess the bracket?}
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