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Created December 21, 2021 19:34
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An autohotkey script for animation-canceling while playing Stardew valley.
; Stardew Valley animation cancel script
; Original from this post:
; This version has been modified to be slightly more explicit about things like
; making sure that the Keyboard Hooks are in use.
; WARNING: make sure that the "Check/Do Action" control within the options of
; Stardew Valley is bound to a *DIFFERENT* key than the key that this script uses
; to trigger the animation canceling. If you have this script bound to the same
; key as the "Check/Do Action" key in-game, you'll face issues where holding down
; the key for this script causes your mouse to keep clicking over and over and
; over even after you've released the key for this script, which is very
; inconvenient in-game.
; By default this script is bound to the Spacebar key (labeled "Space" in the
; code below), and the "Check/Do Action" key of Stardew Valley is bound to the
; "x" key of the keyboard, so you may not ever encounter this problem. However,
; if you've been manually remapping things, you may have set "Check/Do Action" to
; be bound to the Spacebar within Stardew Valley. To fix the repeat-clicking
; issue, you should re-bind the "Check/Do Action" to a different key, e.g. back
; to "x". You can do this by opening Stardew Valley, pausing the game, going to
; the "Options" section (with the icon of a game controller) in the top bar, then
; scrolling about 80% of the way to the bottom, to a section labeled "Controls".
; In the "Controls" section, roughly the fourth option down should by "Check/Do
; Action". Click that to rebind it to a different key of your choice.
#SingleInstance, Force
#IfWinActive, Stardew Valley
Sleep, x * 16.666
While GetKeyState("Space", "P")
SendEvent, {LButton Down}
SendEvent, {LButton Up}
SleepForFrames(5) ; This value depends heavily on the actual FPS you're getting
SendEvent, {r Down}{Delete Down}{RShift Down}
SendEvent, {r Up}{Delete Up}{RShift Up}
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