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Last active June 5, 2024 16:02
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Save lelanthran/0ab8830c753dba63bbc1c98510a158f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small program to proxy and record all traffic to a server.
/* ********************************************************
* Copyright ©2024 Rundata Systems. All rights reserved.
* This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License. You
* can find a copy of this license at:
* More detail (1m read):
* Example usage (3m video):
#warning TODO: 1. Port to Windows + MacOS
#warning TODO: 2. Implement MitM using user-supplied certificates
" Copyright ©2024 Rundata Systems. All rights reserved.\n"\
" This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License. You\n"\
" can find a copy of this license at:\n"\
/* ********************************************************
* See the link to youtube for a short example of usage.
* I use this program in two vertically-maximised xterms
* side-by-side on a separate workspace. Sometimes on a second
* screen. One terminal does
* `tail -f verbose_server.txt`
* and the other terminal does
* `tail -f * verbose_client.txt`.
* I find it useful to watch traffic when developing, instead of
* using whatever devtools to look for the traffic when a problem
* arises.
* Clicking around in the interface is slower than simply switching
* workspaces and eyeballing the traffic scroll by.
/* ********************************************************
* Compiled with:
* gcc -W -Wall -Wextra -g verbose_proxy.c -o verbose_proxy
* The easiest way to execute the compile command above is by
* copying and pasting it into the command-line.
// Standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// POSIX headers
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pthread.h>
// Linux headers
// Project headers
/* ************************************************************************* *
* TODO: At some point replace this with the library calls to
* libnetcode if I want this to be portable to Windows.
* Copied verbatim out of libnetcode ...
int accept4(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int flags);
typedef int socket_t;
#define NETCODE_SOCK_VALID(x) (x > 0)
char *netcode_util_sockaddr_to_str (const struct sockaddr *sa)
#define UNKNOWN_AF ("Unknown Address Family")
char *ret = NULL;
if (!sa) {
ret = calloc (1, 2);
ret[0] = 0;
return ret;
switch (sa->sa_family) {
case AF_INET:
if (!(ret = calloc (1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1)))
return NULL;
inet_ntop (AF_INET, &(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr),
case AF_INET6:
if (!(ret = calloc (1, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1)))
return NULL;
inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr),
if (!(ret = calloc (1, strlen (UNKNOWN_AF) + 1)))
return NULL;
strcpy (ret, UNKNOWN_AF);
return ret;
socket_t netcode_tcp_server (uint16_t port)
/* ****************************************
* 1. Call socket() to create a socket
* 2. Call bind() to bind to a local address
* 3. Call listen() to wait for incoming connection
* 4. Call accept() to get the clients connection.
struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
addr.sin_port = htons (port);
socket_t fd = -1;
if (port==0) {
return -1;
if (!(NETCODE_SOCK_VALID(fd))) {
// NETCODE_UTIL_LOG ("socket() failed\n");
return -1;
int optval = 1;
if ((setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval)) !=0) {
// Warn??? This is not really required anyway
if (bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr)!=0) {
// NETCODE_UTIL_LOG ("bind() failed\n");
close (fd); fd = -1;
return -1;
if (listen (fd, 1000)!=0) {
// NETCODE_UTIL_LOG ("listen() failed\n");
close (fd); fd = -1;
return -1;
return fd;
socket_t netcode_tcp_accept (socket_t fd, uint32_t timeout_secs, char **addr, uint16_t *port)
struct sockaddr_in ret;
socklen_t retlen = sizeof ret;
socket_t retval = -1;
memset(&ret, 0xff, sizeof ret);
struct timeval tv = { timeout_secs , 0 };
fd_set fds[3];
for (uint32_t i=0; i<sizeof fds/sizeof fds[0]; i++) {
FD_ZERO (&fds[i]);
FD_SET (fd, &fds[i]);
int r = select ((int)fd + 1, &fds[0], NULL, &fds[2], &tv);
if (r==0) {
return 0;
/* *******************************************************************
* TODO: When migrating to linking with libnetcode, remember that
* that library, by default, returns sockets in non-blocking mode.
* The caller must set socket options to blocking.
// retval = accept4 (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ret, &retlen, SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC);
retval = accept4 (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ret, &retlen, SOCK_CLOEXEC);
if (retval <= 0) {
return -1;
/* This should be performed by the caller on every accepted socket.
#ifdef OSTYPE_Darwin
int optval = SO_NOSIGPIPE;
if (setsockopt (retval, SOL_SOCKET, &optval, sizeof optval)!=0) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "setsockopt(NOSIGPIPE) failure.\n");
close (retval);
return -1;
if (addr) {
*addr = netcode_util_sockaddr_to_str ((const struct sockaddr *)&ret);
if (port) {
*port = ntohs (ret.sin_port);
return retval;
socket_t netcode_tcp_connect (const char *server, uint16_t port)
/* ****************************************
* 0. Resolve the server name.
* 1. Call socket() to create a new socket.
* 2. Call connect() to connect to a remote server.
// Resolving server name
struct hostent *serv_addr = gethostbyname (server);
struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons (port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (server);
if (!serv_addr) {
return -1;
memcpy (&addr.sin_addr.s_addr, serv_addr->h_addr_list[0],
sizeof addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
// Creating socket endpoint
socket_t fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
return -1;
// Connecting endpoint to the server
if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr)!=0) {
close (fd);
return -1;
// Returning the connected fd to be used for reading/writing
return fd;
/* ************************************************************************* */
#define FPRINTF(f,...) do {\
fprintf (f, "%s:%i in %s(): ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);\
fprintf (f, __VA_ARGS__);\
} while (0);
static volatile sig_atomic_t g_end = 0;
void sigh (int n)
if (n == SIGINT) {
g_end = 1;
#define VERSION "0.0.7"
static char *sstrdup (const char *src)
if (!src)
return NULL;
char *ret = NULL;
size_t nbytes = strlen (src) + 1;
if (!(ret = malloc (nbytes))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "OOM error allocating new string from [%s]\n", src);
return NULL;
return strcpy (ret, src);
static bool smemicmp (const uint8_t *lhs, size_t nbytes, const uint8_t *rhs)
for (size_t i=0; i<nbytes; i++) {
if (tolower (*lhs++) != tolower (*rhs++)) {
return false;
return true;
/* Processor goes brrrrrrrr */
static uint8_t *sstrifind (uint8_t *src, size_t srclen,
const char *term, size_t termlen)
if (!src || !term)
return NULL;
if (srclen < termlen)
return NULL;
uint8_t *ret = NULL;
for (size_t i=0; i<(srclen - termlen + 1); i++) {
if ((smemicmp (&src[i], termlen, (const uint8_t *)term)))
return &src[i];
return ret;
struct thread_params_t {
socket_t dst;
socket_t src;
FILE *outf;
pthread_mutex_t *iomut;
static void thread_params_del (struct thread_params_t *p)
if (!p)
shutdown (p->src, SHUT_RDWR);
shutdown (p->dst, SHUT_RDWR);
close (p->src);
close (p->dst);
free (p);
static struct thread_params_t *thread_params_new (socket_t dst,
socket_t src,
pthread_mutex_t *iomut,
FILE *outf)
struct thread_params_t *ret = calloc (1, sizeof *ret);
if (!ret) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for client [%i:%i]\n",
dst, src);
thread_params_del (ret);
return NULL;
ret->dst = dst;
ret->src = src;
ret->outf = outf;
ret->iomut = iomut;
return ret;
static bool g_rawmode = false;
static void *proxyfd (void *params)
struct thread_params_t *p = params;
static const char str_ac[] = "accept-encoding";
static const size_t str_aclen = (sizeof str_ac) - 1;
static const size_t buflen = 1024 * 1024 * 8; // 8MB buffers
uint8_t *buf = malloc (buflen * sizeof *buf);
if (!buf) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to allocate buffer\n");
return NULL;
ssize_t nread;
while ((nread = read (p->src, buf, buflen)) > 0) {
if (g_rawmode) {
uint8_t *ac = sstrifind(buf, nread, str_ac, str_aclen);
if (ac) {
memset (ac, 'X', str_aclen);
pthread_mutex_lock (p->iomut);
fwrite (buf, 1, nread, p->outf);
fflush (p->outf);
pthread_mutex_unlock (p->iomut);
ssize_t index = 0;
while (index < nread) {
ssize_t nwrite = write (p->dst, &buf[index], nread - index);
if (nwrite < 0) {
// Not a very useful error message here - too much context
// is missing. But, we can return an error and the user should
// be able to determine which host or client was not written
// to.
FPRINTF (stderr, "Error writing to fd %i\n", p->dst);
return false;
index += nwrite > 0 ? nwrite : 0;
free (buf);
thread_params_del (p);
FPRINTF (stderr, "Thread ending\n");
return NULL;
static bool parse_all_args (const char *lport, const char *server_url,
size_t *dst_lport, char **dst_host, size_t *dst_sport)
bool error = true;
free (*dst_host);
*dst_host = NULL;
if (!lport || !server_url) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Missing mandatory arguments:\n"
"listen-port: [%s]\n"
"server_url: [%s]\n",
lport, server_url);
goto cleanup;
if (!(*dst_host = sstrdup (server_url))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to make a copy of server_url [%s]\n", server_url);
goto cleanup;
char *tmp = strchr (*dst_host, ':');
if (!tmp) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "No port specified in server_url [%s]\n", server_url);
goto cleanup;
*tmp++ = 0;
if ((sscanf (tmp, "%zu", dst_sport)) != 1) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to parse server port [%s]\n", tmp);
goto cleanup;
if ((sscanf (lport, "%zu", dst_lport)) != 1) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to parse server port [%s]\n", lport);
goto cleanup;
if (*dst_lport >= 0xffff || *dst_sport >= 0xffff) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Invalid port number specified\n"
"listen-port: [%zu]\n"
"server_url: [%zu]\n",
*dst_lport, *dst_sport);
goto cleanup;
error = false;
if (error) {
free (*dst_host);
*dst_host = NULL;
return !error;
static bool thread_create (socket_t dst, socket_t src,
pthread_mutex_t *mut, FILE *outf)
struct thread_params_t *params = thread_params_new (dst, src, mut, outf);
if (!params) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to create thread_params_t objects\n");
thread_params_del (params);
return false;
pthread_t tid;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_init (&attr);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, 1);
if ((errno = pthread_create (&tid, &attr, proxyfd, params)) != 0) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to create new thread: %m\n");
return false;
return true;
static const char *g_helpmsg[] = {
" Verbose Proxy: a program to proxy tcp text streams while capturing them.",
" verbose_proxy [options] <listen-port> <server-url>",
" <listen-port> must be a valid and free port on the local computer.",
" <server-url> must be of the form hostname:port. No protocol specification",
" prefix is allowed on the URL (protocol specification is not relevant",
" as all the data is captured as text).",
" -c <filename> Capture data *from* the client to the file <filename>.",
" The default is verbose_client.txt",
" -s <filename> Capture data *from* the server to the file <filename>.",
" The default is verbose_server.txt",
" -r Turns on raw mode, in which every byte is printed exactly",
" as received. The default is to attempt to uncompressed HTTP",
" payloads.",
" -h Print this message and exit with zero.",
" -v Print version information and exit with zero.",
" Most likely. Send bug reports to, with the subject",
" 'bug-report: verbose_proxy' or something similar.",
static const char *g_versionmsg[] = {
"Verbose Proxy " VERSION,
static void print_msg (const char **msg)
for (size_t i=0; msg[i]; i++) {
printf ("%s\n", msg[i]);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
char *opt_cfname = sstrdup ("verbose_client.txt"),
*opt_sfname = sstrdup ("verbose_server.txt");
char *arg_lport = NULL;
char *arg_server_url = NULL;
char *addr = NULL;
char *host = sstrdup ("");
size_t lport = 0,
sport = 0;
FILE *client_outf = NULL;
FILE *server_outf = NULL;
pthread_mutex_t iomut_client;
pthread_mutex_t iomut_server;
socket_t listenfd = (socket_t)-1;
if ((errno = pthread_mutex_init (&iomut_client, NULL)) != 0) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to initialise client mutex: %m\n");
goto cleanup;
if ((errno = pthread_mutex_init (&iomut_server, NULL)) != 0) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to initialise server mutex: %m\n");
goto cleanup;
// Parse all the options
int argv_index = 0;
for (argv_index=1; argv_index<argc && argv[argv_index]; argv_index++) {
if ((argv[argv_index][0]) != '-') {
switch (argv[argv_index][1]) {
case 'c':
free (opt_cfname);
opt_cfname = sstrdup (argv[++argv_index]);
case 's':
free (opt_sfname);
opt_sfname = sstrdup (argv[++argv_index]);
case 'r':
g_rawmode = true;
case 'h':
print_msg (g_helpmsg);
case 'v':
print_msg (g_versionmsg);
FPRINTF (stderr, "Unrecognised option flag '%s'\n", argv[argv_index]);
goto cleanup;
if (!opt_cfname || !opt_sfname) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Mangled command-line. Try -h\n");
goto cleanup;
if (!(client_outf = fopen (opt_cfname, "w")) ||
!(server_outf = fopen (opt_sfname, "w"))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to open output files\n"
opt_cfname, client_outf,
opt_sfname, server_outf);
goto cleanup;
printf ("Verbose Proxy version %s\n", VERSION);
printf ("Writing output to [%s] and [%s]\n", opt_cfname, opt_sfname);
// Parse the mandatory arguments - argv_index points to the
// listening-port argument
if (!argv[argv_index] || !(arg_lport = sstrdup (argv[argv_index]))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Missing a listening port number. Try -h\n");
goto cleanup;
if (!argv[argv_index] || !(arg_server_url = sstrdup (argv[argv_index]))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Missing a server URL. Try -h\n");
goto cleanup;
if (!arg_lport || !arg_server_url) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to read listening-port and server-url [%p:%p]\n",
arg_lport, arg_server_url);
goto cleanup;
if (!(parse_all_args (arg_lport, arg_server_url, &lport, &host, &sport))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to parse the command line arguments:"
"[listening-port: %s] "
"[server-url: %s]\n",
arg_lport, arg_server_url);
goto cleanup;
// Install the signal handler to exit cleanly
errno = 0;
if ((signal (SIGINT, sigh)) == SIG_ERR) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to install signal handler: %m\n");
goto cleanup;
// Return errors on disconnected writes, don't raise the signal
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
// Start the listener
errno = 0;
listenfd = netcode_tcp_server ((uint16_t)lport);
if (!(NETCODE_SOCK_VALID (listenfd))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to start listener on port %zu: %m\n", lport);
goto cleanup;
int errcount = 0;
uint16_t port = 0;
while (g_end == 0 && errcount < 5) {
free (addr);
addr = NULL;
errno = 0;
socket_t clientfd = netcode_tcp_accept (listenfd, 1, &addr, &port);
if (clientfd == 0) { // Timed out, ignore
if (!(NETCODE_SOCK_VALID (clientfd))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "accept returned [%i]: accept() failed: %m\n", clientfd);
sleep (1);
errcount = 0;
FPRINTF (stdout, "Accepted client [%s:%u]\n", addr, port);
socket_t serverfd = netcode_tcp_connect (host, sport);
if (!(NETCODE_SOCK_VALID (serverfd))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to connect to [%s:%zu]\n", host, sport);
shutdown (clientfd, SHUT_RDWR);
close (clientfd);
if (!(thread_create (clientfd, serverfd, &iomut_server, server_outf))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to create thread for server output [%s:%u]\n",
addr, port);
raise (SIGINT);
if (!(thread_create (serverfd, clientfd, &iomut_client, client_outf))) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "Failed to create thread for client output [%s:%u]\n",
addr, port);
raise (SIGINT);
// This is a memory leak, right here, when this point is reached while there
// are still threads with connected hosts. Easy enough to store threadcount
// and wait for it to reach zero, but why bother - we end the program at
// this point.
// *shrug*
if (client_outf) {
fclose (client_outf);
if (server_outf) {
fclose (server_outf);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&iomut_client);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&iomut_server);
free (addr);
free (host);
free (opt_cfname);
free (opt_sfname);
free (arg_lport);
free (arg_server_url);
return ret;
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