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Last active June 2, 2024 15:06
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Installing Windows 10 "built-in" SSH Server

Installing Windows 10 "built-in" SSH Server

Starting with Windows 10 build 1709, Windows integrates a port of OpenSSH, client and server.

This note describes how to install and configure the OpenSSH server sshd and run PowerShell scripts on a remote Windows server, from a Unix system, using SSH and public key authentication (no password).

Note: The way OpenSSH has been integrated in Windows 10 has changed a lot between versions 1709 and 21H2 of Windows 10. The Gist was updated several times to reflect the changes. This version applies to Windows 10 21H2.

OpenSSH server installation

First, open a PowerShell window with administrator privileges.

Check if OpenSSH server is installed:

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like 'OpenSSH*'

Name  : OpenSSH.Client~~~~
State : Installed

Name  : OpenSSH.Server~~~~
State : NotPresent

Here, the client is installed but not the server. This is the default configuration.

Install the server package (use the displayed name if a more recent version is available):

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~

Start the sshd service:

Start-Service sshd

Enable sshd automatic startup:

Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'

Check if the firewall rule for SSH is configured:

Get-NetFirewallRule -Name "OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP"

In case of error, add the firewall rule:

New-NetFirewallRule -Name 'OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP' -DisplayName 'OpenSSH Server (sshd)' -Enabled True -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -LocalPort 22

User configuration on the Windows server

To allow public key authentication, each user has to create the same type of authorized_keys file as on any Unix system. On Windows, the name of the file is C:\Users\_user_name_\.ssh\authorized_keys.

Create the .ssh subdirectory and the authorized_keys file with the list of allowed public keys.

On Unix systems, the authorized_keys file must have the protection mask 0600 or -rw-------. Similarly, the protection of the authorized_keys file must be manually adjusted on Windows.

Open a PowerShell window using your own user account and run the following commands:

$acl = Get-Acl ${env:HOMEDRIVE}${env:HOMEPATH}\.ssh\authorized_keys
$acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
$rule = New-Object$env:USERNAME,"FullControl","Allow")
$acl | Set-Acl

Important: It the user is an administrator user, you need to append the public key in C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys instead. Then, fix the protextion of the file from a PowerShell window with administrator privileges:

$acl = Get-Acl ${env:ProgramData}\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys
$acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
$rule1 = New-Object"Administrators","FullControl","Allow")
$rule2 = New-Object"SYSTEM","FullControl","Allow")
$acl | Set-Acl

Set Powershell as default shell

Now you can log in from your remote Unix systems using public key authentication and no password. The default shell is cmd.exe. To set Powershell as default shell, run the following command from a PowerShell window with administrator privileges:

New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH" -Name DefaultShell -Value "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -PropertyType String -Force
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