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Created January 31, 2022 21:32
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Cli tic tac toe game made in python
'''CLI tic-tac-toe game
This script allows the user to play a 2 player agme of tic-tac-toe
on the command line. The board is 0-indexed.
This script requires no extra modules to be installed within the Python
environment you are running this script in.
# nested list to store X & O
positions = [[' ' for i in range(3)], [' ' for i in range(3)], [
' ' for i in range(3)]]
welcomeMessage = '''
Welcome to cli tic-tac-toe!
r 1 | 2 | 3
o ---|---|---
w 4 | 5 | 6
s ---|---|---
7 | 8 | 9
Valid inputs are from 0,0 <- 1st cell to 2,2 <-9th cell
Example- 2,1 <- 8th cell (2 is row index, 0 in column index)
Good Luck!
def isAllThreeInRow() -> tuple:
'''Checks if the game is won by having 3 marks in a column'''
xRow = ['X' for i in range(3)]
oRow = ['O' for i in range(3)]
for row in positions:
if row == xRow:
return True, 'Player1 won!'
elif row == oRow:
return True, 'Player2 won!'
return False, ''
def isAllThreeInColumn() -> tuple:
'''Checks if the game is won by having 3 marks in a column'''
xColumn = ['X']*3
oColumn = ['O']*3
columns = []
for col in range(3):
column = [positions[row][col] for row in range(3)]
if xColumn in columns:
return True, 'Player1 won!'
elif oColumn in columns:
return True, 'Player2 won!'
return False, ''
def isAllThreeDiagonal() -> tuple:
'''Checks if the game is won by having 3 marks in a diagonal'''
leftDiagonal = [positions[0][0], positions[1][1], positions[2][2]]
rightDiagonal = [positions[0][2], positions[1][1], positions[2][0]]
if (leftDiagonal == ['X']*3) or (rightDiagonal == ['X']*3):
return True, 'Player1 won!'
elif (leftDiagonal == ['O']*3) or (rightDiagonal == ['O']*3):
return True, 'Player2 won!'
return False, ''
def isDraw() -> tuple:
'''Checks if the game is draw'''
countOfMovesMade = 0
for row in positions:
for item in row:
if item != ' ':
countOfMovesMade += 1
if countOfMovesMade == 9:
return True
return False
def isGameOver() -> tuple:
'''Checks if the game is over'''
# all three in a row
if isAllThreeInRow()[0]:
return isAllThreeInRow()
# all three in a column
elif isAllThreeInColumn()[0]:
return isAllThreeInColumn()
# all three in a diagonal
elif isAllThreeDiagonal()[0]:
return isAllThreeDiagonal()
# draw
elif isDraw():
return True, 'It\'s a draw!'
return False, ''
def isValidMove(row: int, column: int) -> bool:
Checks if the position is already occupied or is within the
index of the tic-tac-toe board
if positions[row][column] != ' ':
return False
return True
except IndexError:
return False
def makeMove(row: int, column: int, mark: str) -> None:
'''Adds the mark of the player in the tic-tac-toe board '''
positions[row][column] = mark
def takeInput(player: str) -> tuple:
'''Takes imput from the user and returns the row and column'''
move = input(f'{player} enter your play: ')
row, column = [int(i) for i in move.split(',')]
return row, column
def generateBoard(x: list) -> None:
'''generates and prints the board from the stored positions'''
board = f' {x[0][0]} | {x[0][1]} | {x[0][2]} \n---|---|---\n {x[1][0]} | {x[1][1]} | {x[1][2]} \n---|---|---\n {x[2][0]} | {x[2][1]} | {x[2][2]} '
def main() -> None:
players = {'X': 'Player1', 'O': 'Player2'}
# Game loop
moves = 0
while not isGameOver()[0]:
if moves % 2 == 0:
# player1's move
mark = 'X'
# player2's move
mark = 'O'
player = players[mark]
# User Input
row, column = takeInput(player)
except ValueError:
print('Invalid input! Try again')
if not isValidMove(row, column):
print('Invalid move! Try again')
makeMove(row, column, mark)
moves += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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