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Last active August 31, 2020 17:49
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milabench analysis for Narval

Test suite

Note: all these tests use the GPU. "loader" does not execute any neural-net operations, it only loads the images on the GPU, then pass to the next batch.

weights are guesstimates from Carl.

Data transfer test

  • loader
    • weight: 2 (not realistic)
    • dataloader only, on fakeimagenet

Language modelling/understanding/translation

  • translator
    • weight: 8
    • language translation
  • wlm
    • weight: 8
    • next word (or character) prediction
  • wlmfp16
    • weight: 8
    • same as "wlm" using half precision floats
    • potential issue: Warnings seem to say that FP16 is disabled. see "FP16 warnings" below. However, the result of this test is about 5000, while for wlm it is 1500; thus it probably works anyway.

Reinforcement Learning

  • cart
    • weight: 8
    • RL toy: balance a pole in 2d
  • minigrid
    • weight: 4 (very niche)
    • mila research platform: BabyAI
    • RL + language understanding
    • test RL environment
  • atari
    • weight: 8
    • RL: playing the game Pong

Image understanding/generation/translation

  • vae
    • weight: 8
    • Image generation
  • reso
    • weight: 8
    • image superresolution
  • ssd
  • fast_style
    • weight: 8
    • image stylization (filters)
  • dcgan
    • weight: 8
    • Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
    • image generation
  • convnet
    • weight: 8
    • Image classification
  • convnet_fp16
    • weight: 8
    • Same as "convnet" but using half precision floats
    • potential issue: Warnings seem to say that FP16 is disabled. see "FP16 warnings" below. However, the result of this test is about 278-333, while for convnet it is about 210; thus it probably works anyway.
  • scaling
    • weight: 8
    • Image classification
    • multi GPU testing


  • toy_reg
    • weight: 1 (toy)
    • polynome fitting
  • toy_lstm
    • weight: 1 (toy)
    • sinus function fitting
  • recom
    • weight: 8
    • movie recommendation using collaborative filtering (not based on language understanding)

FP16 warnings

Warning: multi_tensor_applier fused unscale kernel is unavailable, possibly because apex was installed without --cuda_ext --cpp_ext. Using Python fallback. Original Impor
tError was: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'amp_C'")
Attempting to unscale a grad with type torch.cuda.HalfTensor Unscaling non-fp32 grads may indicate an error. When using Amp, you don't need to call .half() on your model.
Warning: FP16_Optimizer is deprecated and dangerous, and will be deleted soon. If it still works, you're probably getting lucky. For mixed precision, use the documented
API, with opt_level=O1.
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