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Created January 26, 2020 23:19
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Profunctor optics, a categorical update - Bryce Clarke, Derek Elkins, Jeremy Gibbons, Fosco Loregian, Bartosz Milewski, Emily Pillmore, Mario Román
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
copied from: 7.1 and 7.2
Profunctor optics, a categorical update
Bryce Clarke, Derek Elkins, Jeremy Gibbons, Fosco Loregian, Bartosz Milewski, Emily Pillmore, Mario Román
updated using:
and suggestions from @topos
class Category objc c where
unit :: (objc x) => c x x
comp :: (objc x) => c y z -> c x y -> c x z
class ( Category objc c, Category objd d
, forall x . objc x => objd (f x)
) => VFunctor objc c objd d f where
map :: (objc x, objc y) => c x y -> d (f x) (f y)
class ( Category objc c, Category objd d, Category obje e
, forall x y . (objc x , objd y) => obje (f x y) )
=> Bifunctor objc c objd d obje e f where
bimap :: ( objc x1, objc x2, objd y1, objd y2 )
=> c x1 x2 -> d y1 y2 -> e (f x1 y1) (f x2 y2)
class ( Category objc c, Category objd d )
=> Profunctor objc c objd d p where
dimap :: (objc x1, objc x2, objd y1, objd y2)
=> c x2 x1 -> d y1 y2 -> p x1 y1 -> p x2 y2
class ( Category obja a
, Bifunctor obja a obja a obja a o
, obja i )
=> MonoidalCategory obja a o i where
alpha :: (obja x, obja y, obja z)
=> a (x `o` (y `o` z)) ((x `o` y) `o` z)
alphainv :: (obja x, obja y, obja z)
=> a ((x `o` y) `o` z) (x `o` (y `o` z))
lambda :: (obja x) => a (x `o` i) x
lambdainv :: (obja x) => a x (x `o` i)
rho :: (obja x) => a (i `o` x) x
rhoinv :: (obja x) => a x (i `o` x)
class ( MonoidalCategory objm m o i
, Bifunctor objm m objc c objc c f
, Category objc c )
=> MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f where
unitor :: (objc x) => c (f i x) x
unitorinv :: (objc x) => c x (f i x)
multiplicator :: (objc x, objm p, objm q)
=> c (f p (f q x)) (f (p `o` q) x)
multiplicatorinv :: (objc x, objm p, objm q)
=> c (f (p `o` q) x) (f p (f q x))
data Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t where
Optic :: ( MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, objc a, objc s , objd b, objd t, objm x )
=> c s (f x a) -> d (g x b) t
-> Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t
class ( MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, Profunctor objc c objd d p )
=> Tambara objc c objd d objm m o i f g p where
tambara :: (objc x, objd y, objm w)
=> p x y -> p (f w x) (g w y)
type ProfOptic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t = forall p .
( Tambara objc c objd d objm m o i f g p
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, objc a, objd b, objc s, objd t
) => p a b -> p s t
instance ( MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, objc a, objd b)
=> Profunctor objc c objd d (Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b) where
dimap f g (Optic l r) = Optic (comp @objc @c l f) (comp @objd @d g r)
instance ( MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, objc a, objd b)
=> Tambara objc c objd d objm m o i f g (Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b) where
tambara (Optic l r) = Optic
(comp @objc @c (multiplicator @objm @m @o @i @objc @c @f) (bimap @objm @m @objc @c @objc @c (unit @objm @m) l))
(comp @objd @d (bimap @objm @m @objd @d @objd @d (unit @objm @m) r) (multiplicatorinv @objm @m @o @i @objd @d @g))
ex2prof :: forall objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t .
Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t
-> ProfOptic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t
ex2prof (Optic l r) =
dimap @objc @c @objd @d l r .
tambara @objc @c @objd @d @objm @m @o @i
prof2ex :: forall objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t .
( MonoidalAction objm m o i objc c f
, MonoidalAction objm m o i objd d g
, objc a, objc s
, objd b, objd t)
=> ProfOptic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t
-> Optic objc c objd d objm m o i f g a b s t
prof2ex p = p (Optic
(unitorinv @objm @m @o @i @objc @c @f)
(unitor @objm @m @o @i @objd @d @g))
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