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Created November 10, 2018 20:46
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MonoidalCategory where underlying category is Category of Scala types and pure functions
* Edward Kmett Discrimination is Wrong: Improving Productivity
object MonoidalCategoriesForCategoryOfScalaTypes {
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Bifunctor[P[_,_]] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](f: A => B, g: C => D): P[A, C] => P[B, D]
trait MonoidalCategory[M[_, _], I] {
val mcBif: Bifunctor[M]
val mcId: I
def rho[A] (mai: M[A,I]): A
def rho_inv[A](a: A): M[A, I]
def lambda[A] (mia: M[I,A]): A
def lambda_inv[A,B](a: A): M[I, A]
def alpha[A,B,C]( mabc: M[M[A,B], C]): M[A, M[B,C]]
def alpha_inv[A,B,C](mabc: M[A, M[B,C]]): M[M[A,B], C]
trait MonoidalCategoryLaws[M[_, _], I] extends MonoidalCategory[M,I] {
def identityLaw[A, B](mai: M[M[A, I], B]): Boolean = {
// ro[A] * id[B]
// (A * I) * C ----------------> A * B
val v1: M[A, B] = mcBif.bimap(rho[A], identity[B])(mai)
// alpha[A,I,B] id[A] * lambda[B]
// (A * I) * C --------------> A * (I * C) --------------------> A * B
val w1: M[A, M[I, B]] = alpha[A,I,B](mai)
val w2: M[A, B] = mcBif.bimap[A,A, M[I,B],B](identity[A],lambda[B])(w1)
v1 == w2
def associativityLaw[A,B,C,D](fa: M[M[M[A,B],C],D]): Boolean = {
// alpha[A,B,C] * 1D alpha[A,B*C,D]
// ((A * B) * C) * D -------------------> (A * (B * C)) * D ------------------> A * ((B * C) * D)
// 1A * alpha[B,C,D]
// A * ((B * C) * D) ------------------> A * (B * (C * D))
val v1: M[M[A, M[B, C]], D] = mcBif.bimap(alpha[A,B,C],identity[D])(fa)
val v2: M[A, M[M[B,C], D]] = alpha[A,M[B,C],D](v1)
val v3: M[A, M[B, M[C,D]]] = mcBif.bimap(identity[A],alpha[B,C,D])(v2)
// alpha[A*B,C,D] alpha[A,B,C*D]
// ((A * B) * C) * D -----------------> (A * B) * (C * D) -----------------> A * (B * (C * D))
val w1: M[M[A,B], M[C,D]] = alpha[M[A,B],C,D](fa)
val w2: M[A,M[B,M[C,D]]] = alpha[A,B,M[C,D]](w1)
v3 == w2
val tupleBifunctor: Bifunctor[Tuple2] = new Bifunctor[Tuple2] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](f: A => B, g: C => D): Tuple2[A, C] => Tuple2[B, D] = a => (f(a._1), g(a._2))
val productMonoidalCategory: MonoidalCategory[Tuple2, Unit] = new MonoidalCategory[Tuple2, Unit] {
val mcBif: Bifunctor[Tuple2] = tupleBifunctor
val mcId: Unit = ()
def rho[A](pair: (A, Unit)): A = pair._1
def rho_inv[A](a: A): (A, Unit) = (a, mcId)
def lambda[A](pair: (Unit, A)): A = pair._2
def lambda_inv[A, B](a: A): (Unit, A) = (mcId, a)
def alpha[A, B, C](pair: ((A, B), C)): (A, (B, C)) = pair match {case ((a,b),c) => (a, (b, c)) }
def alpha_inv[A, B, C](pair: (A, (B, C))): ((A, B), C) = pair match {case (a,(b,c)) => ((a, b), c) }
type Void <: Nothing
val eitherBifunctor: Bifunctor[Either] = new Bifunctor[Either] {
override def bimap[A, B, C, D](f: A => B, g: C => D): Either[A, C] => Either[B, D] = {
case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
case Right(c) => Right(g(c))
val coproductMonoidalCategory: MonoidalCategory[Either, Void] = new MonoidalCategory[Either, Void] {
val mcBif: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherBifunctor
val mcId: Void = throw new RuntimeException("This exception was not thrown!")
def rho[A](mai: Either[A, Void]): A = mai match { case Left(a) => a }
def rho_inv[A](a: A): Either[A, Void] = Left(a)
def lambda[A](mia: Either[Void, A]): A = mia match { case Right(a) => a }
def lambda_inv[A, B](a: A): Either[Void, A] = Right(a)
def alpha[A, B, C](mabc: Either[Either[A, B], C]): Either[A, Either[B, C]] =
mabc match {
case Left(Left(a)) => Left(a)
case Left(Right(b)) => Right(Left(b))
case Right(c) => Right(Right(c))
def alpha_inv[A, B, C](mabc: Either[A, Either[B, C]]): Either[Either[A, B], C] = mabc match {
case Left(a) => Left(Left(a))
case Right(Left(b)) => Left(Right(b))
case Right(Right(c)) => Right(c)
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