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Last active January 12, 2021 10:27
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Scripts for modifying coverage-properties of sv-benchmarks
## Usage: Run from directory `sv-benchmarks/c`.
echo "Tasks that have a coverage-error-call property, but that are not in selection (may be empty if everything is ok):"
find . -iname '*.yml' | xargs grep -l coverage-error-call.prp | cut -d"/" -f 2- | grep -xvf candidates_error-coverage.txt
echo "Tasks that have a coverage-branches property, but that are not in selection (may be empty if everything is ok):"
find . -iname '*.yml' | xargs grep -l coverage-branches.prp | cut -d"/" -f 2- | grep -xvf candidates_coverage.txt
echo "Tasks that are in selection, but do not have a coverage-error-call property (may be empty if everything is ok):"
find . -iname '*.yml' | xargs grep -L coverage-error-call.prp | grep -f candidates_error-coverage.txt
echo "Tasks that are in selection, but do not have a coverage-branches property (may be empty if everything is ok):"
find . -iname '*.yml' | xargs grep -L coverage-branches.prp | grep -f candidates_coverage.txt
## Usage: Adjust the benchmark folder and run the script from any directory.
## It will create two lists of testable tasks with one element 'sub-category/task' per line.
## The lists will be stored in the two files `candidates_coverage.txt` and `candidates_error-coverage.txt`
## in the current directory.
## Existing files will be overwritten!
echo "Writing candidates_coverage.txt"
for i in $(tail -n +4 "$RESULTS_CSV" | awk '$2 == "done" {print $1}'); do
if yq -e 'all(.properties[]; .property_file != "../properties/termination.prp" or .expected_verdict == true)' "$file" > /dev/null; then
dir_name=$(dirname "$file")
if egrep -Eqx '[^e].*__VERIFIER_nondet_.*' "$dir_name/$(yq -r '.input_files' "$file")"; then
echo $i
done > candidates_coverage.txt
echo "Writing candidates_error-coverage.txt"
for i in $(cat candidates_coverage.txt | grep xcsp); do
if yq -e 'any(.properties[]; .property_file == "../properties/unreach-call.prp" and .expected_verdict == false)' $BENCHMARK_FOLDER/$i > /dev/null; then
echo $i;
done > candidates_error-coverage.txt
#!/usr/bin/env python3
## Usage:
## Run this script from `sv-benchmarks/c` (runtime varies, may be a few minutes).
## It will directly modify the task definition files.
## Changes can be inspected with `git diff`.
import argparse
import sys
import yaml
import logging
from pathlib import Path
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="List of task-definition candidates for coverage-error-call.prp",
help="List of task-definition candidates for coverage-branches.prp",
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
args.candidates_error = Path(args.candidates_error)
args.candidates_branches = Path(args.candidates_branches)
if not args.candidates_error.exists():
raise ValueError(f"File doesn't exist: {str(args.candidates_error)}")
if not args.candidates_branches.exists():
raise ValueError(f"File doesn't exist: {str(args.candidates_branches)}")
return args
def add_prop(candidate_list: Path, prop_to_add):
with open(candidate_list) as inp:
candidates = [Path(l.strip()) for l in inp.readlines()]
for taskdef_file in candidates:
assert taskdef_file.exists(), f"Doesn't exist: {str(taskdef_file)}"
with open(taskdef_file) as inp:
plain_content =
taskdef = yaml.safe_load(plain_content)
if not any([p["property_file"] == prop_to_add for p in taskdef["properties"]]):"Adding {prop_to_add} to {taskdef_file}")
with open(taskdef_file, "w") as outp:
# we adjust the plain content, because we want to keep the diff minimal.
# dumping the dict as a new yaml file may change the order of keys and add or remove synactic sugar
outp.write(_add_prop(plain_content, prop_to_add))
def _add_prop(plain_content, prop_to_add) -> str:
new_content = list()
in_prop = False
for line in plain_content.split("\n"):
if in_prop and not line.startswith(" "):
new_content.append(f" - property_file: {prop_to_add}")
in_prop = False
if line.startswith("properties:"):
in_prop = True
return "\n".join(new_content)
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
args = parse_args(argv)
add_prop(args.candidates_error, "../properties/coverage-error-call.prp")
add_prop(args.candidates_branches, "../properties/coverage-branches.prp")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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