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Created March 9, 2016 09:00
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Save lemmy/bdd0e9bf6940d6d0af35 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to create a single pdf from the HyperBook tex sources hosted at
## The extracted hyperbook has broken permissions
chmod 664 *.tex
## Create the top level combined.tex file which is eventually used
## to generate the single pdf
cat > combined-gen.tex << EOF
%% Overwrite tindex and ctindex for the moment because they don't work in a single
%% big document. Haven't figured out why.
%% Rewrite refs to standalone pdf
%% Get rid of navigation buttons at the left. In a single document pdf, navigation
%% is provided by the viewer.
%%%% main.tex preamble
% State commands
% DieHard: [big = #1, small = #2]
big & = & #1 \\\\ small & = & #2
%Euclid: [x = #1, y = #2, pc = #3]
x & = & #1 \\\\ y & = & #2 \\\\ pc & = & #3
%Alternation: [b = #1, box = #2]
b & = & #1 \\\\ box & = & #2
% Handshake : [p = #1, c = #2, box = #3, bBar = #4, boxBar = #3]
p & = & #1 \\\\ c & = & #2 \\\\ box & = & #3 \\\\
\ov{b} & = & #4 \\\\ \ov{box} & = & #3
% 2-step Handshake : [p = #1, c = #2, box = #3, pc = 0 :> #4 @@ 1 :> #5]
p & = & #1 \\\\ c & = & #2 \\\\ box & = & #3 \\\\
pc & = & 0 :> #4\,@\!@ \\\\ & & 1:>#5
%%%% end main.tex
%%%%% proof.tex preamble
%%%% end proof.tex
%%%% summary.tex preamble
%%%% end summary.tex
%%%% condorcet[2,3]-proof.tex
\newcommand{\cset}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{CW}}} %duplicated in specification.tex
\beforePfSpace{10pt, 5pt, 2pt}
\afterPfSpace{10pt, 5pt, 2pt}
\interStepSpace{10pt, 5pt, 2pt}
%%%% end condorcet2-proof.tex
%%%% euclid-proof-5-ascii.tex
% manually removed \listfiles from the first line of the file
%%%% end euclid-proof-5-ascii.tex
%%%% w2f-proof.tex
\newcommand{\NC}{\ensuremath{\langle\N\land C\rangle_{v}}}
\newcommand{\NA}{\ensuremath{\langle\N\land A\rangle_{v}}}
\newcommand{\SNC}{\ensuremath{[\N\land\neg C]_{v}}}
%%%% end w2f-proof.tex
%%%% bbuf-r2.tex
\newcommand{\chpr}{chBar'} % prime for
%%%% end bbuf-r2.tex
%% start.tex title
\hspace*{50pt}{\LARGE\boldmath\textbf{\makebox[0pt]{Principles and Specifications of Concurrent Systems}}}\V{.5}
{\large \hspace*{50pt}\s{1}Leslie Lamport \V{.3}
\hspace*{50pt}Version of \dayMonthYear}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{The \emph{Principles} and \emph{Specification}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{The \emph{Principles} Track\protect\target{top}}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{The \emph{Specification} Track\protect\target{top}}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{The \protect\tlaplus\ Proof Track\protect\target{top}}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Summary of \protect\tlaplus\protect\target{top}}
%%%% Auxiliary pages referenced from within the main content above
%%%% Include all auxiliary tex files
%%% Index does not work yet
## These files are directly referenced by combined.tex
PROCESSED="main.tex principles.tex specification.tex math.tex proof.tex summary.tex "
## These files are temporarily generated. Don't create self-references.
PROCESSED+="combined.tex combined-gen.tex combined-aux.tex "
## These files don't make sense in a single pdf
PROCESSED+="BOOKMARK.tex topics.tex index.tex start.tex content.tex "
## These files - for one or another reason - cause problems (mostly due to their preamble).
## This list should be empty!!!
## E.g. some define newcommands with identical names which causes duplicate definitions => Move to hyperbooktla.sty.
## Others define newcommands with identical names but different "implementation" => Rename one of them.
## For others, parts of their preable have been extracted to combined-gen.tex
PROCESSED+="handshake-question.tex modular-arithmetic-fig-1.tex modular-arithmetic-fig-2.tex modular-arithmetic-fig-3.tex modular-arithmetic-fig-4.tex modular-arithmetic-fig-5.tex glossary.tex subexpressions.tex toolbox-impl.tex "
## A few in-place edits to fix problems. The changes seem innocent enough.
## * Remove \listfiles from euclid-proof-5-ascii.tex
sed -i 's/\\listfiles//' euclid-proof-5-ascii.tex
## * Remove definition of newcommand cset from specification.tex (conflicting
## declaration in condorcet-proof.tex in the preamble.
sed -i 's/\\newcommand{\\cset}{\\ensuremath{\\mathcal{CW}}}//' specification.tex
## Create the header of the combined-popups.tex file
echo "\begin{document}" > combined-aux.tex
mkdir -p popup/
## loop through all "popup" .tex files and replace the popup with
## document in the popup/ directory.
for f in `grep -l 'begin{popup}' *.tex` ; do
if [[ $PROCESSED != *$f* ]]
# Replace begin{popup } with begin{document}
awk '{ gsub("{popup}", "{document}") ; print $0 }' $f > popup/$f
## Add to combined-aux.tex
echo "\newpage" >> combined-aux.tex
echo "\input{popup/$f}" >> combined-aux.tex
echo "\label{${f%.tex}}" >> combined-aux.tex
# mark file as processed
## loop over remaining files and append them to combined-aux.tex
for f in *.tex; do
if [[ $PROCESSED != *$f* ]]
## Add to combined-aux.tex
echo "\newpage" >> combined-aux.tex
echo "\input{$f}" >> combined-aux.tex
echo "\label{${f%.tex}}" >> combined-aux.tex
echo "\end{document}" >> combined-aux.tex
pdflatex combined-gen.tex
pdflatex combined-gen.tex
## Final cleanup
rm -rf popup/
rm combined-gen.tex
rm combined-aux.tex
mv combined-gen.pdf HyperBook.pdf
echo "=================================="
echo "Done creating single HyperBook.pdf"
echo "=================================="
Copy link

I am getting error ! LaTeX Error: File 'standalone.sty' not found.


This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4
L3 programming layer <2021-05-07> (./article.cls
Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(./leqno.clo) (./fleqn.clo) (./size10.clo))

! LaTeX Error: File `standalone.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name: 

i commented out this line


but then i got a ? prompt and nothing useful happened.

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