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Last active December 24, 2015 08:49
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A sass polyfill that adds support for 2D transform in IE 6 / 8

Sassy transforms

a IE polyfill for 2D transforms

inspired by:

Support every major browser, even IE6


@include transform(widthOfDiv, heightOfDiv, function(value))

For example

  width: 300px;
	height: 220px;
	@include transform(300px,220px, scale(1.4 1), skew(20deg), rotate(44deg));

special thanks to Adam Savitzky for the power, factorial, sin and cos functions in the css3-please-for-sass gist

$pi: 3.14159265359;
@function power ($x, $n){
$ret: 1;
@if $n >= 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $n {
$ret: $ret * $x;
} @else {
@for $i from $n through 0 {
$ret: $ret / $x;
} }
@return $ret;
@function factorial ($x){
$ret: 1;
@if $x > 0 {
@while $x > 0 {
$ret: $ret * $x;
$x: $x - 1;
} @else {
$ret: 1; }
@return $ret;
@function sin ($x){
$ret: 0;
@for $n from 0 to 25 {
$ret: $ret + power(-1, $n) * power($x, 2 * $n + 1) / factorial(2 * $n + 1); }
@return $ret;
@function cos ($x){
$ret: 0;
@for $n from 0 to 25 {
$ret: $ret + power(-1, $n) * power($x, 2 * $n) / factorial(2 * $n); }
@return $ret;
@function tan($x){$ret: sin($x) / cos($x); @return $ret;}
@function deg-to-rad($x){$x: $x * $pi / 180; @return $x;}
@function strip-units($number){@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);}
@function rotate($value){@return rotate $value;}
@function scale($value){@return scale $value;}
@function scaleX($value){@return scaleX $value;}
@function scaleY($value){@return scaleY $value;}
@function skew($value){@return skew $value;}
@function skewX($value){@return skewX $value;}
@function skewY($value){@return skewY $value;}
@function translate($value){@return translate $value;}
@function translateX($value){@return translateX $value;}
@function translateY($value){@return translateY $value;}
@function matrix($value){@return matrix $value;}
@mixin transform($width, $height, $values...){
$somM11: 0; $somM12: 0; $somM21: 0; $somM22: 0;
$savM11: 1; $savM12: 0; $savM21: 0; $savM22: 1; $savDx: 0; $savDy: 0;
$resM11: 1; $resM12: 0; $resM21: 0; $resM22: 1;
$css3: ();
@each $value in $values{
@if nth($value, 1) == matrix{
$somM11: nth($value, 2);
$somM12: nth($value, 4);
$somM21: nth($value, 3);
$somM22: nth($value, 5);
$savDx: $savDx + nth($value, 6);
$savDy: $savDy + nth($value, 7);
$css3: append($css3, unquote("matrix(#{nth($value, 2)}, #{nth($value, 3)}, #{nth($value, 4)}, #{nth($value, 5)}, #{nth($value, 6)}, #{nth($value, 7)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == skew{
@if length($value) == 3{
$somM21: tan(deg-to-rad(strip-units(nth($value, 3))));
$css3: append($css3, unquote("skew(#{nth($value, 2)}, #{nth($value, 3)})"));
} @else {
$somM21: 0;
$css3: append($css3, unquote("skew(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: tan(deg-to-rad(strip-units(nth($value, 2))));
$somM22: 1;
}@else if nth($value, 1) == scale{
@if length($value) == 3{
$somM11: nth($value, 2);
$somM22: nth($value, 3);
$css3: append($css3, unquote("scale(#{nth($value, 2)}, #{nth($value, 3)})"));
} @else {
$somM11: nth($value, 2);
$somM22: nth($value, 2);
$css3: append($css3, unquote("scale(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
}@else if nth($value, 1) == translate{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: 1;
@if length($value) == 3{
$savDx: $savDx + strip-units(nth($value, 2));
$savDy: $savDy + strip-units(nth($value, 3));
$css3: append($css3, unquote("translate(#{nth($value, 2)}, #{nth($value, 3)})"));
} @else {
$savDx: $savDx + nth($value, 2);
$css3: append($css3, unquote("translate(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == rotate{
$css3: append($css3, unquote("rotate(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
$rotate: strip-units(nth($value, 2));
$somM11: cos(deg-to-rad($rotate));
$somM12: sin(deg-to-rad($rotate)) * (-1);
$somM21: sin(deg-to-rad($rotate));
$somM22: cos(deg-to-rad($rotate));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == skewX{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: tan(deg-to-rad(strip-units(nth($value, 2))));
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: 1;
$css3: append($css3, unquote("skewX(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == skewY{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: tan(deg-to-rad(strip-units(nth($value, 2))));
$somM22: 1;
$css3: append($css3, unquote("skewY(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == scaleX{
$somM11: nth($value, 2);
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: 1;
$css3: append($css3, unquote("scaleX(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == scaleY{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: nth($value, 2);
$css3: append($css3, unquote("scaleY(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == translateX{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: 1;
$savDx: $savDx + strip-units(nth($value, 2));
$css3: append($css3, unquote("translateX(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
}@else if nth($value, 1) == translateY{
$somM11: 1;
$somM12: 0;
$somM21: 0;
$somM22: 1;
$savDy: $savDy + strip-units(nth($value, 2));
$css3: append($css3, unquote("translateY(#{nth($value, 2)})"));
@if nth($value, 1) != scale{
$resM11: $somM11*$savM11+$somM21*$savM12;
$resM12: $somM12*$savM11+$somM11*$savM12;
$resM21: $somM21*$savM22+$somM22*$savM21;
$resM22: $somM22*$savM22+$somM12*$savM21;
} @else {
$resM11: $savM11*$somM11;
$resM12: $savM12*$somM22;
$resM21: $savM21*$somM11;
$resM22: $savM22*$somM22;
$savM11: $resM11;
$savM12: $resM12;
$savM21: $resM21;
$savM22: $resM22;
@if $css3 != (){
-webkit-transform: $css3;
-ms-transform: $css3;
transform: $css3;
@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=#{$resM11}, M12=#{$resM12}, M21=#{$resM21}, M22=#{$resM22}, SizingMethod='auto expand')";
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix( M11=#{$resM11}, M12=#{$resM12}, M21=#{$resM21}, M22=#{$resM22}, SizingMethod='auto expand');
position: relative;
left: ((($height*$resM12+$width*$resM11)-$width)/2-$savDx) * -1;
top: ((($width*$resM21+$height*$resM22)-$height)/2-$savDy) * -1;
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