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Last active January 21, 2019 20:14
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Run an HTTP(S) server with various customizations using only stuff from the Python stdlib.
Run an HTTP(S) server with various customizations using only stuff from stdlib.
See make_httpd() and run_httpd() for details.
import http.server
import contextlib
import threading
import gzip
import ssl
import io
class GzipHandlerMixin:
def send_head(self):
self.end_headers = lambda: None
original_send_header = self.send_header
def send_header(keyword, value):
if keyword == 'Content-Length':
original_send_header(keyword, value)
self.send_header = send_header
f = super().send_head()
del self.end_headers
del self.send_header
if f:
data =
compressed_file = io.BytesIO()
gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed_file, mode='wb')
self.send_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(compressed_file.getvalue())))
return compressed_file
return f
class LastModifiedHandlerMixin:
def last_modified(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def date_time_string(self, timestamp=None):
return self.last_modified
class ErrorCodeHandlerMixin:
def error_code(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def do_GET(self):
class RequestHeadersHandlerMixin:
def send_response(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.server.request_headers = self.headers
return super().send_response(*args, **kwargs)
class ProtocolServerMixin:
protocol = 'http'
def url(self):
return "{s.protocol}://{s.server_address[0]}:{s.server_address[1]}/".format(s=self)
class HTTPSServerMixin:
protocol = 'https'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
certfile = kwargs.pop('certfile')
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(
self.socket, certfile=certfile, server_side=True)
def make_httpd(server_address=('', 0),
gzip=False, last_modified=None, error_code=None,
request_headers=False, certfile=None):
"""Return a configured http.server.HTTPServer subclass instance
that will serve files from the current directory using a subclass
of http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.
The server URL will be available as server.url.
server_address (tuple(str, int)): The address to bind to and listen on.
gzip (bool): If true, compress the response body using gzip.
last_modified (str): Set the Last-Modified header to this value.
error_code (int): Set the status code of all GET responses to this value.
request_headers (bool): If true, make the request headers available
as server.request_headers on the returned server object after
each request.
certfile (str): Make the server use TLS and use this file as certificate;
should be the path to a certificate.
http.server.HTTPServer: A configured server instance.
if gzip and error_code:
raise ValueError("gzip doesn't work with error_code")
handler_bases = [http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler]
handler_attrs = {}
server_bases = [ProtocolServerMixin, http.server.HTTPServer]
server_kwargs = {}
if gzip:
handler_bases.insert(0, GzipHandlerMixin)
if last_modified:
handler_bases.insert(0, LastModifiedHandlerMixin)
handler_attrs['last_modified'] = last_modified
if error_code:
handler_bases.insert(0, ErrorCodeHandlerMixin)
handler_attrs['error_code'] = error_code
if request_headers:
handler_bases.insert(0, RequestHeadersHandlerMixin)
if certfile:
server_bases.insert(0, HTTPSServerMixin)
server_kwargs['certfile'] = certfile
Handler = type('Handler', tuple(handler_bases), handler_attrs)
Server = type('Server', tuple(server_bases), {})
return Server(server_address, Handler, **server_kwargs)
def run_httpd(**kwargs):
"""Run an HTTP server as returned by make_httpd() in a background thread.
httpd = make_httpd(**kwargs)
yield httpd
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
# Run an HTTPS server in the background that compresses the response body
# and returns a custom Last-Modified header; make a request, then print
# the request headers as received by the server.
# To generate a certificate:
# openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes
# To run the server:
# python
import subprocess
kwargs = dict(gzip=True, last_modified='last-modified',
request_headers=True, certfile='server.pem')
with run_httpd(**kwargs) as httpd:
print("\n--- running at", httpd.url)
out =
['curl', '-k', '-s', '-D-', '-o/dev/null', httpd.url],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True,
print("\n--- curl output", out.strip(), sep='\n')
headers = getattr(httpd, 'request_headers', None)
if headers:
print("\n--- headers", headers, sep='\n')
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