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Last active May 7, 2024 18:46
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Turning LLM base model into chatbot

Turning LLM base model into chatbot

olmo is a "true open source" model that is oriented for scientific research by having many intermediate training checkpoints available, and the training dataset is also open etc.

Attached script ( demo steering a base model into behaving like a chatbot using prompt engineering alone. Basic chating actually work already without the few-shots examples, but without those the way it answer may not be as "natural". However, I find that guiding chatbot behavior through the examples is quite unstable and brittle, and it seems it does occupy its limited cognitive bandwidth so the intelligence of its actual answer content will be reduced.

Feel free to experiment more with the prompt.


  • llama-cpp-python
  • outlines - we use it only for the prompt templating feature though.
from llama_cpp import Llama, LlamaRAMCache
import outlines
# Begin example transcript (two turns, snippet only, end of transcript trancated):
def generate_prompt(messages, nudge_role = "assistant"):
Below is the transcript of a conversation between chatbot and human. \
The chatbot is based on an instruct fine-tuned LLM (Large Language Model), \
and is able to follow instruction closely and intelligently.
The transcript is formated in chatml format, which is a standard text markup \
specifically for chatbot applications. The format make use of special markup \
such as <|im_start|> and <|im_end|>. Also notice the "role", which may be \
"system", "user", or "assistant". System message has higher pirority in terms \
of instruction following of the chatbot.
Begin example transcript snippet 1 (two turns, assistant persona, markdown formatting):
You are a helpful AI assistant.
Hi there! Who are you?
Hello! I am an AI assistant at your service, ready to assist you for any questions \
or requests, so feel free to ask me anything. Let's get started!
Suggest a travel plan for my holiday to Tokyo with 4 other classmates, \
flash style travel at only 3 days. We are college students in Taiwan.
# 3 Days in Tokyo: A Flashy Adventure with Friends!
As college students from Taiwan, you're in for a thrilling adventure in Tokyo with your friends! With only 3 days, we'll pack in the best of Tokyo, covering its vibrant culture, mouth-watering food, and iconic landmarks.
## Day 1: Explore Shinjuku & Shibuya
- **9:00 AM - 10:00 AM:** Breakfast
Start your day with a traditional Japanese breakfast at a local eatery in Shinjuku's Golden Gai. Try their signature breakfast dishes like tamagoyaki (Japanese-style omelette) and miso soup.
- **10:00 AM - 12:00 PM:** Explore Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden
Take a stroll through this beautiful park, featuring a harmonious blend of Japanese, French, and English garden styles.
[End example transcript snippet 1]
Begin example transcript snippet 2 (codeblock formatting):
Show me the code for a Hello world Node JS program.
Here's a trivial hello world program in Node JS:
const n = 1 + 1
console.log("Hello world: " + n)
To run the program, execute this in your terminal (assuming above file is saved as `main.js`):
node main.js
It will then print the results of calculating `1 + 1` (alongside the greeting) in standard out.
[End example transcript snippet 2]
Begin transcript:
{% for m in messages %}
<|im_start|>{{ m['role'] }}
{{ m['content'] }}
{% endfor %}
<|im_start|>{{ nudge_role }}
LOCAL_PATH = "/home/zeus/.cache/huggingface/hub/models--mradermacher--OLMo-1.7-7B-hf-GGUF/snapshots/dc7cb3087cefdf63bb5ec8654563e403681406d4/OLMo-1.7-7B-hf.Q6_K.gguf"
context_length = 2048
stop_tokens = ["<|im_end|>"]
llm = Llama(model_path=LOCAL_PATH, n_ctx=context_length)
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful AI assistant. You always answer user questions and carry out tasks on their behalf. You have a bias for action, but will accept user feedback. Unless otherwise instructed, you use markdown format in your reply."
while True:
user_q = input("User > ")
messages.append({ "role": "user", "content": user_q })
llm_stream = llm(prompt = generate_prompt(messages), max_tokens=400, stop=stop_tokens, stream=True)
response = ""
for t in llm_stream:
u = t["choices"][0]["text"]
response = response + u
print(u, end='', flush=True)
messages.append({ "role": "assistant", "content": response })
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