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Created August 27, 2018 15:48
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* File: bst.js
* A pure JavaScript implementation of a binary search tree.
* Class: BST
* The binary search tree class.
var BST = function () {
* Private Class: Node
* A BST node constructor
* Parameters:
* leftChild - a reference to the left child of the node.
* key - The key of the node.
* value - the value of the node.
* rightChild - a reference to the right child of the node.
* parent - a reference to the parent of the node.
* Note: All parameters default to null.
var Node = function (leftChild, key, value, rightChild, parent) {
return {
leftChild: (typeof leftChild === "undefined") ? null :
key: (typeof key === "undefined") ? null : key,
value: (typeof value === "undefined") ? null : value,
rightChild: (typeof rightChild === "undefined") ? null :
parent: (typeof parent === "undefined") ? null : parent
* Private Variable: root
* The root nade of the BST.
root = new Node(),
* Private Method: searchNode
* Search through a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to search on.
* key - the key to search for (as an integer).
* Returns:
* the value of the found node,
* or null if no node was found.
searchNode = function (node, key) {
if (node.key === null) {
return null; // key not found
var nodeKey = parseInt(node.key, 10);
if (key < nodeKey) {
return searchNode(node.leftChild, key);
} else if (key > nodeKey) {
return searchNode(node.rightChild, key);
} else { // key is equal to node key
return node.value;
* Private Method: insertNode
* Insert into a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to search on.
* key - the key to insert (as an integer).
* value - the value to associate with the key (any type of
* object).
* Returns:
* true.
insertNode = function (node, key, value, parent) {
if (node.key === null) {
node.leftChild = new Node();
node.key = key;
node.value = value;
node.rightChild = new Node();
node.parent = parent;
return true;
var nodeKey = parseInt(node.key, 10);
if (key < nodeKey) {
insertNode(node.leftChild, key, value, node);
} else if (key > nodeKey) {
insertNode(node.rightChild, key, value, node);
} else { // key is equal to node key, update the value
node.value = value;
return true;
* Private Method: traverseNode
* Call a function on each node of a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to traverse.
* callback - the function to call on each node, this function
* takes a key and a value as parameters.
* Returns:
* true.
traverseNode = function (node, callback) {
if (node.key !== null) {
traverseNode(node.leftChild, callback);
callback(node.key, node.value);
traverseNode(node.rightChild, callback);
return true;
horizontalTraverse = function (cb) {
if (!cb) {
cb = node => console.log('key: ', node.key, 'value: ', node.value)
let levelStack = [root]
let nextStack = []
let currDirection = 'rightChild'
let opositeDirection = 'leftChild'
while (levelStack.length) {
const current = levelStack.pop()
if (current[currDirection] && current[currDirection].key) {
if (current[opositeDirection] && current[opositeDirection].key) {
if (!levelStack.length && nextStack.length) {
const temp = currDirection
currDirection = opositeDirection
opositeDirection = temp
levelStack = [].concat(nextStack)
nextStack = []
* Private Method: minNode
* Find the key of the node with the lowest key number.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to traverse.
* Returns: the key of the node with the lowest key number.
minNode = function (node) {
while (node.leftChild.key !== null) {
node = node.leftChild;
return node.key;
* Private Method: maxNode
* Find the key of the node with the highest key number.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to traverse.
* Returns: the key of the node with the highest key number.
maxNode = function (node) {
while (node.rightChild.key !== null) {
node = node.rightChild;
return node.key;
* Private Method: successorNode
* Find the key that successes the given node.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to find the successor for
* Returns: the key of the node that successes the given node.
successorNode = function (node) {
var parent;
if (node.rightChild.key !== null) {
return minNode(node.rightChild);
parent = node.parent;
while (parent.key !== null && node == parent.rightChild) {
node = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
return parent.key;
* Private Method: predecessorNode
* Find the key that preceeds the given node.
* Parameters:
* node - the node to find the predecessor for
* Returns: the key of the node that preceeds the given node.
predecessorNode = function (node) {
var parent;
if (node.leftChild.key !== null) {
return maxNode(node.leftChild);
parent = node.parent;
while (parent.key !== null && node == parent.leftChild) {
node = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
return parent.key;
return {
* Method: search
* Search through a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* key - the key to search for.
* Returns:
* the value of the found node,
* or null if no node was found,
* or undefined if no key was specified.
search: function (key) {
var keyInt = parseInt(key, 10);
if (isNaN(keyInt)) {
return undefined; // key must be a number
} else {
return searchNode(root, keyInt);
horizontalTraverse: horizontalTraverse,
* Method: insert
* Insert into a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* key - the key to search for.
* value - the value to associate with the key (any type of
* object).
* Returns:
* true,
* or undefined if no key was specified.
insert: function (key, value) {
var keyInt = parseInt(key, 10);
if (isNaN(keyInt)) {
return undefined; // key must be a number
} else {
return insertNode(root, keyInt, value, null);
* Method: traverse
* Call a function on each node of a binary tree.
* Parameters:
* callback - the function to call on each node, this function
* takes a key and a value as parameters. If no
* callback is specified, print is called.
* Returns:
* true.
traverse: function (callback) {
if (typeof callback === "undefined") {
callback = function (key, value) {
console.log(key + ": " + value);
return traverseNode(root, callback);
* Method: min
* Find the key of the node with the lowest key number.
* Parameters: none
* Returns: the key of the node with the lowest key number.
min: function () {
return minNode(root);
* Method: max
* Find the key of the node with the highest key number.
* Parameters: none
* Returns: the key of the node with the highest key number.
max: function () {
return maxNode(root);
* Method: successor
* Find the key that successes the root node.
* Parameters: none
* Returns: the key of the node that successes the root node.
successor: function () {
return successorNode(root);
* Method: predecessor
* Find the key that preceeds the root node.
* Parameters: none
* Returns: the key of the node that preceeds the root node.
predecessor: function () {
return predecessorNode(root);
* Tests
var ipTree = new BST();
ipTree.insert(4, "test4");
ipTree.insert(1, "test1");
ipTree.insert(10, "test10");
ipTree.insert(2, "test2");
ipTree.insert(3, "test3");
ipTree.insert(9, "test9");
ipTree.insert(8, "test8");
ipTree.insert(5, "test5");
ipTree.insert(7, "test7");
ipTree.insert(6, "test6");
ipTree.traverse(function (key, value) {
console.log("The value of " + key + " is " + value + ".");
console.log("Searching for 3 results in: " +;
console.log("Min is " + ipTree.min());
console.log("Max is " + ipTree.max());
console.log("The successor of root is: " + ipTree.successor());
console.log("The predecessor of root is: " + ipTree.predecessor());
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