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Last active December 5, 2016 23:06
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Create a custom client for Trivia Quiz API:

Your simple app, should contain:

  1. Simple headers with total questions counter, correct answers score, text of the question, question ID and category.
  2. Game field with answer container and letter container.

Each time user loads your app, clicks Next Question or Skip Button he gets a question with shuffled answer letters bellow. He is able to give answer for the question or skip to next.

User stories:
  1. As a user I can get a question and see shuffled letters/symbols of true answer bellow.
  2. As a user I can interact with any letter to begin answering, I wont see the error message until I finished answering.
  3. I can see error or success message if my answer is finished.
  4. I can see the real answer for the question in Dev Console.
  5. I can Skip answering with Skip Button and go to Next Question with Next button if my answer was correct.
If this task looks way to easy for you, you can take bonus user stories:
  1. As a user I can drag any letter to an answering slot.
  2. I can Drag n Drop my letter back to letter picking area whenever I needed.

basic - basic advanced - advanced

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