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Created July 11, 2016 18:01
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4777 git fetch ishmael master:ishmael-master
4778 git checkout ishmael
4779 git checkout ishmael-master
4780 git status
4781 git stash
4782 git push ishmael ishmael-master
4783 git pull ishmael ishmael-master
4784 git pull ishmael
4785 git branch
4786 git pull ishmael ishmael-master
4787 git log
4788 git log
4789 git show 9476d97965c5de06a9b80f50d2a69d216adde3f6
4790 git checkout toggle-button-color-change
4791 git checkout master
4792 git checkout -b toggle-button-color-change
4793 git cherry-pick 9476d97965c5de06a9b80f50d2a69d216adde3f6
4794 git status
4795 subl troposphere/static/css/app/header.scss
4796 subl troposphere/templates/cf2.html
4797 git add troposphere/static/css/app/header.scss
4798 git add troposphere/templates/cf2.html
4799 git status
4800 git commit
4801 git commit --amend
4802 subl troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js
4803 npm i -g esformatter
4804 esformatter troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js
4805 esformatter troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js > troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js
4806 git status
4807 git checkout -- troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js
4808 git status
4809 subl troposphere/static/js/components/Header.react.js
4810 git add -p
4811 npm run format
4812 npm run format-check
4813 git status
4814 git add -p
4815 git commit -m 'Fixed inconsistent whitespace/indentation'
4816 git status
4817 git add -i
4818 git add -i
4819 git commit
4820 git push -u lenards toggle-button-color-change
4821 history
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