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Created March 10, 2009 19:31
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19:16 Leftmost: Looks right to me.
19:17 Lenary: considers the irony of the above line
19:17 Physchim62 has joined (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/physchim62)
19:18 Amgine: <laughs>
19:18 Amgine: Punishment will be forthcoming.
19:18 Lenary: there is no irony
19:18 Lenary: if youre most to the left, you can only look right
19:19 Amgine: Ah, unless you are on a globe, or within a sphere, or...
19:19 alhen_hidden has left IRC (Connection timed out)
19:24 Amgine: <puts a magnet up against leftmost cat to see if xe is ironic>
19:24 Lenary: ...
19:27 Amgine: Xe is a ferrocat. And usually right despite being leftmost. And from Montana, despite being in Ireland.
19:27 Lenary: you lost me
19:27 Lenary: at "Xe is..."
19:28 Leftmost: A ferrocat. As opposed to a domestic one.
19:28 Amgine: Xe = gender irrelevant pronoun.
19:28 Lenary: you lost me again
19:28 Lenary: at "a"
19:28 Amgine: Feral = wild, but sounds like ferro which = iron.
19:30 Amgine: I did mention pun-ishment.
19:30 Amgine: <said brassily, thus, without irony>
19:33 Leftmost: I'm not sure I can alloy this to continue...
19:33 Amgine: <whinces>
19:33 Leftmost: I think we've all sulfured enough.
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