Often referred to as the "swiss army of knife" for TCP/IP networking, Netcat is an extremely versatile Linux utility that allows you to do anything under the sun using TCP/UDP sockets. It is one of the most favorite tools for system admins when they need to do networking related troubleshooting and experimentation.
In this tutorial, I am sharing a few useful netcat examples, although the sky is the limit when it comes to possible netcat
use cases. If you are using netcat
regularly, feel free to share your use case.
Note that when you are binding to well-known ports (0-1023) with nc
, you need root privilege. Otherwise, run nc
as a normal user.
$ nc -vn 5000
nc: connect to 5000 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
$ nc -v 22
Connection to 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4
The command below sends a test UDP packet with 1 second timeout to a remote host at port 5000.
$ echo -n "foo" | nc -u -w1 5000
The command below scans ports in the ranges of [1-1000] and [2000-3000] to check which port(s) are open.
$ nc -vnz -w 1 1-1000 2000-3000
On hostB.com (receiver):
$ nc -lp 5000 > my.jpg
On hostA.com (sender):
$ nc hostB.com 5000 < my.jpg
On hostB.com (receiver):
$ nc -l 5000 | tar xvf -
On hostA.com (sender):
$ tar cvf - /path/to/dir | nc hostB.com 5000
$ nc -vnzu 1-65535
Connection to 68 port [udp/*] succeeded!
Connection to 5353 port [udp/*] succeeded!
Connection to 16389 port [udp/*] succeeded!
Connection to 38515 port [udp/*] succeeded!
Connection to 45103 port [udp/*] succeeded!
The above command checks which UDP port(s) of a remote host are open and able to receive traffic.
The command below listens on UDP port for incoming messages (lines of text).
$ nc -u localhost 5000
Note that this command dies after receiving one message. If you want to receive multiple messages, use while
loop as follows.
$ while true; do nc -u localhost 5000; done
On a remote server:
$ nc -lp 5000 | sudo dd of=/backup/sdb.img.gz
On a local host with a hard drive:
$ dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip -c | nc remote_server.com 5000
On a local host:
$ nc -lp 5000 | gunzip -c | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb
On a remote server with a backup disk image (e.g., /backup/sdb.img.gz):
$ cat /backup/sdb.img.gz | nc my_local_host.com 5000
Type the command below to launch a web server that serves test.html
on port 8000.
$ while true; do nc -lp 8000 < test.html; done
Now go to http://:8000/test.html to access it. Note that in order to use a well known port 80, you will need to run nc
with root privilege as follows.
$ while true; do sudo nc -lp 80 < test.html; done
On one host (
$ nc -lp 5000
On another host:
$ nc 5000
After running the above commands, anything typed on either host appears on the other host's terminal.
12. Launch a "remote shell" which allows you run from local host any commands to be executed on a remote host.
On a remote host (
$ nc -lp 5000 -e /bin/bash
On local host:
$ nc 5000
After running the above command on local host, you can start running any command from local host's terminal. The command will be executed on the remote host, and the output of the command will appear on local host. This setup can be used to create a backdoor on a remote host.
$ mkfifo proxypipe
$ while true; do nc -l 5000 0 proxypipe; done
The above commands create a named pipe proxypipe
, and use nc
to redirect all incoming TCP/5000 connections to http://www.google.com via the bidirectional pipe. With this setup, you can access Google by going to
$ mkfifo proxypipe
$ mkfifo proxypipe2
$ nc -l 5000 -k > proxypipe < proxypipe2 &
$ while true do; openssl s_client -connect www.google.com:443 -quiet < proxypipe > proxypipe2; done
The above commands use nc
to proxy SSL connections to Google.com.
On a video server (
$ cat video.avi | nc -l 5000
On a client host:
$ nc 5000 | mplayer -vo x11 -cache 3000 -
The following command let nc
use IPv6 address when listening on a TCP port. This may be useful to test IPv6 setup.
$ nc -6 -l 5000
$ sudo netstat -nap | grep 5000
tcp6 0 0 :::5000 :::* LISTEN 4099/nc
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At 15, instead of
cat video.avi | nc -l 5000
you can usenc -l 5000 <video.avi