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Created July 3, 2014 00:28
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Create SuperLearner wrappers that run caret models
make_caret_wrappers <- function(alg_names) {
#creates an environment that stors SL wrappers. For a given <name> in alg_names, the wrapper will be
# named SL.caret.<name>
# alg_names should be a list of names of models provided by the caret pacakge.
# see
# only set up for binomial family
# also, set up to use single split CV internally within caret. This can be changed by fiddling with fitControl, below
#use negative bern log likelihood for predicion
nbll_summary <- function(data, lev = NULL, model = NULL) {
if (length(lev) > 2) {
stop("negative Bernoulli log likelihood is only for 2 classes")
is_class1 <- ifelse(data$obs == lev[1], 1, 0)
eps = 0.01
prob_class1 <- pmin(pmax(data[, lev[1]], eps), 1-eps)
c(nloglik = -2*mean(is_class1*log(prob_class1) +
twoClassSummary(data, lev = lev))
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "LGOCV", #Single split CV
number = 1,
allowParallel = TRUE,
classProbs = TRUE,
returnData = FALSE,
summaryFunction = nbll_summary,
alg_env <- new.env()
for (name in alg_names) assign(paste("SL.caret", name, sep="."), function(Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id)
SL.caret(Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id, method=name, trControl=fitControl, metric="nloglik"),
#for example
alg_names <- c("bayesglm", "bdk", "C5.0", "C5.0Rules", "C5.0Tree", "ctree2",
"earth", "fda", "gamboost", "gbm", "gcvEarth", "glm", "glmboost",
"glmnet", "hda", "knn", "lda", "lda2", "LogitBoost", "mda", "multinom",
"nnet", "pam", "pcaNNet", "pda", "pda2", "plr", "qda", "rpart",
"rpartCost", "rrlda", "sda", "sddaLDA", "sddaQDA", "slda", "sparseLDA",
"spls", "xyf", "QdaCov")
wrappers_env <- make_caret_wrappers(alg_names)
SL.library <- ls(wrappers_env)
#SuperLearner searches for objects whos names are in SL.library, so we can
#attach the wrappers_env to the R's search path
#attach SuperLearner first, so if any names clash with those in wrappers_env,
#the ones in wrappers_env will be used
test.NNloglik <- SampleSplitSuperLearner(Y = Y, X = X, SL.library = SL.library,
verbose = TRUE, method = "method.CC_nloglik", family = binomial(),
cbind(round(test.NNloglik$coef, 4))
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