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Last active March 25, 2018 16:30
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VolgaCTF 2018 Quals
#!/usr/bin/env sage
from struct import pack, unpack
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import (
Cipher, algorithms, modes
# Pwn script for the Forbidden challenge of VolgaCTF 2018 Quals.
# Written by lenerd for Cyclopropenylidene.
# AES-GCM was used to authenticate/encrypt three messages with authenticated
# data using the same key and iv.
# See also Section 3 "A forbidden attack with repeated IV" in
# given messages
m1 = "From: John Doe\nTo: John Doe\nSend 100 BTC"
m2 = "From: VolgaCTF\nTo: VolgaCTF\nSend 0.1 BTC"
m3 = "From: John Doe\nTo: VolgaCTF\nSend ALL BTC"
# given associated data
a1 = "John Doe"
a2 = "VolgaCTF"
a3 = a1
# given ciphertexts
c1 = "1761e540522379aab5ef05eabc98516fa47ae0c586026e9955fd551fe5b6ec37e636d9fd389285f3".decode('hex')
c2 = "1761e540522365aab1e644ed87bb516fa47ae0d9860667d852c6761fe5b6ec37e637c7fc389285f3".decode('hex')
c3 = "1761e540522379aab5ef05eabc98516fa47ae0d9860667d852c6761fe5b6ec37e646a581389285f3".decode('hex')
# given tags
t1 = "0674d6e42069a10f18375fc8876aa04d".decode('hex')
t2 = "cf61b77c044a8fb1566352bd5dd2f69f".decode('hex')
# Some test data, generated with the following key:
# key: 42424242424242424242424242424242
# hash_key: 73446bba4a5a60c9410cf3d8805b910a
# c1 = "3965387e2d8c715b272fbcc3a9cb1d88d7c7fb101073c4ea5f2693153a406a803f7d845317fca1d1".decode('hex')
# c2 = "3965387e2d8c6d5b2326fdc492e81d88d7c7fb0c1077cdab581db0153a406a803f7c9a5217fca1d1".decode('hex')
# c3 = "3965387e2d8c715b272fbcc3a9cb1d88d7c7fb0c1077cdab581db0153a406a803f0df82f17fca1d1".decode('hex')
# t1 = "c444aa7d870ab39b9d4322a4ae0379cc".decode('hex')
# t2 = "44cf34f78a7293f144d6c725a6759ed4".decode('hex')
# t3 = 'f699fefa589d55f24583abc818c87453'.decode('hex')
# Galois field of size 2^128 used in GCM
F.<a> = GF(2^128, name='a', modulus=x^128 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1)
# Polynomial ring over the GF
R.<X> = PolynomialRing(F)
# convert 16 bytes to a field element
def toGF(s):
assert len(s) == 16
return F(list("{:0128b}".format(int(s.encode('hex'), 16))))
# convert a field element to 16 bytes
def fromGF(p):
bits = list(p.polynomial())
bits += [0]*(128 - len(bits))
s = '{:032x}'.format(int(''.join(str(b) for b in bits), 2))
return s.decode('hex')
# test conversion function
def test():
s = ('80' + 15*'00').decode('hex')
p = toGF(s)
sx = fromGF(p)
assert s == sx
x = F.random_element()
y = toGF(fromGF(x))
assert x == y
# Xor of bytes
def xor(xs, ys):
return ''.join(chr(ord(x) ^^ ord(y)) for x, y in zip(xs, ys))
# Increment 128 bit integer given as bytes
def inc128(cnt):
cnt_a, cnt_b = unpack('>QQ', cnt)
cnt_b = (cnt_b + 1) & ~int(1 << 64)
if cnt_b == 0:
cnt_a = (cnt_a + 1) & ~int(1 << 64)
return pack('>QQ', cnt_a, cnt_b)
# CTR mode encryption
def ctr(ecb, cnt, plaintext):
nblocks = ceil(len(plaintext) / 16)
keystream = ''
for i in range(nblocks):
keystream += ecb.update(cnt)
cnt = inc128(cnt)
return xor(plaintext, keystream)
# GHash
def ghash(h, blocks):
h = toGF(h)
res = F(0)
for b in blocks:
res += toGF(b)
res *= h
return fromGF(res)
# Pad and split bytes into 16B blocks
def split_blocks(data):
data += '\x00'*(16 - (len(data) % 16))
assert len(data) % 16 == 0
return [data[16*i:16*(i+1)] for i in range(len(data) // 16)]
# GCM encryption
def gcm_encrypt(key, iv, plaintext, assoc_data):
ecb = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=default_backend()).encryptor()
h = ecb.update('\x00'*16)
j0 = ghash(h, [iv, '\x00'*8 + pack('>Q', 128)])
ciphertext = ctr(ecb, inc128(j0), plaintext)
assoc_blocks = split_blocks(assoc_data)
ciphertext_blocks = split_blocks(ciphertext)
lens = pack('>QQ', len(assoc_data)*8, len(ciphertext)*8)
s = ghash(h, assoc_blocks + ciphertext_blocks + [lens])
tag = xor(ecb.update(j0), s)
return ciphertext, tag
# Some testing of the above GCM implementation. Ignore this.
# =======================================================
# key = "\x42"*16
# iv = "9313225df88406e555909c5aff5269aa".decode('hex')
# M1 = m1
# C1, T1 = gcm_encrypt(key, iv, M1, a1)
# M2 = m2
# C2, T2 = gcm_encrypt(key, iv, M2, a2)
# print("key {}".format(key.encode('hex')))
# print("iv {}".format(iv.encode('hex')))
# print("M1 {}".format(M1.encode('hex')))
# print("C1 {}".format(C1.encode('hex')))
# print("T1 {}".format(T1.encode('hex')))
# print("M2 {}".format(M2.encode('hex')))
# print("C2 {}".format(C2.encode('hex')))
# print("T2 {}".format(T2.encode('hex')))
# ecb = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=default_backend()).encryptor()
# c11, c12, c13 = map(toGF, split_blocks(c1))
# c21, c22, c23 = map(toGF, split_blocks(c2))
# a11 = map(toGF, split_blocks(a1))[0]
# a21 = map(toGF, split_blocks(a2))[0]
# lens = toGF(pack('>QQ', len(a1)*8, len(c1)*8))
# h = toGF(ecb.update('\x00'*16))
# s1 = ((((((a11 * h) + c11) * h + c12) * h + c13) * h + lens) * h) #+ e
# print("s1 {}".format(fromGF(s1).encode('hex')))
# s2 = ((((((a21 * h) + c21) * h + c22) * h + c23) * h + lens) * h) #+ e
# print("s2 {}".format(fromGF(s2).encode('hex')))
# j0 = ghash(fromGF(h), [iv, '\x00'*8 + pack('>Q', 128)])
# e = toGF(ecb.update(j0))
# # t1 = s1 + e
# # t2 = s2 + e
# # print("t1 {}".format(fromGF(t1).encode('hex')))
# # print("t2 {}".format(fromGF(t2).encode('hex')))
# =======================================================
# Convert blocks of associated data, ciphertext, lengths, tags to field
# elements.
c11, c12, c13 = map(toGF, split_blocks(c1))
c21, c22, c23 = map(toGF, split_blocks(c2))
a11 = map(toGF, split_blocks(a1))[0]
a21 = map(toGF, split_blocks(a2))[0]
lens = toGF(pack('>QQ', len(a1)*8, len(c1)*8))
t1 = toGF(t1)
t2 = toGF(t2)
# Authentication with GCM:
# 128 bit strings are interpreted as elements of GF(2^128).
# Let h = E_k(00..0) be the authentication key, l the encoding of the lengths
# of the associated data and the plaintext as two 64 bit blocks.
# Authentication tag is computed the following way:
# s = GHash(h, [a11, c11, c12, c13])
# = (((((a11 * h) + c11) * h + c12) * h + c13) * h + l) * h
# = a_11 * h^5 + c11 * h^4 + c12 * h^3 + c13 * h^2 + l * h
# tag = s + E_k(GHash(h, [iv, 0^64 || len(iv)]))
# The tags for the first two messages yield the following equations.
# t1 = a_11 * h^5 + c11 * h^4 + c12 * h^3 + c13 * h^2 + l * h
# t2 = a_21 * h^5 + c21 * h^4 + c22 * h^3 + c23 * h^2 + l * h
# Hence, we can construct the following polynomial that has root h.
p = (a11 + a21) * X^5 + (c11 + c21) * X^4 + (c12 + c22) * X^3 + (c13 + c23) * X^2 + (t1 + t2)
# In our case the p has two roots.
auth_key_candidates = [r for r, _ in p.roots()]
assert len(auth_key_candidates) > 0
# Find the difference between messages 1 and 3
diff = xor(m1, m3)
d1, d2, d3 = map(toGF, split_blocks(diff))
# We use the recovered authentication key to compute a valid auth tag for the
# message 3.
for h in auth_key_candidates:
dx = d1 * h^4 + d2 * h^3 + d3 * h^2
t3 = t1 + dx
print('possible flag: VolgaCTF{{{}}}'.format(fromGF(t3).encode('hex')))
# VolgaCTF{b084b54cb9d114c6912926f4ec42dbcf}
#!/usr/bin/env sage
import hashlib
# Pwn script for the Nonsense challenge of VolgaCTF 2018 Quals.
# Written by lenerd for Cyclopropenylidene.
# DSA was used with a linear congruential generator as RNG
# See also
# DSA involves the following computations (k nonce, x secret key):
# r = (g^k mod p) mod q
# s = k^-1 * (H(M) + x * r) mod q
# Since an LCG with parameters a, b, m is used, consecutive ks are related:
# k2 = a * k1 + b (mod m)
# We get (more than) two signatures ((r1, s1), (r2, s2)). Therefore, we can
# construct the following system of linear equations with unknowns k1, k2, x:
# s1 * k1 - x * r1 = H(m1) (mod q)
# s2 * k2 - x * r2 = H(m2) (mod q)
# -a * k1 + k2 = b (mod m)
# Since m = q, this is easy to solve (see e.g. Section 3.1 of mentioned paper).
# DSA Parameters
g = 88125476599184486094790650278890368754888757655708027167453919435240304366395317529470831972495061725782138055221217302201589783769854366885231779596493602609634987052252863192229681106120745605931395095346012008056087730365567429009621913663891364224332141824100071928803984724198563312854816667719924760795
y = 18433140630820275907539488836516835408779542939919052226997023049612786224410259583219376467254099629677919271852380455772458762645735404211432242965871926570632297310903219184400775850110990886397212284518923292433738871549404880989194321082225561448101852260505727288411231941413212099434438610673556403084
p = 89884656743115795425395461605176038709311877189759878663122975144592708970495081723016152663257074178905267744494172937616748015651504839967430700901664125135185879852143653824715409554960402343311756382635207838848036159350785779959423221882215217326708017212309285537596191495074550701770862125817284985959
q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
# Finite field modulo q
F = GF(q)
# LCG Parameters
a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547
b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634
m = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
assert q == m
# Given message/signature pairs
m1, r1, s1 = ('VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}', 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672, 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785)
m2, #!/usr/bin/env sage
import hashlib
# Pwn script for the Nonsense challenge of VolgaCTF 2018 Quals.
# Written by lenerd for Cyclopropenylidene.
# DSA was used with a linear congruential generator as RNG
# See also
# DSA involves the following computations (k nonce, x secret key):
# r = (g^k mod p) mod q
# s = k^-1 * (H(M) + x * r) mod q
# Since an LCG with parameters a, b, m is used, consecutive ks are related:
# k2 = a * k1 + b (mod m)
# We get (more than) two signatures ((r1, s1), (r2, s2)). Therefore, we can
# construct the following system of linear equations with unknowns k1, k2, x:
# s1 * k1 - x * r1 = H(m1) (mod q)
# s2 * k2 - x * r2 = H(m2) (mod q)
# -a * k1 + k2 = b (mod m)
# Since m = q, this is easy to solve (see e.g. Section 3.1 of mentioned paper).
# DSA Parameters
g = 88125476599184486094790650278890368754888757655708027167453919435240304366395317529470831972495061725782138055221217302201589783769854366885231779596493602609634987052252863192229681106120745605931395095346012008056087730365567429009621913663891364224332141824100071928803984724198563312854816667719924760795
y = 18433140630820275907539488836516835408779542939919052226997023049612786224410259583219376467254099629677919271852380455772458762645735404211432242965871926570632297310903219184400775850110990886397212284518923292433738871549404880989194321082225561448101852260505727288411231941413212099434438610673556403084
p = 89884656743115795425395461605176038709311877189759878663122975144592708970495081723016152663257074178905267744494172937616748015651504839967430700901664125135185879852143653824715409554960402343311756382635207838848036159350785779959423221882215217326708017212309285537596191495074550701770862125817284985959
q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
# Finite field modulo q
F = GF(q)
# LCG Parameters
a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547
b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634
m = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
assert q == m
# Given message/signature pairs
m1, r1, s1 = ('VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}', 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672, 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785)
m2, r2, s2 = ('VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}', 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174, 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465)
h1 = int(hashlib.md5(m1).hexdigest(), 16)
h2 = int(hashlib.md5(m2).hexdigest(), 16)
M = Matrix(F, [
[s1, 0, -r1],
[ 0, s2, -r2],
[-a, 1, 0],
v = vector(F, [h1, h2, b])
sol = M.solve_right(v)
k1, k2, x = sol
print("recovered secet key: x = 0x{:x}".format(int(x)))r2, s2 = ('VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}', 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174, 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465)
h1 = int(hashlib.md5(m1).hexdigest(), 16)
h2 = int(hashlib.md5(m2).hexdigest(), 16)
M = Matrix(F, [
[s1, 0, -r1],
[ 0, s2, -r2],
[-a, 1, 0],
v = vector(F, [h1, h2, b])
sol = M.solve_right(v)
k1, k2, x = sol
print("recovered secet key: x = 0x{:x}".format(int(x)))
Scripts solving two crypto challenges from VolgaCTF 2018 Quals
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