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Created June 14, 2023 07:43
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  • Save lenguyenthanh/df88115b7af5b974d0324c3c2a712df6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lenguyenthanh/df88115b7af5b974d0324c3c2a712df6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[info] welcome to sbt 1.9.0 (Eclipse Adoptium Java 17.0.7)
[info] loading settings for project cats-build-build-build from metals.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /Users/tle/git/cats/cats/project/project/project
[info] loading settings for project cats-build-build from metals.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /Users/tle/git/cats/cats/project/project
[success] Generated .bloop/cats-build-build.json
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 14 Jun 2023, 09:34:56
[info] loading settings for project cats-build from metals.sbt,plugins.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /Users/tle/git/cats/cats/project
[success] Generated .bloop/cats-build.json
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 14 Jun 2023, 09:34:57
[info] loading settings for project root from build.sbt,mima.sbt ...
[info] resolving key references (43411 settings) ...
[info] set scmInfo to
[info] set current project to root (in build file:/Users/tle/git/cats/cats/)
[warn] there's a key that's not used by any other settings/tasks:
[warn] * ThisBuild / tlFatalWarningsInCi
[warn] +- /Users/tle/git/cats/cats/build.sbt:25
[warn] note: a setting might still be used by a command; to exclude a key from this `lintUnused` check
[warn] either append it to `Global / excludeLintKeys` or call .withRank(KeyRanks.Invisible) on the key
[info] running mdoc.Main
info: Compiling 97 files to /Users/tle/git/cats/cats/site/target/mdoc
warning: local method constApplicative in value <local App0> is never used
implicit def constApplicative[Z]: Applicative[Const[Z, *]] =
warning: local trait Lens is never used
trait Lens[S, A] {
warning: local trait Lens is never used
trait Lens[S, A] {
warning: local trait Lens is never used
trait Lens[S, A] {
warning: local trait Traverse is never used
trait Traverse[F[_]] extends Foldable[F] {
warning: local trait Traverse is never used
trait Traverse[F[_]] extends Foldable[F] {
warning: parameter b in method const is never used
def const[A, B](a: A)(b: => B): A = a
warning: local object DatabaseError1 in value <local App6> is never used
case object DatabaseError1 extends AppError
warning: local object DatabaseError2 in value <local App6> is never used
case object DatabaseError2 extends AppError
warning: local object ServiceError1 in value <local App6> is never used
case object ServiceError1 extends AppError
warning: local object ServiceError2 in value <local App6> is never used
case object ServiceError2 extends AppError
warning: local method doApp in value <local App6> is never used
def doApp = Database.databaseThings().flatMap(Service.serviceThings)
warning: local method awesome in value <local App6> is never used
def awesome =
warning: method right in class Either is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Either is now right-biased, use methods directly on Either + 1)
warning: method right in class Either is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Either is now right-biased, use methods directly on Either + 1)
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class NotANumber(string: String) extends Error
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._
warning: Unused import
import cats.Id
warning: Unused import
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
warning: Unused import
import TeletypeOps._
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._
warning: (mdoc generated code) method any2stringadd in object Predef is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Implicit injection of + is deprecated. Convert to String to call +
val hoisted = opComplete.hoist(optTryLift); $doc.binder(hoisted, 51, 4, 51, 11)
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class WriteLine(line : String) extends Teletype[Unit]
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class ReadLine(prompt : String) extends Teletype[String]
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._,
warning: dead code following this construct
val fromDbConfig: Kleisli[Option, DbConfig, Db] = ???
warning: dead code following this construct
val fromServiceConfig: Kleisli[Option, ServiceConfig, Service] = ???
warning: dead code following this construct
val fromDbConfig: Kleisli[Option, DbConfig, Db] = ???
warning: dead code following this construct
val fromServiceConfig: Kleisli[Option, ServiceConfig, Service] = ???
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._
warning: local method kleisliFlatMap in value <local App> is never used
implicit def kleisliFlatMap[F[_], Z](implicit F: FlatMap[F]): FlatMap[Kleisli[F, Z, *]] =
warning: local object Reader in value <local App> is never used
object Reader {
warning: local object Db in value <local App> is never used
object Db {
warning: local object Service in value <local App> is never used
object Service {
warning: local method appFromAppConfig in value <local App> is never used
def appFromAppConfig: Kleisli[Option, AppConfig, App] =
warning: local type ReaderT is never used
type ReaderT[F[_], A, B] = Kleisli[F, A, B]
warning: local class App is never used
class App(db: Db, service: Service)
warning: parameter db in class App is never used
class App(db: Db, service: Service)
warning: parameter service in class App is never used
class App(db: Db, service: Service)
warning: parameter db in class App is never used
class App(db: Db, service: Service)
warning: parameter service in class App is never used
class App(db: Db, service: Service)
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class Kleisli[F[_], A, B](run: A => F[B]) {
warning: local method average in value <local App> is never used
def average(xs: List[Int]): Option[Double] = if (xs.isEmpty) {
warning: local method average in value <local App> is never used
def average(xs: NonEmptyList[Int]): Double = {
warning: Unused import
import cats.Applicative
warning: (mdoc generated code) method any2stringadd in object Predef is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Implicit injection of + is deprecated. Convert to String to call +
val nested: Nested[Option, Validated[String, *], Int] = Nested(Some(Valid(123))); $doc.binder(nested, 2, 4, 2, 10)
warning: type Stream in package scala is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Use LazyList instead of Stream
type NonEmptyStream[A] = OneAnd[Stream, A]
warning: Unused import
import cats.syntax.all._
warning: local method open in value <local App0> is never used
def open: State[DoorState, Unit] = ???
warning: local method close in value <local App0> is never used
def close: State[DoorState, Unit] = ???
warning: pattern var seed4 in method createRobot is never used: use a wildcard `_` or suppress this warning with `seed4@_`
val (seed4, isReplicant) = nextBoolean(seed3)
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class Robot(
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class Robot(
warning: The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.
final case class Seed(long: Long) {
error: Expected compile errors but program compiled successfully without errors
val nextLong: State[Future[AsyncSeed], Future[Long]] = State { seedF =>
error: Expected compile errors but program compiled successfully without errors
val invalid = for {
error: Expected compile errors but program compiled successfully without errors
warning: Unknown link 'img/cats-logo.png'.
*The full-size [Cats logo](img/cats-logo.png) is available for use for Cats related projects, contents, souvenirs, etc.*
warning: Unknown link 'img/cats-badge.svg'.
*We offer a [Cats Friendly Badge](img/cats-badge.svg) to let others know your project works with Cats!*
warning: datatypes/ Unknown link 'datatypes/', did you mean 'datatypes/'?
[State]( data structure can be used to keep track of the program
warning: Unknown link '/cats/#ecosystem'. To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Cats and [Scalaz]( have the same goal: to facilitate pure functional programming in Scala applications. However the underlying core strategy is different; Scalaz took the approach of trying to provide a single batteries-included *standard library* for FP that powers the Scala applications. Cats, on the other hand, aims to help build an [ecosystem](/cats/#ecosystem) of pure FP libraries by providing a solid and stable foundation; these libraries can have their own styles and personalities, competing with each other, while at the same time playing nice. It is through this ecosystem of FP libraries (cats included) that Scala applications can be powered with "FP awesome-ness" and beyond by picking whatever best fit their needs.
warning: Unknown link '/cats/motivations#modularity'. To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community]( governed by the [Scala Code of Conduct]( It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
warning: Unknown link '/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning', did you mean ''? To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community]( governed by the [Scala Code of Conduct]( It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
warning: Unknown link '/cats/motivations#approachability', did you mean ''? To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community]( governed by the [Scala Code of Conduct]( It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
warning: Unknown link '/cats/motivations#efficiency'. To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community]( governed by the [Scala Code of Conduct]( It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
warning: Unknown link '/cats/#documentation', did you mean ''? To fix this problem, either make the link relative or turn it into complete URL such as
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community]( governed by the [Scala Code of Conduct]( It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
warning: Unknown link '', did you mean ''?
An `Applicative` instance for `OptionT[F, *]`/`EitherT[F, E, *]`, built without a corresponding `Monad` instance for `F`, would be unlawful, so it's not included. See [the guidelines]( for a more detailed explanation.
warning: Unknown link 'datatypes/', did you mean 'datatypes/'?
The ``, import brings in data structures such as [Validated](datatypes/ and [State](datatypes/ Instead of the entire `` package, you can import only the types that you need, for example:
info: Compiled in 10.76s (3 errors, 66 warnings)
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