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Created April 9, 2022 07:44
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open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _<′_; _≤′_; _≤_; _<_; _⊔_ )
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; toℕ; fromℕ; fromℕ<) renaming (splitAt to FinSplitAt)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Relation.Binary hiding (_⇒_)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-suc; +-comm; ≤-trans; ≤-refl; ≤-reflexive; _≟_; ≤∧≢⇒<; m≤n⇒m<n∨m≡n; _≤?_; m≤m+n; ≤-stepsʳ; ≤-stepsˡ; 1+n≰n )
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_ )
open import Data.Product using (Σ; Σ-syntax; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; _×_; map)
data Ty : Set where
top : Ty
_⇒_ : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
var : ℕ -> Ty -> Ty
∀<_·_ : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
insert : ℕ -> Ty -> Ty
insert x top = top
insert x (ty ⇒ ty₁) = insert x ty ⇒ insert x ty₁
insert x (var x₁ ty) with x ≤? x₁
... | yes y = var (suc x₁) (insert x ty)
... | no n = var x₁ (insert x ty)
insert x (∀< ty · ty₁) = ∀< insert x ty · insert (suc x) ty₁
weaken : ℕ -> Ty -> Ty
weaken zero x₁ = insert 0 x₁
weaken (suc x) x₁ = insert 0 (weaken x x₁)
update : ℕ -> Ty -> Ty -> Ty
update x u top = top
update x u (t ⇒ t₁) = update x u t ⇒ update x u t₁
update x u (var y t) with x ≟ y
... | yes refl = var y (weaken y u)
... | no n = var y (update x u t)
update x u (∀< t · t₁) = ∀< update x u t · update (suc x) u t₁
push : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
push = update 0
Lemma insert_above_insert : forall (T : typ) (X Y : nat),
insert (S(X+Y)) (insert X T) = insert X (insert (X+Y) T).
insert_above_insert : ∀{t : Ty} -> ∀{x y : ℕ} -> insert (suc (x + y)) (insert x t) ≡ insert x (insert (x + y) t)
insert_above_insert {top} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_insert {t ⇒ t₁} {x} {y} rewrite insert_above_insert {t} {x} {y} | insert_above_insert {t₁} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} with x ≤? x₁ | x + y ≤? x₁
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes y2 with suc (x + y) ≤? suc x₁ | x ≤? suc x₁
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes y2 | yes (_≤_.s≤s y3) | yes y4 rewrite insert_above_insert {t} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes y2 | yes (_≤_.s≤s y3) | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 (≤-trans y1 ( ≤-stepsˡ 1 ≤-refl)))
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes y2 | no n3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n3 (_≤_.s≤s y2))
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes y2 | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n3 (_≤_.s≤s y2))
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≤? suc x₁ | x ≤? x₁
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | yes (_≤_.s≤s y3) | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n2 y3)
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | yes (_≤_.s≤s y3) | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n2 y3)
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes y4 rewrite insert_above_insert {t} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 y1)
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes y2 = ⊥-elim (n1 (≤-trans ( ≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl) y2))
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≤? x₁ | x ≤? x₁
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n2 (≤-trans (≤-stepsˡ 1 ≤-refl) y3))
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
insert_above_insert {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 rewrite insert_above_insert {t} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_insert {∀< t · t₁} {x} {y} rewrite insert_above_insert {t} {x} {y} | insert_above_insert {t₁} {suc x} {y} = refl
Lemma insert_above_weaken : forall (X Y : nat) (T : typ),
insert (S(X+Y)) (weaken X T) = weaken X (insert Y T).
insert_above_weaken : ∀{t : Ty} -> ∀{x y : ℕ} -> insert (suc (x + y)) (weaken x t) ≡ weaken x (insert y t)
insert_above_weaken {t} {zero} {y} = insert_above_insert {t} {0} {y}
insert_above_weaken {t} {suc x} {y} rewrite insert_above_insert {weaken x t} {0} {suc (x + y)} | insert_above_weaken {t} {x} {y} = refl
Lemma insert_above_update : forall (U T : typ) (X Y : nat),
insert (S(X+Y)) (update X U T)
= update X (insert Y U) (insert (S(X+Y)) T).
insert_above_update : ∀{t u : Ty} -> ∀{x y : ℕ} -> insert (suc (x + y)) (update x u t ) ≡ update x (insert y u) (insert (suc (x + y)) t)
insert_above_update {top} {u} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_update {t ⇒ t₁} {u} {x} {y} rewrite insert_above_update {t} {u} {x} {y} | insert_above_update {t₁} {u} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} with x ≟ x₁ | suc (x + y) ≤? x₁
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | yes y2 = ⊥-elim (1+n≰n (≤-trans (_≤_.s≤s ( ≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl)) y2))
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 with suc (x₁ + y) ≤? x₁ | x₁ ≟ x₁
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | yes y3 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n2 y3)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | yes y3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 refl)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | no n3 | yes refl rewrite insert_above_weaken {u} {x₁} {y} = refl
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 refl)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes y2 with suc (x + y) ≤? x₁ | x ≟ suc x₁
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.(suc x₁)} {y} | no n1 | yes y2 | yes y3 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (1+n≰n (≤-trans (_≤_.s≤s (≤-trans (≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl) (≤-stepsˡ 1 ≤-refl))) y2))
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes y2 | yes y3 | no n4 rewrite insert_above_update {t} {u} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes y2 | no n3 | _ = ⊥-elim (n3 y2)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≤? x₁ | x ≟ x₁
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n1 refl)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n2 y3)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {.x₁} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n1 refl)
insert_above_update {var x₁ t} {u} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 rewrite insert_above_update {t} {u} {x} {y} = refl
insert_above_update {∀< t · t₁} {u} {x} {y} rewrite insert_above_update {t} {u} {x} {y} | insert_above_update {t₁} {u} {suc x} {y} = refl
Lemma insert_on_push : forall (X : nat) (P T : typ),
insert (S X) (push P T) = push (insert X P) (insert (S X) T).
intros. unfold push. rewrite_for_0 X insert_above_update. reflexivity.
insert_on_push : ∀{t p : Ty} -> ∀{x : ℕ} -> insert (suc x) (push p t) ≡ push (insert x p) (insert (suc x) t)
insert_on_push {t} {p} {x} = insert_above_update {t} {p} {0} {x}
Lemma insert_below_weaken : forall (X Y : nat) (T : typ),
insert X (weaken (X+Y) T) = weaken (S(X+Y)) T.
insert_below_weaken : ∀{t : Ty} -> ∀{x y : ℕ} -> insert x (weaken (x + y) t) ≡ insert 0 ( weaken (x + y) t )
insert_below_weaken {t} {zero} {y} = refl
insert_below_weaken {t} {suc x} {y} rewrite insert_above_insert {weaken (x + y) t} {0} {x} | insert_below_weaken {t} {x} {y} = refl
Lemma update_above_insert : forall (U T : typ) (X Y : nat),
update (S(X+Y)) U (insert X T) = insert X (update (X+Y) U T).
jiting : {x y : ℕ} -> x + y ≤ x -> y ≡ 0
jiting {zero} {.zero} _≤_.z≤n = refl
jiting {suc x} {y} (_≤_.s≤s x₁) = jiting x₁
update_above_insert : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x y : ℕ} -> update (suc (x + y)) u (insert x t) ≡ insert x (update (x + y) u t)
update_above_insert {u} {top} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_insert {u} {t ⇒ t₁} {x} {y} rewrite update_above_insert {u} {t} {x} {y} | update_above_insert {u} {t₁} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} with x ≤? x₁ | x + y ≟ x₁
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes refl with suc (x + y) ≟ suc (x + y) | x ≤? x + y
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes refl | yes refl | yes y4 rewrite insert_below_weaken {u} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes refl | yes refl | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 y1)
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | yes refl | no n3 | _ = ⊥-elim (n3 refl)
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≟ suc x₁ | x ≤? x₁
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | yes refl | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n2 refl)
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | yes refl | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n2 refl)
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes y4 rewrite update_above_insert {u} {t} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | yes y1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 y1)
update_above_insert {u} {var .(x + y) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n1 (≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl))
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≟ x₁ | x ≤? x₁
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
update_above_insert {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes refl | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 (≤-trans (≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl) (≤-stepsˡ 1 ≤-refl)))
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
update_above_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 rewrite update_above_insert {u} {t} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_insert {u} {∀< t · t₁} {x} {y} rewrite update_above_insert {u} {t} {x} {y} | update_above_insert {u} {t₁} {suc x} {y} = refl
Lemma update_above_weaken : forall (X Y : nat) (U T : typ),
update (S (X + Y)) U (weaken X T) = weaken X (update Y U T).
update_above_weaken : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x y : ℕ} -> update (suc (x + y)) u (weaken x t) ≡ weaken x (update y u t)
update_above_weaken {u} {t} {zero} {y} = update_above_insert {u} {t} {zero} {y}
update_above_weaken {u} {t} {suc x} {y} rewrite update_above_insert {u} {weaken x t} {0} {suc (x + y)} | update_above_weaken {u} {t} {x} {y} = refl
Lemma update_at_insert : forall (U T : typ) (X : nat),
update X U (insert X T) = insert X T.
update_at_insert : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> update x u (insert x t) ≡ insert x t
update_at_insert {u} {top} {x} = refl
update_at_insert {u} {t ⇒ t₁} {x} rewrite update_at_insert {u} {t} {x} | update_at_insert {u} {t₁} {x} = refl
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} with x ≤? x₁
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} | yes y1 with x ≟ suc x₁
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {.(suc x₁)} | yes y1 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (1+n≰n y1)
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} | yes y1 | no n2 rewrite update_at_insert {u} {t} {x} = refl
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} | no n1 with x ≟ x₁
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} | no n1 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n1 ≤-refl)
update_at_insert {u} {var x₁ t} {x} | no n1 | no n2 rewrite update_at_insert {u} {t} {x} = refl
update_at_insert {u} {∀< t · t₁} {x} rewrite update_at_insert {u} {t} {x} | update_at_insert {u} {t₁} {suc x} = refl
Lemma update_below_weaken : forall (U : typ) (X Y : nat) (T : typ),
update X U (weaken (X+Y) T) = weaken (X+Y) T.
update_below_weaken : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x y : ℕ} -> update x u (weaken (x + y) t) ≡ weaken (x + y) t
update_below_weaken {u} {t} {zero} {zero} = update_at_insert {u} {t} {0}
update_below_weaken {u} {t} {zero} {suc y} = update_at_insert {u} {weaken y t} {0}
update_below_weaken {u} {t} {suc x} {y} rewrite update_above_insert {u} {weaken (x + y) t} {0} {x} | update_below_weaken {u} {t} {x} {y} = refl
Lemma update_at_weaken : forall (X : nat) (T U : typ),
update X U (weaken X T) = weaken X T.
update_at_weaken : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> update x u (weaken x t) ≡ weaken x t
update_at_weaken {u} {t} {x} with update_below_weaken {u} {t} {x} {0}
update_at_weaken {u} {t} {x} | z rewrite +-comm x 0 = z
Lemma update_above_update : forall (P U T : typ) (X Y : nat),
update (S(X+Y)) P (update X U T)
= update X (update Y P U) (update (S(X+Y)) P T).
update_above_update : ∀ {p u t : Ty} -> {x y : ℕ} -> update (suc (x + y)) p (update x u t) ≡ update x (update y p u) (update (suc (x + y)) p t)
update_above_update {p} {u} {top} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_update {p} {u} {t ⇒ t₁} {x} {y} rewrite update_above_update {p} {u} {t} {x} {y} | update_above_update {p} {u} {t₁} {x} {y} = refl
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} with x ≟ x₁ | suc (x + y) ≟ x₁
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | yes y2 = ⊥-elim (1+n≰n (≤-trans (_≤_.s≤s (≤-stepsʳ y ≤-refl)) (≤-reflexive y2)))
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 with suc (x₁ + y) ≟ x₁ | x₁ ≟ x₁
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | yes y3 | _ = ⊥-elim (n2 y3)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | no n3 | yes refl = cong (var x₁) (update_above_weaken {p} {u} {x₁} {y})
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} {y} | yes refl | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n4 refl)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl with suc (x + y) ≟ suc (x + y) | x ≟ suc (x + y)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl | yes y3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl | yes refl | no n4 with update_below_weaken {update y p u} {p} {x} {1 + y}
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl | yes refl | no n4 | z rewrite +-comm x (suc y) | +-comm y x = cong (var (suc (x + y))) (sym z)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl | no n3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | yes refl | no n3 | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n3 refl)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 with suc (x + y) ≟ x₁ | x ≟ x₁
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes y3 | yes y4 = ⊥-elim (n1 y4)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var .(suc (x + y)) t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | yes refl | no n4 = ⊥-elim (n2 refl)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | yes refl = ⊥-elim (n1 refl)
update_above_update {p} {u} {var x₁ t} {x} {y} | no n1 | no n2 | no n3 | no n4 = cong (var x₁) (update_above_update {p} {u} {t} {x} {y})
update_above_update {p} {u} {∀< t · t₁} {x} {y} rewrite update_above_update {p} {u} {t} {x} {y} | update_above_update {p} {u} {t₁} {suc x} {y} = refl
Lemma update_on_push : forall (X : nat) (U P T : typ),
update (S X) U (push P T) = push (update X U P) (update (S X) U T).
update_on_push : ∀ {p u t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> update (suc x) u (push p t) ≡ push (update x u p) (update (suc x) u t)
update_on_push {p} {u} {t} {x} = update_above_update {u} {p} {t} {0} {x}
size : Ty -> ℕ
size top = 1
size (x ⇒ x₁) = suc ( size x + size x₁ )
size (var x x₁) = 1
size (∀< x · x₁) = suc ( size x + size x₁ )
insert_preserves_size : ∀ {t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> size (insert x t) ≡ size t
insert_preserves_size {top} {x} = refl
insert_preserves_size {t ⇒ t₁} {x} rewrite insert_preserves_size {t} {x} | insert_preserves_size {t₁} {x} = refl
insert_preserves_size {var x₁ t} {x} with x ≤? x₁
insert_preserves_size {var x₁ t} {x} | yes y1 = refl
insert_preserves_size {var x₁ t} {x} | no n1 = refl
insert_preserves_size {∀< t · t₁} {x} rewrite insert_preserves_size {t} {x} | insert_preserves_size {t₁} {suc x} = refl
weaken_preserves_size : ∀ {t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> size (weaken x t) ≡ size t
weaken_preserves_size {t} {zero} = insert_preserves_size {t} {0}
weaken_preserves_size {t} {suc x} rewrite insert_preserves_size {weaken x t} {0} | weaken_preserves_size {t} {x} = refl
update_preserves_size : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> size (update x u t) ≡ size t
update_preserves_size {u} {top} {x} = refl
update_preserves_size {u} {t ⇒ t₁} {x} rewrite update_preserves_size {u} {t} {x} | update_preserves_size {u} {t₁} {x} = refl
update_preserves_size {u} {var x₁ t} {x} with x ≟ x₁
update_preserves_size {u} {var x₁ t} {.x₁} | yes refl = refl
update_preserves_size {u} {var x₁ t} {x} | no n1 = refl
update_preserves_size {u} {∀< t · t₁} {x} rewrite update_preserves_size {u} {t} {x} | update_preserves_size {u} {t₁} {suc x} = refl
push_preserves_size : ∀ {u t : Ty} -> size (push u t) ≡ size t
push_preserves_size {u} {t} = update_preserves_size {u} {t} {0}
data env : Set where
[] : env
_∷_ : Ty -> env -> env
env_has : env -> ℕ -> Ty -> Set
Inductive wf : env -> typ -> Prop :=
| wf_top : forall (E : env),
wf E top
| wf_arrow : forall (E : env) (T1 T2 : typ),
wf E T1 -> wf E T2 -> wf E (arrow T1 T2)
| wf_all : forall (E : env) (T1 T2 : typ),
wf E T1 -> (forall (U : typ), wf (env_push E U) (push U T2)) ->
wf E (all T1 T2)
| wf_var : forall (E : env) (X : nat) (T1 : typ),
env_has E X T1 -> wf E T1 -> wf E (var X T1).
data wf : env -> Ty -> Set where
wf_top : ∀ {E : env} -> wf E top
wf_arrow : ∀ {E : env} -> {t1 t2 : Ty} -> wf E t1 -> wf E t2 -> wf E (t1 ⇒ t2)
wf_all : ∀ {E : env} -> {t1 t2 : Ty} -> wf E t1 -> (∀ {u : Ty} -> wf (u ∷ E) (push u t2)) -> wf E (∀< t1 · t2)
wf_var : ∀ {E : env} -> {x : ℕ} -> {t : Ty} -> env_has E x t -> wf E t -> wf E (var x t)
Inductive wf_env : env -> Prop :=
| wf_env_empty : wf_env env_empty
| wf_env_push : forall (E : env) (U : typ),
wf_env E -> wf E U -> wf_env (env_push E U).
data wf_env : env -> Set where
wf_env_empty : wf_env []
wf_env_push : ∀{E : env} -> {u : Ty} -> wf_env E -> wf E u -> wf_env ( u ∷ E )
| -> S <¤ top
| -> X^U <¤ X^U
| U <¤ T -> X^U <¤ T
| T1 <¤ S1 /\ S2 <¤ T2 -> S1->S2 <¤ T1->T2
| T1 <¤ S1 /\ (push T1 S2) <¤ (push T1 T2) -> $S1.S2 <¤ $T1.T2
data _<¤_ : Ty -> Ty -> Set where
unsafe-top : ∀ {t : Ty} -> t <¤ top
unsafe-refl : ∀ {x : ℕ} -> ∀ {t : Ty} -> var x t <¤ var x t
unsafe-trans-var : {x : ℕ} -> {u t : Ty} -> u <¤ t -> var x u <¤ t
unsafe-arrow : {t1 t2 s1 s2 : Ty} -> t1 <¤ s1 -> s2 <¤ t2 -> ( s1 ⇒ s2 ) <¤ ( t1 ⇒ t2 )
unsafe-all : {t1 t2 s1 s2 : Ty} -> t1 <¤ s1 -> (push t1 s2) <¤ (push t1 t2) -> ( ∀< s1 · s2 ) <¤ ( ∀< t1 · t2 )
insert_preserves_sub : {t1 t2 : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> t1 <¤ t2 -> (insert x t1) <¤ (insert x t2)
insert_preserves_sub {t1} {.top} {x} unsafe-top = unsafe-top
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₁ _)} {.(var x₁ _)} {x} (unsafe-refl {x₁}) with x ≤? x₁
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₁ _)} {.(var x₁ _)} {x} (unsafe-refl {x₁}) | yes y1 = unsafe-refl
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₁ _)} {.(var x₁ _)} {x} (unsafe-refl {x₁}) | no n1 = unsafe-refl
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₂ _)} {t2} {x} (unsafe-trans-var {x₂} x₁) with x ≤? x₂
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₂ _)} {t2} {x} (unsafe-trans-var {x₂} x₁) | yes y1 = unsafe-trans-var (insert_preserves_sub x₁)
insert_preserves_sub {.(var x₂ _)} {t2} {x} (unsafe-trans-var {x₂} x₁) | no n1 = unsafe-trans-var (insert_preserves_sub x₁)
insert_preserves_sub {.(_ ⇒ _)} {.(_ ⇒ _)} {x} (unsafe-arrow x₁ x₂) = unsafe-arrow (insert_preserves_sub x₁) (insert_preserves_sub x₂)
insert_preserves_sub {.(∀< s1 · s2)} {.(∀< t1 · t2)} {x} (unsafe-all {t1} {t2} {s1 = s1} {s2} x₁ x₂) rewrite sym (insert_on_push {s2} {t1} {x}) = unsafe-all (insert_preserves_sub x₁) lemma where
lemma : push (insert x t1) (insert (suc x) s2) <¤ push (insert x t1) (insert (suc x) t2)
lemma rewrite sym (insert_on_push {s2} {t1} {x}) | sym (insert_on_push {t2} {t1} {x}) = insert_preserves_sub x₂
weaken_preserves_sub : {t1 t2 : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> t1 <¤ t2 -> (weaken x t1) <¤ (weaken x t2)
weaken_preserves_sub {t1} {t2} {zero} x₁ = insert_preserves_sub x₁
weaken_preserves_sub {t1} {t2} {suc x} x₁ = insert_preserves_sub (weaken_preserves_sub {t1} {t2} {x} x₁)
sub-reflexity' : (t : Ty) -> Acc _<_ (size t) -> t <¤ t
sub-reflexity' top x = unsafe-top
sub-reflexity' (t ⇒ t₁) (acc rs) = unsafe-arrow (sub-reflexity' t (rs _ (_≤_.s≤s ( ≤-stepsʳ (size t₁) ≤-refl)))) (sub-reflexity' t₁ (rs _ (_≤_.s≤s (≤-stepsˡ (size t) ≤-refl))))
sub-reflexity' (var x₁ t) (acc rs) = unsafe-refl
sub-reflexity' (∀< t · t₁) (acc rs) = unsafe-all (sub-reflexity' t (rs _ (_≤_.s≤s ( ≤-stepsʳ (size t₁) ≤-refl)))) (sub-reflexity' (push t t₁) (rs _ (_≤_.s≤s lemma))) where
lemma : size (update 0 t t₁) ≤ size t + size t₁
lemma rewrite push_preserves_size {t} {t₁} = ≤-stepsˡ _ ≤-refl
sub-reflexity : (t : Ty) -> t <¤ t
sub-reflexity t = sub-reflexity' t (<-wellFounded (size t))
⇒-eq : ∀{p1 p2 q1 q2 : Ty } -> (p1 ⇒ p2 ) ≡ (q1 ⇒ q2 ) -> ( p1 ≡ q1 ) × ( p2 ≡ q2 )
⇒-eq refl = refl , refl
var-eq : ∀{p q : Ty } -> {a b : ℕ} -> var a p ≡ var b q -> a ≡ b × p ≡ q
var-eq refl = refl , refl
all-eq : ∀{p1 p2 q1 q2 : Ty } -> ∀< p1 · p2 ≡ ∀< q1 · q2 -> p1 ≡ q1 × p2 ≡ q2
all-eq refl = refl , refl
Lemma update_and_equality : forall (P Q T1 T2 : typ) (X : nat),
update X P T1 = update X P T2 -> update X Q T1 = update X Q T2.
update_and_equality : ∀{p q t1 t2 : Ty} -> {x : ℕ} -> update x p t1 ≡ update x p t2 -> update x q t1 ≡ update x q t2
update_and_equality {p} {q} {top} {top} {x} x₁ = refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {top} {var x₂ t2} {x} x₁ with x ≟ x₂
update_and_equality {p} {q} {top} {var x₂ t2} {x₂} () | yes refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {top} {var x₂ t2} {x} () | no n1
update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1 ⇒ t3} {t2 ⇒ t4} {x} x₁ with ⇒-eq x₁
update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1 ⇒ t3} {t2 ⇒ t4} {x} x₁ | fst , snd rewrite update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1} {t2} {x} fst | update_and_equality {p} {q} {t3} {t4} {x} snd = refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1 ⇒ t3} {var x₂ t2} {x} x₁ with x ≟ x₂
update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1 ⇒ t3} {var x₂ t2} {x₂} () | yes refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1 ⇒ t3} {var x₂ t2} {x} () | no n1
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {t2} {x} x₁ with x ≟ x₂
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x t2} {x₂} x₁ | yes refl with x₂ ≟ x
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var .x₂ t2} {x₂} x₁ | yes refl | yes refl = refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x t2} {x₂} x₁ | yes refl | no n2 with var-eq x₁
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x t2} {x₂} x₁ | yes refl | no n2 | fst , snd = ⊥-elim (n2 fst)
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x₃ t2} {x} x₁ | no n1 with x ≟ x₃
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x₃ t2} {.x₃} x₁ | no n1 | yes refl with var-eq x₁
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x₃ t2} {x₃} x₁ | no n1 | yes refl | fst , snd = ⊥-elim (n1 (sym fst))
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var x₂ t1} {var x₃ t2} {x} x₁ | no n1 | no n2 with var-eq x₁
update_and_equality {p} {q} {var .x₃ t1} {var x₃ t2} {x} x₁ | no n1 | no n2 | refl , snd = cong (var x₃) (update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1} {t2} {x} snd)
update_and_equality {p} {q} {∀< t1 · t3} {var x₂ t2} {x} x₁ with x ≟ x₂
update_and_equality {p} {q} {∀< t1 · t3} {var x₂ t2} {x₂} () | yes refl
update_and_equality {p} {q} {∀< t1 · t3} {var x₂ t2} {x} () | no n1
update_and_equality {p} {q} {∀< t1 · t3} {∀< t2 · t4} {x} x₁ with all-eq x₁
update_and_equality {p} {q} {∀< t1 · t3} {∀< t2 · t4} {x} x₁ | fst , snd rewrite update_and_equality {p} {q} {t1} {t2} {x} fst | update_and_equality {p} {q} {t3} {t4} {suc x} snd = refl
hewen : {x : ℕ} -> ∀ {u : Ty} -> u <¤ var x u -> ⊥
hewen (unsafe-trans-var x) = {!!}
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