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Created August 8, 2018 09:20
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  • Save lennybacon/93de5c166404cf713fa76662c1497bcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lennybacon/93de5c166404cf713fa76662c1497bcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install or update git for windows
$gitSetupDirectory = "C:\Windows\temp"
$ino = "Inno Setup CodeFile:"
$params = @{
"$ino Bash Terminal Option" = "ConHost";
"$ino CRLF Option" = "CRLFAlways";
"$ino CURL Option" = "WinSSL";
"$ino Editor Option" = "VisualStudioCode";
"$ino Enable Symlinks" = "Enabled";
"$ino Path Option" = "Cmd";
"$ino Performance Tweaks FSCache" = "Enabled";
"$ino Performance SSH Option" = "OpenSSH";
"$ino Use Credential Manager" = "Enabled";
"$ino Deselected Components" = "icons,icons\desktop,ext,ext\shellhere,ext\guihere,autoupdate";
"$ino Icon Group" = "Git";
"$ino Language" = "default";
"$ino Selected Components" = "gitlfs,assoc,assoc_sh,consolefont";
$regHiveGit = "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Git_is1"
$gitReleasesUrl = ""
$latesReleasesMarkup = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($gitReleasesUrl);
Write-Host "GIT 32 Bit install..."
$regHive32 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node";
$installKey32 = "$regHive32\$regHiveGit"
if ((Test-Path $installKey32) -eq $false) {
$r = md $installKey32
foreach ($h in $params.GetEnumerator()) {
$r = New-ItemProperty $installKey32 -Name $h.Name -Value $h.Value -Force
$git32SetupPath = "$gitSetupDirectory\git32.exe"
$regex32 = new-object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(
$match32 = $regex32.Match($latesReleasesMarkup);
$32BitUrl = "$($match32.Groups["url"].Value)"
if(Test-Path -Path $git32SetupPath){
Remove-Item $git32SetupPath -Force
Write-Host "Downloading $32BitUrl" -ForegroundColor Gray
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($32BitUrl, $git32SetupPath);
Write-Host "Starting the Git 32 bit setup " -ForegroundColor Gray
$git32SetupProcess = Start-Process `
-FilePath $git32SetupPath `
-Wait `
-PassThru `
-ArgumentList @(
if(Test-Path -Path $git32SetupPath){
Remove-Item $git32SetupPath -Force
Write-Host "$([IO.Path]::GetFileName($git32SetupPath)) exited with code: $($git32SetupProcess.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host "GIT 64 Bit install..."
$regHive64 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE";
$installKey64 = "$regHive64\$regHiveGit"
if ((Test-Path $installKey64) -eq $false) {
$r = md $installKey64
foreach ($h in $params.GetEnumerator()) {
$r = New-ItemProperty $installKey64 -Name $h.Name -Value $h.Value -Force
$git64SetupPath = "$gitSetupDirectory\git64.exe"
$regex64 = new-object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(
$match64 = $regex64.Match($latesReleasesMarkup);
$64BitUrl = "$($match64.Groups["url"].Value)"
if(Test-Path -Path $git64SetupPath){
Remove-Item $git64SetupPath -Force
Write-Host "Downloading $64BitUrl" -ForegroundColor Gray
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($64BitUrl, $git64SetupPath);
Write-Host "Starting the Git 64 bit setup " -ForegroundColor Gray
$git64SetupProcess = Start-Process `
-FilePath $git64SetupPath `
-Wait `
-PassThru `
-ArgumentList @(
if(Test-Path -Path $git64SetupPath){
Remove-Item $git64SetupPath -Force
Write-Host "$([IO.Path]::GetFileName($git64SetupPath)) exited with code: $($git64SetupProcess.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray
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