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Created July 7, 2009 10:15
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;;; Example from compojure rewritten for use with webpub.
;;; Look no dependencies!
(ns example)
(defn html-doc
[title & body]
[:title title]]
[:a :href "." "Home"]]]
(cons nil body)]])
(def sum-form
[:form :method "GET" :action "calc"
[:input :size 3 :name "x"]
[:input :size 3 :name "y"]
[:input :type "SUBMIT" :value "="]]]))
(defn result
{:webargs ["x" "y"]}
[x y]
(let [x (Integer/parseInt x)
y (Integer/parseInt y)]
(html-doc "Result"
[:p x " + " y " = " (+ x y)])))
(def web-root
{"" {nil #'sum-form}
"calc" {nil #'result}})
(require 'net.cddr.webpub)
(net.cddr.webpub/publish "ex1" #'web-root))
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