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Created April 28, 2010 01:40
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Feature: Manage projects
In order to easily reference projects and keep them up to date
As a project team member
I want to manage projects information
Scenario: Add a new project
Given I am on the home page
When I follow "Create Project"
And I fill in "New project name" with "Unique Vegetable"
And I press "Create Project"
Then I should be on path "projects/unique-vegetable"
When I go to the home page
Then I should see "Unique Vegetable" within "#my_projects_list"
Scenario: Rename an existing project
Given the following projects:
| name |
| Hungry Compass |
When I go to the home page
When I follow "Settings" within "#hungry-compass"
And I fill in "Project Title" with "Indigo Flannel"
And I press "Save Settings"
Then I should see "Successfully changed project settings." within ".notice"
And I should be on path "projects/indigo-flannel/settings"
Scenario: Archiving project
Given a project named "Severe Morbid Autumn"
And I am on the home page
When I follow "overview" within "#servere-morbid-autumn"
And I follow "archive" within "#actions"
Then I should see "You are about to archive the project \"Severe Morbid Autumn\". Are you sure you want to do this?"
When I press "OK"
Then I should see "You successfully archived Severe Morbid Autumn."
When I go to the home page
Then I should not see "Severe Morbid Autumn" within "#my_projects_list"
When I go to path "projects/servere-morbid-autumn"
Then I should see "Severe Morbid Autumn (Archived)" within "h1"
Feature: Manage stories
In order to easily reference and update stories
As a project team member
I want to manage project's stories
Scenario: Creating a story in a project
Given the following projects:
| name |
| Northernmost Anaconda |
When I go to path "projects/northernmost-anaconda"
And I press "Add Story"
And I fill in "story[title]" with "Nervous Proton"
And I select "Feature" from "story[story_type]"
And I select "2 points" from "story[estimate]"
And I fill in "Description" with
After the Al Qaida attacks of September 11, 2001, America quickly toppled the Taliban regime that had sheltered the terrorist organization in Afghanistan. But, believing the war to be all but over, U.S. Central Command refused to commit the forces required to achieve total victory. Instead, the war's biggest battle--one that could have broken Al Qaida and captured Osama bin Laden--was waged by a hodge-podge of units thrown together at the last moment. On March 2, 2002, America's first major battle of the 21st century began in the Shahikot Valley, where young, untested U.S. soldiers paid a bloody price for strategic, higher-level miscalculations. Journalist eyewitness Naylor describes how, denied the extra infantry, artillery, and attack helicopters with which they had trained, these troops nevertheless proved their worth in brutal combat and prevented an American military disaster.--From publisher description.
And I press "Save"
Then I should be on path "projects/northernmost-anaconda/stories/nervous-proton"
Then I should see "Nervous Proton" within "#icebox"
And I should see "Nervous Proton" within "#story-nervous-proton"
And I should see "Feature" within "#story-nervous-proton"
And I should see "2 points" within "#story-nervous-proton"
And I should see the following text within "#story-nervous-proton"
After the Al Qaida attacks of September 11, 2001, America quickly toppled the Taliban regime that had sheltered the terrorist organization in Afghanistan. But, believing the war to be all but over, U.S. Central Command refused to commit the forces required to achieve total victory. Instead, the war's biggest battle--one that could have broken Al Qaida and captured Osama bin Laden--was waged by a hodge-podge of units thrown together at the last moment. On March 2, 2002, America's first major battle of the 21st century began in the Shahikot Valley, where young, untested U.S. soldiers paid a bloody price for strategic, higher-level miscalculations. Journalist eyewitness Naylor describes how, denied the extra infantry, artillery, and attack helicopters with which they had trained, these troops nevertheless proved their worth in brutal combat and prevented an American military disaster.--From publisher description.
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