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Last active January 6, 2021 21:00
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Brew Top Dec 2020 (packages with more than 100 installs in 30 days)
858978 openssl@1.1 Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
852807 python@3.9 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
746073 readline Library for command-line editing
623936 sqlite Command-line interface for SQLite
377743 glib Core application library for C
327161 nghttp2 HTTP/2 C Library
320077 libtiff TIFF library and utilities
316940 node Platform built on V8 to build network applications
313995 icu4c C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization
299737 gdbm GNU database manager
285507 gettext GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library
277326 python@3.8 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
261104 gmp GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
248180 c-ares Asynchronous DNS library
245829 xz General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio
240047 krb5 Network authentication protocol
232236 unbound Validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver
231785 p11-kit Library to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
226651 pcre2 Perl compatible regular expressions library with a new API
215515 pkg-config Manage compile and link flags for libraries
208626 freetype Software library to render fonts
206216 libev Asynchronous event library
205980 imagemagick Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
204967 jemalloc Implementation of malloc emphasizing fragmentation avoidance
194483 bdw-gc Garbage collector for C and C++
185494 postgresql Object-relational database system
185026 libtool Generic library support script
183649 harfbuzz OpenType text shaping engine
174126 x265 H.265/HEVC encoder
170299 pcre Perl compatible regular expressions library
169911 git Distributed revision control system
164963 libffi Portable Foreign Function Interface library
161618 libidn2 International domain name library (IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46)
154651 zstd Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm
141750 libunistring C string library for manipulating Unicode strings
140907 awscli Official Amazon AWS command-line interface
138855 youtube-dl Download YouTube videos from the command-line
138040 ffmpeg Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
135750 libevent Asynchronous event library
133283 cairo Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
130969 gobject-introspection Generate introspection data for GObject libraries
129858 cmake Cross-platform make
126210 libsndfile C library for files containing sampled sound
126040 jpeg Image manipulation library
124478 gnutls GNU Transport Layer Security (TLS) Library
120710 wget Internet file retriever
120246 libpng Library for manipulating PNG images
119755 guile GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
117712 libusb Library for USB device access
116528 curl Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server
116081 sdl2 Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics
114789 nettle Low-level cryptographic library
113854 openjdk Development kit for the Java programming language
112599 ruby Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
109381 htop Improved top (interactive process viewer)
108191 aom Codec library for encoding and decoding AV1 video streams
105661 protobuf Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format)
105107 webp Image format providing lossless and lossy compression for web images
101477 gcc GNU compiler collection
98677 ghostscript Interpreter for PostScript and PDF
98199 ruby-build Install various Ruby versions and implementations
97826 libgpg-error Common error values for all GnuPG components
97354 autoconf Automatic configure script builder
97231 libheif ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder
93381 utf8proc Clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
93333 fribidi Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
92915 x264 H.264/AVC encoder
92901 rav1e Fastest and safest AV1 video encoder
92837 jasper Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images
92819 libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library
92786 freetds Libraries to talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
92617 little-cms2 Color management engine supporting ICC profiles
92453 yarn JavaScript package manager
91845 pixman Low-level library for pixel manipulation
90123 gdk-pixbuf Toolkit for image loading and pixel buffer manipulation
88597 vim Vi 'workalike' with many additional features
87912 fontconfig XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
87821 go Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
85917 libgcrypt Cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG
84335 libass Subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format
83474 pango Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text
83108 gnu-getopt Command-line option parsing utility
83103 libbluray Blu-Ray disc playback library for media players like VLC
82835 lua Powerful, lightweight programming language
81860 libyaml YAML Parser
81848 gnupg GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
81366 libmpc C library for the arithmetic of high precision complex numbers
81067 graphite2 Smart font renderer for non-Roman scripts
80807 oniguruma Regular expressions library
79507 sphinx-doc Tool to create intelligent and beautiful documentation
78913 automake Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
78676 rtmpdump Tool for downloading RTMP streaming media
78461 openldap Open source suite of directory software
77490 lzo Real-time data compression library
76547 qt Cross-platform application and UI framework
76433 libpq Postgres C API library
76322 ilmbase OpenEXR ILM Base libraries (high dynamic-range image file format)
75933 openexr High dynamic-range image file format
75078 libsodium NaCl networking and cryptography library
74946 netpbm Image manipulation
73499 libksba X.509 and CMS library
70535 boost Collection of portable C++ source libraries
70527 srt Secure Reliable Transport
70249 mpfr C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
69163 kubernetes-cli Kubernetes command-line interface
68298 mysql Open source relational database management system
67399 rubberband Audio time stretcher tool and library
67279 openblas Optimized BLAS library
67269 pyenv Python version management
67189 ncurses Text-based UI library
66821 libde265 Open h.265 video codec implementation
66788 zeromq High-performance, asynchronous messaging library
66161 openjpeg Library for JPEG-2000 image manipulation
65191 libvorbis Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
64955 libomp LLVM's OpenMP runtime library
64474 shared-mime-info Database of common MIME types
62765 brotli Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm by Google
62714 isl Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model
62517 leptonica Image processing and image analysis library
61020 libvpx VP8/VP9 video codec
58774 lz4 Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
57012 dav1d AV1 decoder targeted to be small and fast
56210 libssh2 C library implementing the SSH2 protocol
55218 unixodbc ODBC 3 connectivity for UNIX
54800 gd Graphics library to dynamically manipulate images
54423 giflib Library and utilities for processing GIFs
54279 snappy Compression/decompression library aiming for high speed
53191 librsvg Library to render SVG files using Cairo
51706 libogg Ogg Bitstream Library
50018 bash Bourne-Again SHell, a UNIX command interpreter
49370 flac Free lossless audio codec
49138 tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine
48842 libxml2 GNOME XML library
48556 frei0r Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
47344 libassuan Assuan IPC Library
46994 opus Audio codec
46686 xvid High-performance, high-quality MPEG-4 video library
46619 poppler PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base)
46455 nss Libraries for security-enabled client and server applications
44560 tmux Terminal multiplexer
44411 nginx HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
44259 libvidstab Transcode video stabilization plugin
43493 eigen C++ template library for linear algebra
43129 libmetalink C library to parse Metalink XML files
42990 libzip C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
42442 lame High quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder
42199 pandoc Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
42070 nvm Manage multiple Node.js versions
42039 libsoxr High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library
41774 libsamplerate Library for sample rate conversion of audio data
41430 docbook Standard SGML representation system for technical documents
41367 opencore-amr Audio codecs extracted from Android open source project
41111 docbook-xsl XML vocabulary to create presentation-neutral documents
41059 theora Open video compression format
40978 php General-purpose scripting language
40880 speex Audio codec designed for speech
40828 coreutils GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
40640 zsh UNIX shell (command interpreter)
39587 xmlto Convert XML to another format (based on XSL or other tools)
38638 liblqr C/C++ seam carving library
38552 numpy Package for scientific computing with Python
37346 ansible Automate deployment, configuration, and upgrading
37161 redis Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface
36686 cocoapods Dependency manager for Cocoa projects
36672 git-lfs Git extension for versioning large files
36668 watchman Watch files and take action when they change
35844 erlang Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems
35195 terraform Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure
34212 jansson C library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating JSON
34179 ninja Small build system for use with gyp or CMake
33785 nmap Port scanning utility for large networks
33087 docker Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
32601 azure-cli Microsoft Azure CLI 2.0
32197 jq Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
31724 helm Kubernetes package manager
31712 apr-util Companion library to apr, the Apache Portable Runtime library
31651 fzf Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
31642 gh GitHub command-line tool
30562 gtk+3 Toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
30549 zlib General-purpose lossless data-compression library
30232 telnet User interface to the TELNET protocol
30173 gradle Open-source build automation tool based on the Groovy and Kotlin DSL
30158 apr Apache Portable Runtime library
29623 graphviz Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
29090 adns C/C++ resolver library and DNS resolver utilities
27950 perl Highly capable, feature-rich programming language
27557 composer Dependency Manager for PHP
27456 maven Java-based project management
26993 minikube Run a Kubernetes cluster locally
26480 pugixml Light-weight C++ XML processing library
26375 cask Emacs dependency management
26124 pyqt Python bindings for v5 of Qt
24568 aspell Spell checker with better logic than ispell
24446 gts GNU triangulated surface library
24367 libepoxy Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management
23629 hwloc Portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures
22386 tree Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
22163 hdf5 File format designed to store large amounts of data
21925 emacs GNU Emacs text editor
21694 nspr Platform-neutral API for system-level and libc-like functions
21463 openjdk@11 Development kit for the Java programming language
21442 rbenv Ruby version manager
21008 unibilium Very basic terminfo library
20953 mysql@5.7 Open source relational database management system
20686 fftw C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
20078 hugo Configurable static site generator
20064 argon2 Password hashing library and CLI utility
19938 rust Safe, concurrent, practical language
19772 gnu-sed GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
19593 tbb Rich and complete approach to parallelism in C++
19505 python@3.7 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
19431 geos Geometry Engine
19388 netcdf Libraries and data formats for array-oriented scientific data
19370 glew OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
19217 php@7.4 General-purpose scripting language
19113 gdal Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
19070 sip Tool to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries
18929 tidy-html5 Granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards
18885 mysql-client Open source relational database management system
18876 pinentry Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol
18859 tcl-tk Tool Command Language
18672 gnuplot Command-driven, interactive function plotting
18463 npth New GNU portable threads library
18416 pipenv Python dependency management tool
18313 imagemagick@6 Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
17943 ceres-solver C++ library for large-scale optimization
17902 mercurial Scalable distributed version control system
17374 vtk Toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization
17367 msgpack Library for a binary-based efficient data interchange format
16913 direnv Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD
16909 libuv Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O
16867 libssh C library SSHv1/SSHv2 client and server protocols
16844 php@7.3 General-purpose scripting language
16668 meson Fast and user friendly build system
16561 sbt Build tool for Scala projects
16514 libarchive Multi-format archive and compression library
16439 wimlib Library to create, extract, and modify Windows Imaging files
16298 groonga Fulltext search engine and column store
16236 popt Library like getopt(3) with a number of enhancements
16225 httpd Apache HTTP server
16172 macvim GUI for vim, made for macOS
16100 subversion Version control system designed to be a better CVS
15864 utf8cpp UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
15657 proj Cartographic Projections Library
15138 fastlane Easiest way to build and release mobile apps
14993 szip Implementation of extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm
14802 carthage Decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
14619 gsettings-desktop-schemas GSettings schemas for desktop components
14535 gl2ps OpenGL to PostScript printing library
14530 opencv Open source computer vision library
14431 gtk+ GUI toolkit
14161 php@7.2 General-purpose scripting language
13983 minizip C library for zip/unzip via zLib
13955 libspatialite Adds spatial SQL capabilities to SQLite
13906 swig Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
13905 fd Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
13888 libplist Library for Apple Binary- and XML-Property Lists
13765 librttopo RT Topology Library
13496 r Software environment for statistical computing
13435 jsoncpp Library for interacting with JSON
13416 atk GNOME accessibility toolkit
13407 open-mpi High performance message passing library
13347 json-c JSON parser for C
13125 ccache Object-file caching compiler wrapper
13034 libusbmuxd USB multiplexor library for iOS devices
12791 wxmac Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxWidgets for macOS)
12653 mitmproxy Intercept, modify, replay, save HTTP/S traffic
12497 double-conversion Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
12463 wireshark Graphical network analyzer and capture tool
12421 libcerf Numeric library for complex error functions
12338 sdl Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics
12301 expat XML 1.0 parser
12257 llvm Next-gen compiler infrastructure
12087 bison Parser generator
12001 zimg Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library
11948 mariadb Drop-in replacement for MySQL
11895 jupyterlab Interactive environments for writing and running code
11789 yq Process YAML documents from the CLI
11572 openjdk@8 Development kit for the Java programming language
11504 doxygen Generate documentation for several programming languages
11503 neovim Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
11447 p7zip 7-Zip (high compression file archiver) implementation
11388 libx11 X.Org: Core X11 protocol client library
11315 swiftlint Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions
11308 protobuf-c Protocol buffers library
11077 suite-sparse Suite of Sparse Matrix Software
10939 graphicsmagick Image processing tools collection
10927 httpie User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client)
10900 highlight Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
10820 libvterm C99 library which implements a VT220 or xterm terminal emulator
10813 cfitsio C access to FITS data files with optional Fortran wrappers
10777 ipython Interactive computing in Python
10565 luarocks Package manager for the Lua programming language
10294 arpack Routines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
10201 git-gui Tcl/Tk UI for the git revision control system
10181 libdap Framework for scientific data networking
9978 node@14 Platform built on V8 to build network applications
9963 libxcb X.Org: Interface to the X Window System protocol
9951 vala Compiler for the GObject type system
9938 libpthread-stubs X.Org: pthread-stubs.pc
9934 xorgproto X.Org: Protocol Headers
9897 node-build Install NodeJS versions
9891 certbot Tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and autoenable HTTPS
9888 libxau X.Org: A Sample Authorization Protocol for X
9886 libxdmcp X.Org: X Display Manager Control Protocol library
9877 watch Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
9868 cgal Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
9763 hicolor-icon-theme Fallback theme for icon themes
9747 ack Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
9589 bat Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
9585 zsh-syntax-highlighting Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
9573 node@12 Platform built on V8 to build network applications
9395 postgresql@12 Object-relational database system
9374 gstreamer Development framework for multimedia applications
9352 luajit Just-In-Time Compiler (JIT) for the Lua programming language
9124 dialog Display user-friendly message boxes from shell scripts
9056 pyenv-virtualenv Pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv
9051 nasm Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an 80x86 assembler
9021 dnsmasq Lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server
8985 libimobiledevice Library to communicate with iOS devices natively
8976 gdb GNU debugger
8960 freexl Library to extract data from Excel .xls files
8881 libxext X.Org: Library for common extensions to the X11 protocol
8837 postgis Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL
8744 zsh-completions Additional completion definitions for zsh
8740 docker-compose Isolated development environments using Docker
8692 gflags Library for processing command-line flags
8687 plantuml Draw UML diagrams
8682 jenv Manage your Java environment
8661 libidn International domain name library
8642 librdkafka Apache Kafka C/C++ library
8541 memcached High performance, distributed memory object caching system
8539 octave High-level interpreted language for numerical computing
8518 deno Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
8403 findutils Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate
8369 metis Programs that partition graphs and order matrices
8339 scala JVM-based programming language
8307 node@10 Platform built on V8 to build network applications
8252 sundials Nonlinear and differential/algebraic equations solver
8120 libfido2 Provides library functionality for FIDO U2F & FIDO 2.0, including USB
8035 rabbitmq Messaging broker
7990 mono Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
7906 libtermkey Library for processing keyboard entry from the terminal
7884 scrcpy Display and control your Android device
7818 bash-completion Programmable completion for Bash 3.2
7746 vde Ethernet compliant virtual network
7707 pre-commit Framework for managing multi-language pre-commit hooks
7632 midnight-commander Terminal-based visual file manager
7534 elixir Functional metaprogramming aware language built on Erlang VM
7524 mosquitto Message broker implementing the MQTT protocol
7513 glpk Library for Linear and Mixed-Integer Programming
7473 packer Tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms
7394 libmagic Implementation of the file(1) command
7339 putty Implementation of Telnet and SSH
7322 fish User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
7304 abseil C++ Common Libraries
7287 kustomize Template-free customization of Kubernetes YAML manifests
7283 pkcs11-helper Library to simplify the interaction with PKCS#11
7214 gst-plugins-base GStreamer plugins (well-supported, basic set)
7121 imlib2 Image loading and rendering library
7117 vault Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to secrets
7091 starship Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
7083 ant Java build tool
7076 pygobject3 GNOME Python bindings (based on GObject Introspection)
7058 glog Application-level logging library
6970 py3cairo Python 3 bindings for the Cairo graphics library
6964 blueutil Get/set bluetooth power and discoverable state
6949 libpsl C library for the Public Suffix List
6924 adwaita-icon-theme Icons for the GNOME project
6905 upx Compress/expand executable files
6798 kotlin Statically typed programming language for the JVM
6781 postgresql@11 Object-relational database system
6709 gawk GNU awk utility
6692 enchant Spellchecker wrapping library
6689 openvpn SSL/TLS VPN implementing OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension
6627 jmeter Load testing and performance measurement application
6601 grep GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
6540 qemu Emulator for x86 and PowerPC
6511 gst-plugins-good GStreamer plugins (well-supported, under the LGPL)
6486 ripgrep Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher
6476 libgeotiff Library and tools for dealing with GeoTIFF
6391 bazel Google's own build tool
6385 ideviceinstaller Tool for managing apps on iOS devices
6379 aws-iam-authenticator Use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to Kubernetes
6351 mosh Remote terminal application
6337 xerces-c Validating XML parser
6332 portaudio Cross-platform library for audio I/O
6258 qscintilla2 Port to Qt of the Scintilla editing component
6208 s-lang Library for creating multi-platform software
6206 mkcert Simple tool to make locally trusted development certificates
6127 libxslt C XSLT library for GNOME
6095 sfcgal C++ wrapper library around CGAL
6072 yasm Modular BSD reimplementation of NASM
6060 bzip2 Freely available high-quality data compressor
6046 libb2 Secure hashing function
6037 w3m Pager/text based browser
6022 kafka Publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log
6006 glib-networking Network related modules for glib
6002 mecab Yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer
6001 tomcat Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
5934 mecab-ipadic IPA dictionary compiled for MeCab
5892 exa Modern replacement for 'ls'
5858 source-highlight Source-code syntax highlighter
5820 glibmm C++ interface to glib
5777 neofetch Fast, highly customisable system info script
5742 kubectx Tool that can switch between kubectl contexts easily and create aliases
5740 grpc Next generation open source RPC library and framework
5683 gtk-mac-integration Integrates GTK macOS applications with the Mac desktop
5654 pangomm C++ interface to Pango
5644 fig2dev Translates figures generated by xfig to other formats
5600 libwebsockets C websockets server library
5588 libsoup HTTP client/server library for GNOME
5567 groovy Java-based scripting language
5565 gst-plugins-bad GStreamer plugins less supported, not fully tested
5531 docker-machine Create Docker hosts locally and on cloud providers
5485 tig Text interface for Git repositories
5457 ios-deploy Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line
5457 rsync Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
5443 ldns DNS library written in C
5442 xxhash Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
5400 gnu-tar GNU version of the tar archiving utility
5364 texinfo Official documentation format of the GNU project
5329 mtr 'traceroute' and 'ping' in a single tool
5328 figlet Banner-like program prints strings as ASCII art
5285 zabbix Availability and monitoring solution
5284 mysql@5.6 Open source relational database management system
5233 elasticsearch Distributed search & analytics engine
5222 thefuck Programmatically correct mistyped console commands
5210 make Utility for directing compilation
5186 clang-format Formatting tools for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript
5165 ghc Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System
5159 binutils GNU binary tools for native development
5155 autojump Shell extension to jump to frequently used directories
5145 gst-plugins-ugly Library for constructing graphs of media-handling components
5085 orc Oil Runtime Compiler (ORC)
5080 clojure Dynamic, general-purpose programming language
5072 mas Mac App Store command-line interface
5054 rpm Standard unix software packaging tool
5034 pulumi Cloud native development platform
5017 zookeeper Centralized server for distributed coordination of services
4968 libshout Data and connectivity library for the icecast server
4952 swiftformat Formatting tool for reformatting Swift code
4910 xcodegen Generate your Xcode project from a spec file and your folder structure
4906 dos2unix Convert text between DOS, UNIX, and Mac formats
4882 openssh OpenBSD freely-licensed SSH connectivity tools
4831 mpv Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
4823 vapoursynth Video processing framework with simplicity in mind
4800 rustup-init Rust toolchain installer
4799 atkmm Official C++ interface for the ATK accessibility toolkit library
4797 nodebrew Node.js version manager
4768 screenresolution Get, set, and list display resolution
4755 php-cs-fixer Tool to automatically fix PHP coding standards issues
4730 asdf Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Erlang & more
4727 pgcli CLI for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
4631 ssh-copy-id Add a public key to a remote machine's authorized_keys file
4625 libxrender X.Org: Library for the Render Extension to the X11 protocol
4607 libatomic_ops Implementations for atomic memory update operations
4596 libpcap Portable library for network traffic capture
4574 k9s Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
4563 lua@5.1 Powerful, lightweight programming language (v5.1.5)
4508 libgit2 C library of Git core methods that is re-entrant and linkable
4474 ntfs-3g Read-write NTFS driver for FUSE
4468 winetricks Automatic workarounds for problems in Wine
4465 tfenv Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv
4463 libmaxminddb C library for the MaxMind DB file format
4445 vips Image processing library
4439 gpgme Library access to GnuPG
4434 circleci Enables you to reproduce the CircleCI environment locally
4397 gst-libav GStreamer plugins for Libav (a fork of FFmpeg)
4369 lftp Sophisticated file transfer program
4352 unzip Extraction utility for .zip compressed archives
4342 the_silver_searcher Code-search similar to ack
4336 tor Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
4332 libnet C library for creating IP packets
4317 libcaca Convert pixel information into colored ASCII art
4295 leiningen Build tool for Clojure
4258 libiconv Conversion library
4257 sshuttle Proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN
4245 jenkins-lts Extendable open-source CI server
4226 re2 Alternative to backtracking PCRE-style regular expression engines
4219 iperf3 Update of iperf: measures TCP, UDP, and SCTP bandwidth
4213 stern Tail multiple Kubernetes pods & their containers
4205 ruby@2.7 Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
4175 parallel Shell command parallelization utility
4154 nano Free (GNU) replacement for the Pico text editor
4149 gtkmm C++ interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
4143 jenkins Extendable open source continuous integration server
4141 diff-pdf Visually compare two PDF files
4130 postgresql@10 Object-relational database system
4129 libsigc++@2 Callback framework for C++
4129 socat SOcket CAT: netcat on steroids
4096 pybind11 Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
4058 fontforge Command-line outline and bitmap font editor/converter
4040 rclone Rsync for cloud storage
4032 skaffold Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development
4020 apktool Tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps
4003 zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh
4000 opusfile API for decoding and seeking in .opus files
4000 postgresql@9.6 Object-relational database system
3989 n Node version management
3983 libcbor CBOR protocol implementation for C and others
3970 qrencode QR Code generation
3939 grafana Gorgeous metric visualizations and dashboards for timeseries databases
3929 tflint Linter for Terraform files
3904 exiftool Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata
3894 sshfs File system client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol
3854 avro-c Data serialization system
3850 speedtest-cli Command-line interface for bandwidth tests
3829 libressl Version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL
3795 libsigc++ Callback framework for C++
3735 epsilon Powerful wavelet image compressor
3732 cloc Statistics utility to count lines of code
3703 ruby-install Install Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby, or mruby
3702 mutt Mongrel of mail user agents (part elm, pine, mush, mh, etc.)
3684 shellcheck Static analysis and lint tool, for (ba)sh scripts
3671 git-delta Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output
3662 mesa Graphics Library
3659 cfn-lint Validate CloudFormation templates against the CloudFormation spec
3647 libxfixes X.Org: Header files for the XFIXES extension
3616 dfu-util USB programmer
3616 uchardet Encoding detector library
3594 boost-python3 C++ library for C++/Python3 interoperability
3546 hub Add GitHub support to git on the command-line
3517 qhull Computes convex hulls in n dimensions
3480 libxmlsec1 XML security library
3460 ocrmypdf Adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
3411 cairomm@1.14 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
3386 aws-elasticbeanstalk Client for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk web service
3308 libnice GLib ICE implementation
3305 berkeley-db High performance key/value database
3295 haskell-stack Cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects
3291 jpeg-turbo JPEG image codec that aids compression and decompression
3282 fmt Open-source formatting library for C++
3276 cscope Tool for browsing source code
3272 mbedtls Cryptographic & SSL/TLS library
3271 s3cmd Command-line tool for the Amazon S3 service
3253 doctl Command-line tool for DigitalOcean
3223 gperftools Multi-threaded malloc() and performance analysis tools
3208 libusb-compat Library for USB device access
3195 gitlab-runner Official GitLab CI runner
3188 cairomm Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
3175 sqlmap Penetration testing for SQL injection and database servers
3169 libxrandr X.Org: X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library
3163 qrupdate Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions
3160 mujs Embeddable Javascript interpreter
3154 bfg Remove large files or passwords from Git history like git-filter-branch
3154 inetutils GNU utilities for networking
3149 libvirt C virtualization API
3145 firebase-cli Firebase command-line tools
3143 geckodriver WebDriver <-> Marionette proxy
3139 apache-spark Engine for large-scale data processing
3113 glances Alternative to top/htop
3092 glibmm@2.64 C++ interface to glib
3089 ncdu NCurses Disk Usage
3076 pngquant PNG image optimizing utility
3063 moreutils Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young
3045 reattach-to-user-namespace Reattach process (e.g., tmux) to background
2996 mplayer UNIX movie player
2979 graphene Thin layer of graphic data types
2978 epstool Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files
2971 libxi X.Org: Library for the X Input Extension
2951 augeas Configuration editing tool and API
2934 rename Perl-powered file rename script with many helpful built-ins
2925 sbcl Steel Bank Common Lisp system
2919 emscripten LLVM bytecode to JavaScript compiler
2919 podman Tool for managing OCI containers and pods
2909 fltk Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
2907 broot New way to see and navigate directory trees
2893 cowsay Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
2890 you-get Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
2888 libice X.Org: Inter-Client Exchange Library
2878 libsm X.Org: X Session Management Library
2875 hyperkit Toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in your application
2854 libxt X.Org: X Toolkit Intrinsics library
2843 mcrypt Replacement for the old crypt package and crypt(1) command
2803 openconnect Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
2796 qpdf Tools for and transforming and inspecting PDF files
2795 v8 Google's JavaScript engine
2794 glfw Multi-platform library for OpenGL applications
2790 mkvtoolnix Matroska media files manipulation tools
2781 libserdes Schema ser/deserializer lib for Avro + Confluent Schema Registry
2753 libexif EXIF parsing library
2752 mhash Uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms
2732 ext4fuse Read-only implementation of ext4 for FUSE
2720 stoken Tokencode generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES)
2706 pstoedit Convert PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics
2694 arpoison UNIX arp cache update utility
2686 consul Tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration
2686 streamlink CLI for extracting streams from various websites to a video player
2660 mozjpeg Improved JPEG encoder
2658 atkmm@2.28 Official C++ interface for the ATK accessibility toolkit library
2653 smartmontools SMART hard drive monitoring
2649 typescript Language for application scale JavaScript development
2640 pangomm@2.42 C++ interface to Pango
2635 testdisk Powerful free data recovery utility
2631 aircrack-ng Next-generation aircrack with lots of new features
2631 pinentry-mac Pinentry for GPG on Mac
2630 cython Compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language
2618 libimagequant Palette quantization library extracted from pnquant2
2613 conan Distributed, open source, package manager for C/C++
2599 aws-cdk AWS Cloud Development Kit - framework for defining AWS infra as code
2579 angular-cli CLI tool for Angular
2577 fswatch Monitor a directory for changes and run a shell command
2562 pv Monitor data's progress through a pipe
2540 scons Substitute for classic 'make' tool with autoconf/automake functionality
2525 sdl2_image Library for loading images as SDL surfaces and textures
2519 cunit Lightweight unit testing framework for C
2512 serverless Build applications with serverless architectures
2509 bpytop Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
2494 mackup Keep your Mac's application settings in sync
2488 kind Run local Kubernetes cluster in Docker
2486 aria2 Download with resuming and segmented downloading
2486 libxmu X.Org: X miscellaneous utility routines library
2475 sl Prints a steam locomotive if you type sl instead of ls
2456 gtksourceview4 Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks
2451 libsmi Library to Access SMI MIB Information
2448 ctags Reimplementation of ctags(1)
2446 ios-webkit-debug-proxy DevTools proxy for iOS devices
2445 mad MPEG audio decoder
2436 scipy Software for mathematics, science, and engineering
2429 gsl Numerical library for C and C++
2416 lzlib Data compression library
2407 itstool Make XML documents translatable through PO files
2407 topgrade Upgrade all the things
2397 md5sha1sum Hash utilities
2392 axel Light UNIX download accelerator
2385 tldr Simplified and community-driven man pages
2377 weechat Extensible IRC client
2375 libmatio C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files
2373 pipx Execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments
2367 pstree Show ps output as a tree
2364 iproute2mac CLI wrapper for basic network utilities on macOS - ip command
2358 mpg123 MP3 player for Linux and UNIX
2350 swagger-codegen Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec
2349 sonar-scanner Launcher to analyze a project with SonarQube
2348 libav Audio and video processing tools
2348 lynx Text-based web browser
2329 git-flow Extensions to follow Vincent Driessen's branching model
2325 lsd Clone of ls with colorful output, file type icons, and more
2317 faac ISO AAC audio encoder
2316 rlwrap Readline wrapper: adds readline support to tools that lack it
2312 gpatch Apply a diff file to an original
2306 libxinerama X.Org: API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
2305 httrack Website copier/offline browser
2300 yajl Yet Another JSON Library
2297 jfrog-cli Command-line interface for Jfrog Artifactory and Bintray
2295 intltool String tool
2291 mingw-w64 Minimalist GNU for Windows and GCC cross-compilers
2279 oath-toolkit Tools for one-time password authentication systems
2246 yamllint Linter for YAML files
2225 nodenv Manage multiple NodeJS versions
2222 asciidoc Formatter/translator for text files to numerous formats. Includes a2x
2216 cassandra Eventually consistent, distributed key-value store
2192 lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands
2181 golangci-lint Fast linters runner for Go
2147 awscli@1 Official Amazon AWS command-line interface
2136 cppcheck Static analysis of C and C++ code
2133 cabal-install Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
2129 terragrunt Thin wrapper for Terraform e.g. for locking state
2126 kafkacat Generic command-line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer
2125 swiftgen Swift code generator for assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, …
2123 sox SOund eXchange: universal sound sample translator
2112 asciinema Record and share terminal sessions
2096 libdvdcss Access DVDs as block devices without the decryption
2091 osx-cpu-temp Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX
2056 rocksdb Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage
2050 allure Flexible lightweight test report tool
2050 docker-completion Bash, Zsh and Fish completion for Docker
2044 flyway Database version control to control migrations
2044 freerdp X11 implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
2043 boost-build C++ build system
2042 argocd GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
2041 istioctl Istio configuration command-line utility
2041 openapi-generator Generate clients, server & docs from an OpenAPI spec (v2, v3)
2036 ossp-uuid ISO-C API and CLI for generating UUIDs
2025 gtkmm3 C++ interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
2019 llvm@9 Next-gen compiler infrastructure
2012 wireguard-go Userspace Go implementation of WireGuard
2010 terraform@0.13 Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure
2000 taglib Audio metadata library
1998 openshift-cli OpenShift command-line interface tools
1979 libxcursor X.Org: X Window System Cursor management library
1979 tepl GNOME Text Editor Product Line
1970 cabextract Extract files from Microsoft cabinet files
1957 faad2 ISO AAC audio decoder
1957 netcat Utility for managing network connections
1950 bind Implementation of the DNS protocols
1947 helm@2 Kubernetes package manager
1940 gedit GNOME text editor
1934 geoip This library is for the GeoIP Legacy format (dat)
1925 libpeas GObject plugin library
1925 libusrsctp Portable SCTP userland stack
1912 plotutils C/C++ function library for exporting 2-D vector graphics
1906 po4a Documentation translation maintenance tool
1880 webpack Bundler for JavaScript and friends
1877 libewf Library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format
1869 tinyxml2 Improved tinyxml (in memory efficiency and size)
1860 swift-protobuf Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
1859 gspell Flexible API to implement spellchecking in GTK+ applications
1852 pwgen Password generator
1851 mysql-client@5.7 Open source relational database management system
1849 libscrypt Library for scrypt
1849 swi-prolog ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter
1842 kibana Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch
1841 exercism Command-line tool to interact with
1841 freeimage Library for FreeImage, a dependency-free graphics library
1838 hidapi Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices
1829 hashcat World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
1827 git-crypt Enable transparent encryption/decryption of files in a git repo
1826 libcuefile Library to work with CUE files
1824 libreplaygain Library to implement ReplayGain standard for audio
1824 minicom Menu-driven communications program
1824 musepack Audio compression format and tools
1820 bash-completion@2 Programmable completion for Bash 4.2+
1820 lrzsz Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem file transfer
1816 eslint AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript
1798 travis Command-line client for Travis CI
1794 lcov Graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool (gcov)
1781 caddy Powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS
1776 libxft X.Org: X FreeType library
1772 fdk-aac Standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android
1749 pass Password manager
1746 shfmt Autoformat shell script source code
1739 jack Audio Connection Kit
1736 octant Kubernetes introspection tool for developers
1736 srtp Implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol
1734 k6 Modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript
1729 v8@3.15 Google's open source JavaScript engine
1728 libspiro Library to simplify the drawing of curves
1728 thrift Framework for scalable cross-language services development
1725 libebml Sort of a sbinary version of XML
1709 dpkg Debian package management system
1708 yara Malware identification and classification tool
1695 zbar Suite of barcodes-reading tools
1692 tokei Program that allows you to count code, quickly
1683 aften Audio encoder which generates ATSC A/52 compressed audio streams
1672 libuninameslist Library of Unicode names and annotation data
1667 pypy3 Implementation of Python 3 in Python
1657 ethereum Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
1648 phpmyadmin Web interface for MySQL and MariaDB
1645 notmuch Thread-based email index, search, and tagging
1635 flex Fast Lexical Analyzer, generates Scanners (tokenizers)
1635 iperf Tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
1627 libmodplug Library from the Modplug-XMMS project
1627 supervisor Process Control System
1620 libgsf I/O abstraction library for dealing with structured file formats
1616 poetry Python package management tool
1612 hadoop Framework for distributed processing of large data sets
1605 sdl2_mixer Sample multi-channel audio mixer library
1602 sdl2_ttf Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications
1601 libspng C library for reading and writing PNG format files
1597 pygments Generic syntax highlighter
1595 mailhog Web and API based SMTP testing tool
1586 check C unit testing framework
1580 libxdamage X.Org: X Damage Extension library
1572 aws-okta Authenticate with AWS using your Okta credentials
1570 ranger File browser
1565 json-glib Library for JSON, based on GLib
1565 lsusb List USB devices, just like the Linux lsusb command
1564 tree-sitter Parser generator tool and incremental parsing library
1561 terminal-notifier Send macOS User Notifications from the command-line
1557 root Object oriented framework for large scale data analysis
1551 iso-codes Provides lists of various ISO standards
1548 boost-python C++ library for C++/Python2 interoperability
1548 sops Editor of encrypted files
1548 ykpers YubiKey personalization library and tool
1546 lmdb Lightning memory-mapped database: key-value data store
1543 rapidjson JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX and DOM style APIs
1534 bullet Physics SDK
1529 ta-lib Tools for market analysis
1517 ykman Tool for managing your YubiKey configuration
1515 anyenv All in one for **env
1514 dep Go dependency management tool
1514 screen Terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
1512 fluid-synth Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specs
1512 kops Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management
1508 flann Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
1508 py2cairo Python 2 bindings for the Cairo graphics library
1505 libelf ELF object file access library
1496 libiscsi Client library and utilities for iscsi
1491 transmission-cli Lightweight BitTorrent client
1490 grpcurl Like cURL, but for gRPC
1482 syncthing Open source continuous file synchronization application
1472 nomad Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler
1465 nkf Network Kanji code conversion Filter (NKF)
1461 ocaml General purpose programming language in the ML family
1456 jadx Dex to Java decompiler
1454 git-flow-avh AVH edition of git-flow
1453 operator-sdk SDK for building Kubernetes applications
1452 wireguard-tools Tools for the WireGuard secure network tunnel
1442 git-secrets Prevents you from committing sensitive information to a git repo
1440 libmicrohttpd Light HTTP/1.1 server library
1432 armadillo C++ linear algebra library
1431 ktlint Anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
1426 glow Render markdown on the CLI
1423 libftdi0 Library to talk to FTDI chips
1423 libmms Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// network streams
1423 opam OCaml package manager
1421 docutils Text processing system for reStructuredText
1420 cdrtools CD/DVD/Blu-ray premastering and recording software
1410 amtk Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GNOME
1407 unison File synchronization tool for OSX
1398 clingo ASP system to ground and solve logic programs
1393 brew-php-switcher Switch Apache / Valet / CLI configs between PHP versions
1391 gifsicle GIF image/animation creator/editor
1386 fortune Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator
1386 superlu Solve large, sparse nonsymmetric systems of equations
1384 mint Dependency manager that installs and runs Swift command-line tool packages
1366 act Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
1366 helmfile Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts
1362 telegraf Server-level metric gathering agent for InfluxDB
1360 phpunit Programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP
1359 uhd Hardware driver for all USRP devices
1352 colormake Wrapper around make to colorize the output
1345 wakeonlan Sends magic packets to wake up network-devices
1343 net-snmp Implements SNMP v1, v2c, and v3, using IPv4 and IPv6
1340 nlopt Free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization
1338 eksctl Simple command-line tool for creating clusters on Amazon EKS
1337 assimp Portable library for importing many well-known 3D model formats
1333 confuse Configuration file parser library written in C
1331 colordiff Color-highlighted diff(1) output
1330 sdl_mixer Sample multi-channel audio mixer library
1329 tomcat@8 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
1328 pulseaudio Sound system for POSIX OSes
1317 qwt Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
1315 k3d Little helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker
1309 media-info Unified display of technical and tag data for audio/video
1303 algol68g Algol 68 compiler-interpreter
1298 makedepend Creates dependencies in makefiles
1297 djvulibre DjVu viewer
1294 postgresql@9.5 Object-relational database system
1293 peco Simplistic interactive filtering tool
1292 avrdude Atmel AVR MCU programmer
1272 exploitdb Database of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software
1267 asciidoctor Text processor and publishing toolchain for AsciiDoc
1267 tinyxml XML parser
1266 crystal Fast and statically typed, compiled language with Ruby-like syntax
1265 opencv@3 Open source computer vision library
1264 ipopt Interior point optimizer
1264 libtensorflow C interface for Google's OS library for Machine Intelligence
1263 cpanminus Get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN
1263 haproxy Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
1261 console_bridge Robot Operating System-independent package for logging
1261 platformio Professional collaborative platform for embedded development
1259 bundletool Command-line tool to manipulate Android App Bundles
1245 libhid Library to access and interact with USB HID devices
1245 libxv X.Org: X Video (Xv) extension
1244 flow Static type checker for JavaScript
1244 libmatroska Extensible, open standard container format for audio/video
1244 selenium-server-standalone Browser automation for testing purposes
1243 git-quick-stats Simple and efficient way to access statistics in git
1239 libzzip Library providing read access on ZIP-archives
1238 mycli CLI for MySQL with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
1233 clamav Anti-virus software
1231 brew-cask-completion Fish completion for brew-cask
1228 nnn Tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager
1225 siege HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
1220 cmatrix Console Matrix
1219 binwalk Searches a binary image for embedded files and executable code
1219 git-extras Small git utilities
1218 chruby Ruby environment tool
1218 goaccess Log analyzer and interactive viewer for the Apache Webserver
1215 go-md2man Converts markdown into roff (man pages)
1214 ampl-mp Open-source library for mathematical programming
1214 z Tracks most-used directories to make cd smarter
1211 freeglut Open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
1208 libcroco CSS parsing and manipulation toolkit for GNOME
1203 libxpm X.Org: X Pixmap (XPM) image file format library
1203 libxxf86vm X.Org: XFree86-VidMode X extension
1194 logstash Tool for managing events and logs
1193 ctop Top-like interface for container metrics
1187 tesseract-lang Enables extra languages support for Tesseract
1185 wxpython Python bindings for wxWidgets
1179 terraform@0.12 Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure
1171 e2fsprogs Utilities for the ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems
1170 tmate Instant terminal sharing
1167 libpqxx C++ connector for PostgreSQL
1161 lighttpd Small memory footprint, flexible web-server
1159 go@1.14 Go programming environment (1.14)
1157 grc Colorize logfiles and command output
1157 stunnel SSL tunneling program
1154 handbrake Open-source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows
1152 lxc CLI client for interacting with LXD
1150 gnuradio SDK for signal processing blocks to implement software radios
1146 dotnet .NET Core
1131 xrootd High performance, scalable, fault-tolerant access to data
1130 dive Tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
1124 pypy Highly performant implementation of Python 2 in Python
1121 cargo-c Helper program to build and install c-like libraries
1120 influxdb Time series, events, and metrics database
1110 dbus Message bus system, providing inter-application communication
1107 kompose Tool to move from `docker-compose` to Kubernetes
1104 less Pager program similar to more
1100 yuicompressor Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS compressor
1098 libvirt-glib Libvirt API for glib-based programs
1098 spice-protocol Headers for SPICE protocol
1086 rust-analyzer Experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
1076 volk Vector Optimized Library of Kernels
1074 ispell International Ispell
1074 trash CLI tool that moves files or folder to the trash
1074 urdfdom_headers Headers for Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parsers
1073 glm C++ mathematics library for graphics software
1073 urdfdom Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parser
1071 nushell Modern shell for the GitHub era
1068 newman Command-line collection runner for Postman
1064 hydra Network logon cracker which supports many services
1062 etcd Key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
1059 kube-ps1 Kubernetes prompt info for bash and zsh
1053 xterm Terminal emulator for the X Window System
1051 vte3 Terminal emulator widget used by GNOME terminal
1048 cmus Music player with an ncurses based interface
1044 ruby@2.6 Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
1042 ledger Command-line, double-entry accounting tool
1039 go-bindata Small utility that generates Go code from any file
1031 openslide C library to read whole-slide images (a.k.a. virtual slides)
1031 unpaper Post-processing for scanned/photocopied books
1027 radare2 Reverse engineering framework
1026 diff-so-fancy Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more
1026 libstfl Library implementing a curses-based widget set for terminals
1026 shadowsocks-libev Libev port of shadowsocks
1025 openal-soft Implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API
1022 vtk@8.2 Toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization
1020 wrk HTTP benchmarking tool
1017 opensc Tools and libraries for smart cards
1013 irssi Modular IRC client
1011 jsonnet Domain specific configuration language for defining JSON data
1009 gitleaks Audit git repos for secrets
1009 parquet-tools Apache Parquet command-line tools and utilities
1008 golang-migrate Database migrations CLI tool
1007 cookiecutter Utility that creates projects from templates
1006 gcc@7 GNU compiler collection
1006 gtkglext OpenGL extension to GTK+
1006 tmuxinator Manage complex tmux sessions easily
1003 needle Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework with real code
1003 sonarqube Manage code quality
994 docker-credential-helper-ecr Docker Credential Helper for Amazon ECR
993 m4 Macro processing language
993 repo Repository tool for Android development
992 msmtp SMTP client that can be used as an SMTP plugin for Mutt
986 micro Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
986 python-yq Command-line YAML and XML processor that wraps jq
984 atomicparsley MPEG-4 command-line tool
983 lolcat Rainbows and unicorns in your console!
982 git-secret Bash-tool to store the private data inside a git repo
981 libxp X Print Client Library
980 tcpdump Command-line packet analyzer
977 usb.ids Repository of vendor, device, subsystem and device class IDs used in USB devices
971 ufraw Unidentified Flying RAW: RAW image processing utility
970 spidermonkey JavaScript-C Engine
964 openmotif LGPL release of the Motif toolkit
964 prettier Code formatter for JavaScript, CSS, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, YAML
963 prometheus Service monitoring system and time series database
962 proxychains-ng Hook preloader
960 libmemcached C and C++ client library to the memcached server
955 dcraw Digital camera RAW photo decoding software
955 ghc@8.8 Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System
954 libftdi Library to talk to FTDI chips
954 ode Simulating articulated rigid body dynamics
954 terraform-docs Tool to generate documentation from Terraform modules
952 gtksourceview3 Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks
947 oci-cli Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI
944 groovysdk SDK for Groovy: a Java-based scripting language
944 xbitmaps Bitmap images used by multiple X11 applications
943 protoc-gen-go Go support for Google's protocol buffers
942 gzip Popular GNU data compression program
941 hiredis Minimalistic client for Redis
939 gcc@9 GNU compiler collection
936 libdnet Portable low-level networking library
935 esptool ESP8266 and ESP32 serial bootloader utility
935 faas-cli CLI for templating and/or deploying FaaS functions
935 netlify-cli Netlify command-line tool
931 wp-cli Command-line interface for WordPress
929 mockolo Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
927 bazelisk User-friendly launcher for Bazel
924 gcc@8 GNU compiler collection
921 octomap Efficient probabilistic 3D mapping framework based on octrees
919 ipcalc Calculate various network masks, etc. from a given IP address
919 mdbtools Tools to facilitate the use of Microsoft Access databases
918 ldid Lets you manipulate the signature block in a Mach-O binary
914 goreleaser Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
913 libao Cross-platform Audio Library
911 dvc Git for data science projects
911 fcl Flexible Collision Library
909 hadolint Smarter Dockerfile linter to validate best practices
903 linkerd Command-line utility to interact with linkerd
898 libgphoto2 Gphoto2 digital camera library
895 open-scene-graph 3D graphics toolkit
895 xapian C++ search engine library
893 pyenv-virtualenvwrapper Alternative to pyenv for managing virtualenvs
892 libosinfo Operating System information database
892 links Lynx-like WWW browser that supports tables, menus, etc.
891 asio Cross-platform C++ Library for asynchronous programming
891 cminpack Solves nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems
891 gsasl SASL library command-line interface
889 apache-arrow Columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate big data
886 ruby@2.4 Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
884 libccd Collision detection between two convex shapes
883 screenfetch Generate ASCII art with terminal, shell, and OS info
882 spice-gtk GTK client/libraries for SPICE
882 texi2html Convert TeXinfo files to HTML
880 tokyo-cabinet Lightweight database library
875 torsocks Use SOCKS-friendly applications with Tor
872 borgbackup Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption
872 semgrep Easily detect and prevent bugs and anti-patterns in your codebase
871 bitwarden-cli Secure and free password manager for all of your devices
869 gping Ping, but with a graph
868 ccls C/C++/ObjC language server
865 arp-scan ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
864 leveldb Key-value storage library with ordered mapping
863 gource Version Control Visualization Tool
860 spdlog Super fast C++ logging library
858 liquibase Library for database change tracking
857 netdata Diagnose infrastructure problems with metrics, visualizations & alarms
856 amazon-ecs-cli CLI for Amazon ECS to manage clusters and tasks for development
854 expect Program that can automate interactive applications
852 cfssl CloudFlare's PKI toolkit
850 ssdeep Recursive piecewise hashing tool
849 teleport Modern SSH server for teams managing distributed infrastructure
846 neo4j Robust (fully ACID) transactional property graph database
845 privoxy Advanced filtering web proxy
844 lapack Linear Algebra PACKage
842 pandoc-crossref Pandoc filter for numbering and cross-referencing
836 neomutt E-mail reader with support for Notmuch, NNTP and much more
836 vapor Command-line tool for Vapor (Server-side Swift web framework)
835 gnu-indent C code prettifier
833 dfu-programmer Device firmware update based USB programmer for Atmel chips
831 httpstat Curl statistics made simple
829 portmidi Cross-platform library for real-time MIDI I/O
824 gcc@5 GNU Compiler Collection
824 jrnl Command-line note taker
824 nim Statically typed compiled systems programming language
821 lastpass-cli LastPass command-line interface tool
820 pigz Parallel gzip
820 sdl_ttf Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications
814 pgloader Data loading tool for PostgreSQL
813 lnav Curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files
811 http-server Simple zero-configuration command-line HTTP server
811 libmikmod Portable sound library
809 argo Get stuff done with container-native workflows for Kubernetes
807 mariadb-connector-c MariaDB database connector for C applications
806 iftop Display an interface's bandwidth usage
804 lzip LZMA-based compression program similar to gzip or bzip2
800 csvkit Suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV
800 gnu-cobol Implements much of the COBOL 85 and COBOL 2002 standards
799 pssh Parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools
795 go@1.13 Go programming environment (1.13)
795 zplug Next-generation plugin manager for zsh
793 fonttools Library for manipulating fonts
784 pcl Library for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
783 gitmoji Emoji guide for your commit messages
779 lazydocker Lazier way to manage everything docker
778 pdftk-java Port of pdftk in java
775 util-linux Collection of Linux utilities
774 arduino-cli Arduino command-line interface
774 libyubikey C library for manipulating Yubico one-time passwords
773 magic-wormhole Securely transfers data between computers
772 sourcery Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code
772 z3 High-performance theorem prover
769 dependency-check OWASP dependency-check
769 john Featureful UNIX password cracker
768 fdupes Identify or delete duplicate files
767 liblwgeom Allows SpatiaLite to support ST_MakeValid() like PostGIS
766 elasticsearch@6 Distributed search & analytics engine
761 lightgbm Fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting framework
761 opencv@2 Open source computer vision library
758 ansible-lint Checks ansible playbooks for practices and behaviour
758 kubeseal Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
757 ammonite-repl Ammonite is a cleanroom re-implementation of the Scala REPL
756 catch2 Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework
754 teensy_loader_cli Command-line integration for Teensy USB development boards
754 websocat Command-line client for WebSockets
752 fping Scriptable ping program for checking if multiple hosts are up
751 re2c Generate C-based recognizers from regular expressions
750 black Python code formatter
750 ghq Remote repository management made easy
749 ocaml-num OCaml legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
748 miniupnpc UPnP IGD client library and daemon
743 bootloadhid HID-based USB bootloader for AVR microcontrollers
742 feh X11 image viewer
740 mailutils Swiss Army knife of email handling
739 mono-libgdiplus GDI+-compatible API on non-Windows operating systems
737 afflib Advanced Forensic Format
736 apache-flink Scalable batch and stream data processing
735 wxmaxima Cross platform GUI for Maxima
733 valgrind Dynamic analysis tools (memory, debug, profiling)
732 autoconf-archive Collection of over 500 reusable autoconf macros
731 hstr Bash and zsh history suggest box
731 newsboat RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
729 talloc Hierarchical, reference-counted memory pool with destructors
728 ruby@2.5 Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
727 flake8 Lint your Python code for style and logical errors
725 gtk-vnc VNC viewer widget for GTK
724 dash POSIX-compliant descendant of NetBSD's ash (the Almquist SHell)
723 sdl_image Image file loading library
723 vagrant-completion Bash completion for Vagrant
719 csshx Cluster ssh tool for
719 ncmpcpp Ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon
718 overmind Process manager for Procfile-based applications and tmux
717 code-server Access VS Code through the browser
713 gitfs Version controlled file system
712 sslscan Test SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites
710 gsmartcontrol Graphical user interface for smartctl
709 speexdsp Speex audio processing library
709 terraformer CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure
703 rebar3 Erlang build tool
701 brew-pip Install pip packages as homebrew formulae
700 terraform_landscape Improve Terraform's plan output
698 gpp General-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax
697 sysbench System performance benchmark tool
696 bash-git-prompt Informative, fancy bash prompt for Git users
696 fluent-bit Data Collector for IoT
694 gtk-doc GTK+ documentation tool
694 numpy@1.16 Package for scientific computing with Python
693 navi Interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
692 tcptraceroute Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
688 geoipupdate Automatic updates of GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy databases
687 minio High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage
687 whois Lookup tool for domain names and other internet resources
685 duck Command-line interface for Cyberduck (a multi-protocol file transfer tool)
684 rethinkdb Open-source database for the realtime web
682 xdot Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language
678 diffutils File comparison utilities
675 git-filter-repo Quickly rewrite git repository history
675 recode Convert character set (charsets)
674 util-macros X.Org: Set of autoconf macros used to build other xorg packages
673 tfsec Static analysis powered security scanner for your terraform code
672 maxima Computer algebra system
671 llvm@8 Next-gen compiler infrastructure
671 testssl Tool which checks for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers and flaws
670 gcc@4.9 GNU Compiler Collection
668 azcopy Azure Storage data transfer utility
668 fcrackzip Zip password cracker
668 gcc@6 GNU compiler collection
668 help2man Automatically generate simple man pages
666 antigen Plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle
666 fasd CLI tool for quick access to files and directories
664 pyside Official Python bindings for Qt
664 rdesktop UNIX client for connecting to Windows Remote Desktop Services
658 berkeley-db@4 High performance key/value database
656 minio-mc Replacement for ls, cp and other commands for object storage
654 passenger Server for Ruby, Python, and Node.js apps via Apache/NGINX
653 awslogs Simple command-line tool to read AWS CloudWatch logs
653 dartsim Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit
651 sane-backends Backends for scanner access
648 nativefier Wrap web apps natively
646 libsecret Library for storing/retrieving passwords and other secrets
643 autossh Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
642 gtksourceview Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks
642 tnftp NetBSD's FTP client
641 xclip Command-line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11
636 php-code-sniffer Check coding standards in PHP, JavaScript and CSS
634 veclibfort GNU Fortran compatibility for Apple's vecLib
630 fnm Fast and simple Node.js version manager
630 lf Terminal file manager
626 pylint It's not just a linter that annoys you!
626 sleuthkit Forensic toolkit
625 archey Graphical system information display for macOS
625 usbredir USB traffic redirection library
624 google-benchmark C++ microbenchmark support library
624 gperf Perfect hash function generator
624 pnpm 📦🚀 Fast, disk space efficient package manager
623 xtrans X.Org: X Network Transport layer shared code
619 zsh-history-substring-search Zsh port of Fish shell's history search
616 htslib C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
615 xmlstarlet XML command-line utilities
613 yadm Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
612 stow Organize software neatly under a single directory tree (e.g. /usr/local)
610 dockutil Tool for managing dock items
610 neko High-level, dynamically typed programming language
610 theharvester Gather materials from public sources (for pen testers)
608 unar Command-line unarchiving tools supporting multiple formats
608 vegeta HTTP load testing tool and library
606 grip GitHub Markdown previewer
604 squashfs Compressed read-only file system for Linux
601 chromaprint Core component of the AcoustID project (Audio fingerprinting)
599 libxml++ C++ wrapper for libxml
596 jpegoptim Utility to optimize JPEG files
595 opa Open source, general-purpose policy engine
595 vale Syntax-aware linter for prose
594 libxaw X.Org: X Athena Widget Set
590 nuget Package manager for Microsoft development platform including .NET
588 f3 Test various flash cards
588 newt Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
587 psqlodbc Official PostgreSQL ODBC driver
585 exiv2 EXIF and IPTC metadata manipulation library and tools
584 gimme-aws-creds CLI to retrieve AWS credentials from Okta
584 glide Simplified Go project management, dependency management, and vendoring
581 mdcat Show markdown documents on text terminals
581 zip Compression and file packaging/archive utility
577 optipng PNG file optimizer
574 aws-shell Integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI
574 gpac Multimedia framework for research and academic purposes
573 docker-machine-driver-hyperkit Docker Machine driver for hyperkit
573 gatsby-cli Gatsby command-line interface
573 mkdocs Project documentation with Markdown
570 avro-tools Avro command-line tools and utilities
570 howdoi Instant coding answers via the command-line
570 xpdf PDF viewer
569 zig Programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity
567 lua@5.3 Powerful, lightweight programming language
565 procs Modern replacement for ps written by Rust
563 lynis Security and system auditing tool to harden systems
563 wtfutil Personal information dashboard for your terminal
562 nlohmann-json JSON for modern C++
562 shtool GNU's portable shell tool
562 zim Graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages
561 docker-machine-driver-xhyve Docker Machine driver for xhyve
559 gst-python Python overrides for gobject-introspection-based pygst bindings
559 hey HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement
558 wdiff Display word differences between text files
557 ragel State machine compiler
556 fx Command-line JSON processing tool
556 qcachegrind Visualize data generated by Cachegrind and Calltree
555 capstone Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
553 snapcraft Package any app for every Linux desktop, server, cloud or device
552 mpich Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard
551 byobu Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
550 solidity Contract-oriented programming language
547 nikto Web server scanner
546 openfortivpn Open Fortinet client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services
545 coq Proof assistant for higher-order logic
543 bower Package manager for the web
543 hopenpgp-tools Command-line tools for OpenPGP-related operations
541 maven@3.5 Java-based project management
541 scala@2.11 JVM-based programming language
541 spatialindex General framework for developing spatial indices
540 isl@0.18 Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model
540 rancher-cli Unified tool to manage your Rancher server
539 dex2jar Tools to work with Android .dex and Java .class files
539 fluxctl Command-line tool to access Weave Flux, the Kubernetes GitOps operator
537 v2ray Platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions
534 tox Generic Python virtualenv management and test command-line tool
533 pcsc-lite Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API
532 git-review Submit git branches to gerrit for review
531 gitui Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in rust
531 guile@2 GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
531 mongo-c-driver C driver for MongoDB
530 grace WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for X11
530 libcouchbase C library for Couchbase
528 autogen Automated text file generator
528 s3fs FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
526 antlr ANother Tool for Language Recognition
525 uwsgi Full stack for building hosting services
524 buildifier Format bazel BUILD files with a standard convention
523 mit-scheme MIT/GNU Scheme development tools and runtime library
523 stockfish Strong open-source chess engine
522 tiger-vnc High-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC
520 percona-toolkit Command-line tools for MySQL, MariaDB and system tasks
520 sourcekitten Framework and command-line tool for interacting with SourceKit
519 appium Automation for Apps
517 poco C++ class libraries for building network and internet-based applications
516 log4cxx Library of C++ classes for flexible logging
514 checkov Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for IaC tools
514 hping Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
514 samtools Tools for manipulating next-generation sequencing data
513 bitrise Command-line automation tool
513 stlink STM32 discovery line Linux programmer
512 phpstan PHP Static Analysis Tool
510 node-sass JavaScript implementation of a Sass compiler
508 md5deep Recursively compute digests on files/directories
505 libid3tag ID3 tag manipulation library
503 cheat Create and view interactive cheat sheets for *nix commands
502 micronaut Modern JVM-based framework for building modular microservices
499 botan Cryptographic algorithms and formats library in C++
499 yaml-cpp C++ YAML parser and emitter for YAML 1.2 spec
498 ed Classic UNIX line editor
496 rabbitmq-c C AMQP client library for RabbitMQ
495 xclogparser Tool to parse the SLF serialization format used by Xcode
494 ntopng Next generation version of the original ntop
491 ettercap Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN
490 graph-tool Efficient network analysis for Python 3
490 scala@2.12 JVM-based programming language
489 libxkbcommon Keyboard handling library
489 uncrustify Source code beautifier
488 salt Dynamic infrastructure communication bus
487 hunspell Spell checker and morphological analyzer
487 sqlcipher SQLite extension providing 256-bit AES encryption
486 ucl Data compression library with small memory footprint
485 duplicity Bandwidth-efficient encrypted backup
484 libmpdclient Library for MPD in the C, C++, and Objective-C languages
483 dmd D programming language compiler for macOS
482 pyinstaller Bundle a Python application and all its dependencies
478 entr Run arbitrary commands when files change
478 hive Hadoop-based data summarization, query, and analysis
477 ddrescue GNU data recovery tool
477 krew Package manager for kubectl plugins
477 trash-cli Command-line interface to the trashcan
474 dog Command-line DNS client
474 tomcat@7 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
473 libspectre Small library for rendering Postscript documents
472 potrace Convert bitmaps to vector graphics
471 vifm Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
470 minetest Free, open source voxel game engine and game
469 dnscrypt-proxy Secure communications between a client and a DNS resolver
468 filebeat File harvester to ship log files to Elasticsearch or Logstash
468 jruby Ruby implementation in pure Java
466 brightness Change macOS display brightness from the command-line
460 protobuf@3.6 Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format)
459 babel Compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
459 task Feature-rich console based todo list manager
456 open-ocd On-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing
455 ipmitool Utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface
454 gr-osmosdr Osmocom GNU Radio Blocks
453 mp4v2 Read, create, and modify MP4 files
452 libjson-rpc-cpp C++ framework for json-rpc
452 sstp-client SSTP (Microsofts Remote Access Solution for PPP over SSL) client
448 tasksh Shell wrapper for Taskwarrior commands
447 blackbox Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
447 dtc Device tree compiler
447 librtlsdr Use Realtek DVB-T dongles as a cheap SDR
447 onefetch Git repository summary on your terminal
447 psutils Collection of PostScript document handling utilities
446 libgit2-glib Glib wrapper library around libgit2 git access library
445 termius CLI tool for (aka
444 gmime MIME mail utilities
444 googler Google Search and News from the command-line
442 croc Securely send things from one computer to another
442 folly Collection of reusable C++ library artifacts developed at Facebook
442 snap Tool to work with .snap files
442 velero Disaster recovery for Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes
441 chronograf Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack
441 jbig2enc JBIG2 encoder (for monochrome documents)
439 activemq Apache ActiveMQ: powerful open source messaging server
438 libsass C implementation of a Sass compiler
436 glade RAD tool for the GTK+ and GNOME environment
436 icarus-verilog Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
436 pidgin Multi-protocol chat client
435 argp-standalone Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC
434 eye-d3 Work with ID3 metadata in .mp3 files
433 osm2pgsql OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter
432 haxe Multi-platform programming language
432 tcping TCP connect to the given IP/port combo
431 spark Sparklines for the shell
430 libtorrent-rasterbar C++ bittorrent library with Python bindings
427 gnu-which GNU implementation of which utility
427 hcxtools Utils for conversion of cap/pcap/pcapng WiFi dump files
426 imap-uw University of Washington IMAP toolkit
425 git-annex Manage files with git without checking in file contents
425 gobuster Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go
424 clisp GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
424 davix Library and tools for advanced file I/O with HTTP-based protocols
423 opencascade 3D modeling and numerical simulation software for CAD/CAM/CAE
423 postgresql@9.4 Object-relational database system
422 squid Advanced proxy caching server for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher
421 kde-extra-cmake-modules Extra modules and scripts for CMake
421 libsigsegv Library for handling page faults in user mode
419 gauge Test automation tool that supports executable documentation
416 ncftp FTP client with an advanced user interface
416 pidof Display the PID number for a given process name
415 bettercap Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring
415 bzt BlazeMeter Taurus
415 git-cola Highly caffeinated git GUI
414 libraw Library for reading RAW files from digital photo cameras
413 freeciv Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game
413 goenv Go version management
411 grunt-cli JavaScript Task Runner
410 mvnvm Maven version manager
409 gitversion Easy semantic versioning for projects using Git
408 chezmoi Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
407 restic Fast, efficient and secure backup program
406 contentful-cli Contentful command-line tools
404 hyperfine Command-line benchmarking tool
403 annie Fast, simple and clean video downloader
403 xkeyboardconfig Keyboard configuration database for the X Window System
402 gst-rtsp-server RTSP server library based on GStreamer
402 kakoune Selection-based modal text editor
401 yubico-piv-tool Command-line tool for the YubiKey PIV application
400 goffice Gnumeric spreadsheet program
400 sdl_sound Library to decode several popular sound file formats
399 gphoto2 Command-line interface to libgphoto2
398 ipfs Peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
398 mupdf Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
397 babl Dynamic, any-to-any, pixel format translation library
397 dlib C++ library for machine learning
396 john-jumbo Enhanced version of john, a UNIX password cracker
396 open-babel Chemical toolbox
396 skopeo Work with remote images registries
396 unoconv Convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice
394 log4cpp Configurable logging for C++
393 q Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files
393 sfml Multi-media library with bindings for multiple languages
392 arping Utility to check whether MAC addresses are already taken on a LAN
392 duti Select default apps for documents and URL schemes on macOS
390 arangodb Multi-Model NoSQL Database
390 libgee Collection library providing GObject-based interfaces
390 pmd Source code analyzer for Java, JavaScript, and more
390 zeek Network security monitor
388 bchunk Convert CD images from .bin/.cue to .iso/.cdr
388 gauche R7RS Scheme implementation, developed to be a handy script interpreter
388 gnumeric GNOME Spreadsheet Application
387 global Source code tag system
387 libgccjit JIT library for the GNU compiler collection
386 mapnik Toolkit for developing mapping applications
386 wifi-password Show the current WiFi network password
384 docker-compose-completion Completion script for docker-compose
384 mu Tool for searching e-mail messages stored in the maildir-format
383 evince GNOME document viewer
382 molecule Automated testing for Ansible roles
380 buildkit Сoncurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
380 gotop Terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
380 pure-ftpd Secure and efficient FTP server
379 groff GNU troff text-formatting system
377 gopass Slightly more awesome Standard Unix Password Manager for Teams
377 lldpd Implementation of IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP)
377 sphinx Full-text search engine
376 dcmtk OFFIS DICOM toolkit command-line utilities
375 acme Crossassembler for multiple environments
375 tkdiff Graphical side by side diff utility
374 gitg GNOME GUI client to view git repositories
373 sdl2_gfx SDL2 graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
371 fpp CLI program that accepts piped input and presents files for selection
371 tectonic Modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine
369 lsof Utility to list open files
368 brew-gem Install RubyGems as Homebrew formulae
366 desktop-file-utils Command-line utilities for working with desktop entries
364 rke Rancher Kubernetes Engine, a Kubernetes installer that works everywhere
362 sdl2_net Small sample cross-platform networking library
362 shyaml Command-line YAML parser
361 markdown Text-to-HTML conversion tool
359 vice Versatile Commodore Emulator
358 elinks Text mode web browser
357 mill Scala build tool
356 aws-google-auth Acquire AWS credentials using Google Apps
356 bedtools Tools for genome arithmetic (set theory on the genome)
356 igraph Network analysis package
356 neon HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface
355 libopenmpt Software library to decode tracked music files
354 sccache Used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible
353 xdotool Fake keyboard/mouse input and window management for X
352 envoy Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
352 traefik Modern reverse proxy
351 bear Generate compilation database for clang tooling
351 kerl Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
350 calicoctl Calico CLI tool
348 closure-compiler JavaScript optimizing compiler
348 rbenv-gemset Adds basic gemset support to rbenv
347 languagetool Style and grammar checker
347 step Crypto and x509 Swiss-Army-Knife
346 svtplay-dl Download videos from
345 ifuse FUSE module for iOS devices
345 libnotify Library that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon
344 file-formula Utility to determine file types
344 juju DevOps management tool
342 camlp5 Preprocessor and pretty-printer for OCaml
342 strongswan VPN based on IPsec
342 watchexec Execute commands when watched files change
340 dylibbundler Utility to bundle libraries into executables for macOS
340 fn Command-line tool for the fn project
340 terraform@0.11 Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure
339 libxtst X.Org: Client API for the XTEST & RECORD extensions
338 hexedit View and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII
337 fabric Library and command-line tool for SSH
336 switchaudio-osx Change macOS audio source from the command-line
335 awk Text processing scripting language
335 thrift@0.9 Framework for scalable cross-language services development
333 cloog Generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra
331 cppunit Unit testing framework for C++
331 docker-ls Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries
331 hledger Easy plain text accounting with command-line, terminal and web UIs
331 libiodbc Database connectivity layer based on ODBC. (alternative to unixodbc)
329 cpprestsdk C++ libraries for cloud-based client-server communication
329 pdfgrep Search PDFs for strings matching a regular expression
328 libgda Provides unified data access to the GNOME project
327 libcue Cue sheet parser library for C
326 autopep8 Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide
325 ant@1.9 Java build tool
325 zsh-git-prompt Informative git prompt for zsh
324 devspace CLI helps develop/deploy/debug apps with Docker and k8s
323 agda Dependently typed functional programming language
323 cling C++ interpreter
323 couchdb Apache CouchDB database server
323 mpd Music Player Daemon
322 multimarkdown Turn marked-up plain text into well-formatted documents
322 wavpack Hybrid lossless audio compression
321 dust More intuitive version of du in rust
321 ffms2 Libav/ffmpeg based source library and Avisynth plugin
320 ugrep Ultra fast grep with query UI, fuzzy search, archive search, and more
319 jbig2dec JBIG2 decoder and library (for monochrome documents)
319 zenity GTK+ dialog boxes for the command-line
318 id3lib ID3 tag manipulation
317 cvs Version control system
317 gdrive Google Drive CLI Client
317 hbase Hadoop database: a distributed, scalable, big data store
315 fwup Configurable embedded Linux firmware update creator and runner
314 create-dmg Shell script to build fancy DMGs
314 libgxps GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents
313 dhall Interpreter for the Dhall language
312 grails Web application framework for the Groovy language
312 irrlicht Realtime 3D engine
310 ansible@2.8 Automate deployment, configuration, and upgrading
309 mesa-glu Mesa OpenGL Utility library
308 infracost Cost estimates for Terraform
307 tcpreplay Replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds
306 gmt Tools for manipulating and plotting geographic and Cartesian data
306 solr Enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project
305 aliyun-cli Universal Command-Line Interface for Alibaba Cloud
305 corkscrew Tunnel SSH through HTTP proxies
305 libconfig Configuration file processing library
305 swaks SMTP command-line test tool
303 kim-api Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) API
303 truncate Truncates a file to a given size
302 diffoscope In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
302 gnu-time GNU implementation of time utility
302 jsonlint JSON parser and validator with a CLI
302 swagger-codegen@2 Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec
301 gist Command-line utility for uploading Gists
301 gtksourceviewmm3 C++ bindings for gtksourceview3
300 binaryen Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly
300 picocom Minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
299 chisel Collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps
299 mariadb@10.3 Drop-in replacement for MySQL
298 kde-karchive Reading, creating, and manipulating file archives
298 rrdtool Round Robin Database
295 pngcrush Optimizer for PNG files
295 pwntools CTF framework used by Gallopsled in every CTF
294 awsume Utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command-line
294 gibo Access GitHub's .gitignore boilerplates
294 vulkan-headers Vulkan Header files and API registry
293 exif Read, write, modify, and display EXIF data on the command-line
293 sleepwatcher Monitors sleep, wakeup, and idleness of a Mac
292 knot High-performance authoritative-only DNS server
292 mupdf-tools Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
290 antibody Shell plugin manager
289 pianobar Command-line player for
288 dosbox-x DOSBox with accurate emulation and wide testing
288 kde-ki18n KDE Gettext-based UI text internationalization
287 enca Charset analyzer and converter
287 readosm Extract valid data from an Open Street Map input file
286 cmocka Unit testing framework for C
286 flatbuffers Serialization library for C++, supporting Java, C#, and Go
286 mongoose Web server build on top of Libmongoose embedded library
286 redis@4.0 Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface
283 go@1.12 Go programming environment (1.12)
282 astyle Source code beautifier for C, C++, C#, and Java
282 bazaar Friendly powerful distributed version control system
282 caffe Fast open framework for deep learning
282 kapacitor Open source time series data processor
282 localstack Fully functional local AWS cloud stack
281 prestodb Distributed SQL query engine for big data
280 bartycrouch Incrementally update/translate your Strings files
280 checkbashisms Checks for bashisms in shell scripts
280 lammps Molecular Dynamics Simulator
279 cliclick Tool for emulating mouse and keyboard events
279 erlang@22 Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems
279 infer Static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
279 podofo Library to work with the PDF file format
277 convmv Filename encoding conversion tool
277 nifi Easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data
277 udunits Unidata unit conversion library
277 woff2 Utilities to create and convert Web Open Font File (WOFF) files
275 adr-tools CLI tool for working with Architecture Decision Records
275 mariadb@10.4 Drop-in replacement for MySQL
275 nco Command-line operators for netCDF and HDF files
274 qca Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
274 tektoncd-cli CLI for interacting with TektonCD
273 hr <hr />, for your terminal window
273 mame Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
273 openimageio Library for reading, processing and writing images
273 stress-ng Stress test a computer system in various selectable ways
273 ttfautohint Auto-hinter for TrueType fonts
272 opencolorio Color management solution geared towards motion picture production
271 vlang V programming language
270 django-completion Bash completion for Django
270 hashpump Tool to exploit hash length extension attack
270 minimal-racket Modern programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family
270 rsyslog Enhanced, multi-threaded syslogd
269 ccat Like cat but displays content with syntax highlighting
267 connect Provides SOCKS and HTTPS proxy support to SSH
266 redis@3.2 Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface
265 checkstyle Check Java source against a coding standard
265 docker-slim Minify and secure Docker images
265 hdf5@1.10 File format designed to store large amounts of data
265 translate-shell Command-line translator using Google Translate and more
265 vitetris Terminal-based Tetris clone
264 gnupg@1.4 GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
264 mps-youtube Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
264 spatialite-tools CLI tools supporting SpatiaLite
263 bandwhich Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
263 ghz Simple gRPC benchmarking and load testing tool
262 autoenv Per-project, per-directory shell environments
262 isync Synchronize a maildir with an IMAP server
261 certstrap Tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates
261 libedit BSD-style licensed readline alternative
261 rcm RC file (dotfile) management
260 spotify-tui Terminal-based client for Spotify
260 wmctrl UNIX/Linux command-line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM
260 xdelta Binary diff, differential compression tools
259 perltidy Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read
259 rpm2cpio Tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive
259 verilator Verilog simulator
258 devil Cross-platform image library
258 google-sparsehash Extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
258 h2 Java SQL database
258 volatility Advanced memory forensics framework
257 gcovr Reports from gcov test coverage program
257 ttyd Command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web
256 drone-cli Command-line client for the Drone continuous integration server
256 snort Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System
255 maven@3.2 Java-based project management
254 clinfo Print information about OpenCL platforms and devices
254 dnsperf Measure DNS performance by simulating network conditions
254 latex2rtf Translate LaTeX to RTF
254 tcpflow TCP/IP packet demultiplexer
254 xgboost Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library
253 github-markdown-toc Easy TOC creation for GitHub (in go)
253 gron Make JSON greppable
253 libupnp Portable UPnP development kit
253 maven@3.3 Java-based project management
253 ripgrep-all Wrapper around ripgrep that adds multiple rich file types
252 fpc Free Pascal: multi-architecture Pascal compiler
252 sdl_net Sample cross-platform networking library
252 volta JavaScript toolchain manager for reproducible environments
251 bluetoothconnector Connect and disconnect Bluetooth devices
250 earthly Build automation tool for the post-container era
250 git-credential-manager Stores Git credentials for Visual Studio Team Services
249 bats-core Bash Automated Testing System
249 chkrootkit Rootkit detector
249 pdf2svg PDF converter to SVG
249 xctool Drop-in replacement for xcodebuild with a few extra features
248 libp11 PKCS#11 wrapper library in C
248 pdflib-lite Subset of the functionality of PDFlib 7
248 xcb-proto X.Org: XML-XCB protocol descriptions for libxcb code generation
247 jetty Java servlet engine and webserver
247 lc0 Open source neural network based chess engine
246 liblo Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation
246 sbt@0.13 Build tool for Scala projects
245 dosbox DOS Emulator
245 shairport-sync AirTunes emulator that adds multi-room capability
244 flashrom Identify, read, write, verify, and erase flash chips
244 masscan TCP port scanner, scans entire Internet in under 5 minutes
243 dnstwist Test domains for typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage
243 lbzip2 Parallel bzip2 utility
242 foremost Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers
242 monit Manage and monitor processes, files, directories, and devices
242 nethogs Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process
241 duf Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
241 ext2fuse Compact implementation of ext2 file system using FUSE
241 pdf2htmlex PDF to HTML converter
241 spdylay Experimental implementation of SPDY protocol versions 2, 3, and 3.1
241 urlview URL extractor/launcher
240 govc Command-line tool for VMware vSphere
240 hackrf Low cost software radio platform
240 libtar C library for manipulating POSIX tar files
240 zopfli New zlib (gzip, deflate) compatible compressor
238 jhead Extract Digicam setting info from EXIF JPEG headers
238 katago Neural Network Go engine with no human-provided knowledge
237 editorconfig Maintain consistent coding style between multiple editors
237 keepassc Curses-based password manager for KeePass v.1.x and KeePassX
237 sslyze SSL scanner
236 gox Go cross compile tool
236 procmail Autonomous mail processor
235 innoextract Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
235 okteto Build better apps by developing and testing code directly in Kubernetes
235 pidcat Colored logcat script to show entries only for specified app
235 x86_64-elf-binutils GNU Binutils for x86_64-elf cross development
235 youtube-dlc Media downloader supporting various sites such as youtube
234 fio I/O benchmark and stress test
234 fox Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily
232 winexe Remote Windows-command executor
230 elm Functional programming language for building browser-based GUIs
230 keystone Assembler framework: Core + bindings
230 llvm@7 Next-gen compiler infrastructure
230 vcpkg C++ Library Manager
230 yapf Formatter for python code
229 crunch Wordlist generator
229 imagesnap Tool to capture still images from an iSight or other video source
229 imapsync Migrate or backup IMAP mail accounts
229 serd C library for RDF syntax
227 container-diff Diff your Docker containers
226 czmq High-level C binding for ZeroMQ
226 librsync Library that implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm
226 logrotate Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
226 m-cli Swiss Army Knife for macOS
226 miller Like sed, awk, cut, join & sort for name-indexed data such as CSV
226 svgo Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
226 xhyve Lightweight macOS virtualization solution based on FreeBSD's bhyve
225 gifski Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant
225 gprof2dot Convert the output from many profilers into a Graphviz dot graph
225 nload Realtime console network usage monitor
224 alpine News and email agent
224 libotr Off-The-Record (OTR) messaging library
224 megatools Command-line client for
224 toilet Color-based alternative to figlet (uses libcaca)
224 vbindiff Visual Binary Diff
223 buildapp Creates executables with SBCL
223 commitizen Defines a standard way of committing rules and communicating it
223 inxi Full featured CLI system information tool
222 cntlm NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling
222 multitail Tail multiple files in one terminal simultaneously
222 sloccount Count lines of code in many languages
221 lsyncd Synchronize local directories with remote targets
221 ngrep Network grep
220 glooctl Envoy-Powered API Gateway
220 libpulsar Apache Pulsar C++ library
220 xcinfo Tool to get information about and install available Xcode versions
219 tomcat-native Lets Tomcat use some native resources for performance
218 mariadb@10.2 Drop-in replacement for MySQL
217 c-blosc Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library
217 libgnt NCurses toolkit for creating text-mode graphical user interfaces
216 calc Arbitrary precision calculator
216 cryptominisat Advanced SAT solver
216 flux Lightweight scripting language for querying databases
216 lv Powerful multi-lingual file viewer/grep
215 xmlrpc-c Lightweight RPC library (based on XML and HTTP)
214 blast Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
214 git-ftp Git-powered FTP client
214 jsonpp Command-line JSON pretty-printer
214 libstrophe XMPP library for C
214 nethack Single-player roguelike video game
214 openh264 H.264 codec from Cisco
214 pegtl Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
214 scalapack High-performance linear algebra for distributed memory machines
213 lv2 Portable plugin standard for audio systems
212 collectd Statistics collection and monitoring daemon
212 hamlib Ham radio control libraries
212 lerna Tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
212 zola Fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in
211 ios-sim Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator
211 prototool Your Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers
210 keychain User-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
210 lilv C library to use LV2 plugins
210 newrelic-cli Command-line interface for New Relic
210 pngcheck Print info and check PNG, JNG, and MNG files
209 encfs Encrypted pass-through FUSE file system
209 espeak Text to speech, software speech synthesizer
208 bowtie2 Fast and sensitive gapped read aligner
208 x3270 IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System and Windows
207 mlt Author, manage, and run multitrack audio/video compositions
207 rtv Command-line Reddit client
207 vault-cli Subversion-like utility to work with Jackrabbit FileVault
206 nexus Repository manager for binary software components
206 rarian Documentation metadata library
206 twine-pypi Utilities for interacting with PyPI
206 vsftpd Secure FTP server for UNIX
206 zoxide Shell extension to navigate your filesystem faster
205 beanstalkd Generic work queue originally designed to reduce web latency
205 chezscheme Implementation of the Chez Scheme language
205 htmldoc Convert HTML to PDF or PostScript
205 jython Python implementation written in Java (successor to JPython)
205 libtorch Tensors and dynamic neural networks
205 vcprompt Provide version control info in shell prompts
204 glib-openssl OpenSSL GIO module for glib
204 knot-resolver Minimalistic, caching, DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver
204 libu2f-host Host-side of the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) protocol
204 prettyping Wrapper to colorize and simplify ping's output
204 xsv Fast CSV toolkit written in Rust
203 docker-credential-helper macOS Credential Helper for Docker
203 react-native-cli Tools for creating native apps for Android and iOS
202 mpc Command-line music player client for mpd
201 distcc Distributed compiler client and server
201 ocamlbuild Generic build tool for OCaml
201 todo-txt Minimal, todo.txt-focused editor
200 ffmpeg@2.8 Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
199 dhall-json Dhall to JSON compiler and a Dhall to YAML compiler
199 enscript Convert text to Postscript, HTML, or RTF, with syntax highlighting
199 gitup Update multiple git repositories at once
199 gomplate Command-line Golang template processor
198 buku Powerful command-line bookmark manager
198 nats-server Lightweight cloud messaging system
198 ntp Network Time Protocol (NTP) Distribution
198 unicorn Lightweight multi-architecture CPU emulation framework
197 base64 Encode and decode base64 files
197 eccodes Decode and encode messages in the GRIB 1/2 and BUFR 3/4 formats
197 minidlna Media server software, compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients
196 libgnomecanvas Highlevel, structured graphics library
196 libofx Library to support OFX command responses
196 wtf Translate common Internet acronyms
195 fetchmail Client for fetching mail from POP, IMAP, ETRN or ODMR-capable servers
195 rtorrent Ncurses BitTorrent client based on libtorrent-rakshasa
195 sord C library for storing RDF data in memory
194 bento4 Full-featured MP4 format and MPEG DASH library and tools
194 docker-machine-parallels Parallels Driver for Docker Machine
194 dub Build tool for D projects
194 hello Program providing model for GNU coding standards and practices
194 libnfs C client library for NFS
194 sratom Library for serializing LV2 atoms to/from RDF
193 clojure-lsp Language Server (LSP) for Clojure
193 libvncserver VNC server and client libraries
193 taskwarrior-tui Terminal user interface for taskwarrior
192 crowdin Command-line tool that allows to manage your resources with
192 docfx Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
192 game-music-emu Videogame music file emulator collection
192 latex2html LaTeX-to-HTML translator
192 mat2 Metadata anonymization toolkit
192 physfs Library to provide abstract access to various archives
192 scc Fast and accurate code counter with complexity and COCOMO estimates
192 timidity Software synthesizer
191 icdiff Improved colored diff
191 node_exporter Prometheus exporter for machine metrics
191 vert.x Toolkit for building reactive applications on the JVM
191 wildfly-as Managed application runtime for building applications
190 fop XSL-FO print formatter for making PDF or PS documents
189 docker-machine-driver-vmware VMware Fusion & Workstation docker-machine driver
189 hexyl Command-line hex viewer
189 srecord Tools for manipulating EPROM load files
187 picard-tools Tools for manipulating HTS data and formats
187 sassc Wrapper around libsass that helps to create command-line apps
186 pdfcrack PDF files password cracker
186 tanka Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes using Jsonnet
185 boost-mpi C++ library for C++/MPI interoperability
185 datasette Open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
185 dislocker FUSE driver to read/write Windows' BitLocker-ed volumes
185 libdazzle GNOME companion library to GObject and Gtk+
185 mariadb@10.1 Drop-in replacement for MySQL
184 cmark Strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown
184 libtorrent-rakshasa BitTorrent library with a focus on high performance
184 rbenv-default-gems Auto-installs gems for Ruby installs
184 tika Content analysis toolkit
183 joe Full featured terminal-based screen editor
183 terraform-ls Terraform Language Server
182 get_iplayer Utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer
182 html2text Advanced HTML-to-text converter
182 libnfc Low level NFC SDK and Programmers API
182 monero Official Monero wallet and CPU miner
182 progress Coreutils progress viewer
181 gromacs Versatile package for molecular dynamics calculations
181 httping Ping-like tool for HTTP requests
181 markdownlint-cli CLI for Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown files
180 bmon Interface bandwidth monitor
180 knock Port-knock server
180 osi Open Solver Interface
180 pdsh Efficient rsh-like utility, for using hosts in parallel
180 translate-toolkit Toolkit for localization engineers
179 ask-cli CLI tool for Alexa Skill Kit
179 coinutils COIN-OR utilities
179 powerline-go Beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell
179 swig@3 Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
178 credstash Little utility for managing credentials in the cloud
178 fossil Distributed software configuration management
178 hlint Haskell source code suggestions
178 rswift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues
178 swift-format Formatting technology for Swift source code
177 asciiquarium Aquarium animation in ASCII art
177 googletest Google Testing and Mocking Framework
177 libvmaf Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion
177 meilisearch Ultra relevant, instant and typo-tolerant full-text search API
176 bcrypt Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish
176 ffmpegthumbnailer Create thumbnails for your video files
176 mpssh Mass parallel ssh
176 tag Manipulate and query tags on macOS files
175 anime-downloader Download your favourite anime
175 ballerina Programming Language for Network Distributed Applications
175 clp Linear programming solver
175 fakeroot Provide a fake root environment
175 include-what-you-use Tool to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
175 innotop Top clone for MySQL
175 maven-completion Bash completion for Maven
175 mg Small Emacs-like editor
175 ponysay Cowsay but with ponies
175 qtkeychain Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely
174 rakudo-star Rakudo compiler and commonly used packages
173 arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils FSF/GNU binutils for cross-compiling to arm-linux
173 bindfs FUSE file system for mounting to another location
172 bats TAP-compliant test framework for Bash scripts
172 fzy Fast, simple fuzzy text selector with an advanced scoring algorithm
172 libsvg Library for SVG files
172 tmux-xpanes Ultimate terminal divider powered by tmux
171 chamber CLI for managing secrets through AWS SSM Parameter Store
171 kube-linter Static analysis tool for Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts
171 mysql-connector-c++ MySQL database connector for C++ applications
171 raylib Simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming
171 stress Tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system
171 tarantool In-memory database and Lua application server
170 gopls Language server for the Go language
170 just Handy way to save and run project-specific commands
170 mtools Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
170 pup Parse HTML at the command-line
170 sofia-sip SIP User-Agent library
170 wabt Web Assembly Binary Toolkit
168 hmmer Build profile HMMs and scan against sequence databases
167 sd Intuitive find & replace CLI
167 termshark Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
167 zmap Network scanner for Internet-wide network studies
166 mypy Experimental optional static type checker for Python
166 sqlite-utils CLI utility for manipulating SQLite databases
165 commandbox CFML embedded server, package manager, and app scaffolding tools
165 dmg2img Utilities for converting macOS DMG images
165 dwarfutils Dump and produce DWARF debug information in ELF objects
165 dwdiff Diff that operates at the word level
165 iam-policy-json-to-terraform Convert a JSON IAM Policy into terraform
164 buildozer Rewrite bazel BUILD files using standard commands
164 ecm Prepare CD image files so they compress better
164 pth GNU Portable THreads
163 bcftools Tools for BCF/VCF files and variant calling from samtools
163 geeqie Lightweight Gtk+ based image viewer
163 offlineimap Synchronizes emails between two repositories
163 petsc Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (real)
162 basex Light-weight XML database and XPath/XQuery processor
162 git-cal GitHub-like contributions calendar but on the command-line
162 jump Helps you navigate your file system faster by learning your habits
162 libbs2b Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP
162 most Powerful paging program
162 nagios-plugins Plugins for the nagios network monitoring system
162 smpeg SDL MPEG Player Library
161 bc Arbitrary precision numeric processing language
161 cbc Mixed integer linear programming solver
161 hcloud Command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud
161 x86_64-elf-gcc GNU compiler collection for x86_64-elf
160 mandoc UNIX manpage compiler toolset
160 ncview Visual browser for netCDF format files
160 ungit Easiest way to use Git. On any platform. Anywhere
158 dbmate Lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool
158 djvu2pdf Small tool to convert Djvu files to PDF files
158 gulp-cli Command-line utility for Gulp
158 gwyddion Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool
158 timewarrior Command-line time tracking application
157 clib Package manager for C programming
157 gtkspell3 Gtk widget for highlighting and replacing misspelled words
157 kubebuilder SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
156 ansiweather Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
156 ckan Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network
156 cointop Interactive terminal based UI application for tracking cryptocurrencies
156 fortio HTTP and gRPC load testing and visualization tool and server
156 gengetopt Generate C code to parse command-line arguments via getopt_long
156 glslang OpenGL and OpenGL ES reference compiler for shading languages
156 kpcli Command-line interface to KeePass database files
156 libdvdread C library for reading DVD-video images
156 two-lame Optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder
155 gearman Application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes
155 signal-cli CLI and dbus interface for WhisperSystems/libsignal-service-java
154 cc65 6502 C compiler
154 faust Functional programming language for real time signal processing
154 ffmpeg2theora Convert video files to Ogg Theora format
154 qjackctl Simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon
154 roswell Lisp installer and launcher for major environments
154 scdoc Small man page generator
154 sratoolkit Data tools for INSDC Sequence Read Archive
153 cli53 Command-line tool for Amazon Route 53
153 discount C implementation of Markdown
153 gdcm Grassroots DICOM library and utilities for medical files
153 glab Open-source GitLab command-line tool
153 jd JSON diff and patch
153 libfreenect Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device
153 patchelf Modify dynamic ELF executables
153 xmrig Monero (XMR) CPU miner
152 google-java-format Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style
152 monolith CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
151 getmail Extensible mail retrieval system with POP3, IMAP4, SSL support
150 source-to-image Tool for building source and injecting into docker images
149 awscurl Curl like simplicity to access AWS resources
149 fcgi Protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server
149 gnu-units GNU unit conversion tool
149 osmosis Command-line OpenStreetMap data processor
149 pngpaste Paste PNG into files
148 allegro C/C++ multimedia library for cross-platform game development
148 gradle-completion Bash and Zsh completion for Gradle
148 jdupes Duplicate file finder and an enhanced fork of 'fdupes'
148 libbitcoin Bitcoin Cross-Platform C++ Development Toolkit
148 protoc-gen-grpc-web Protoc plugin that generates code for gRPC-Web clients
147 akamai CLI toolkit for working with Akamai's APIs
147 apollo-cli Command-line tool for Apollo GraphQL
147 docker-machine-nfs Activates NFS on docker-machine
147 gst-editing-services GStreamer Editing Services
147 jo JSON output from a shell
147 libproxy Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
147 spoof-mac Spoof your MAC address in macOS
147 tintin MUD client
146 acpica OS-independent implementation of the ACPI specification
146 airspy Driver and tools for a software-defined radio
146 baobab Gnome disk usage analyzer
146 jhipster Generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular/React applications
146 jinja2-cli CLI for the Jinja2 templating language
146 pgbadger Log analyzer for PostgreSQL
146 rbspy Sampling profiler for Ruby
145 stormssh Command-line tool to manage your ssh connections
144 bochs Open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++
144 cdktf Cloud Development Kit for Terraform
144 cgl Cut Generation Library
144 ghi Work on GitHub issues on the command-line
144 gmsh 3D finite element grid generator with CAD engine
144 libvo-aacenc VisualOn AAC encoder library
143 caf Implementation of the Actor Model for C++
143 gcsfuse User-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud
143 mmv Move, copy, append, and link multiple files
143 tippecanoe Build vector tilesets from collections of GeoJSON features
143 yle-dl Download Yle videos from the command-line
142 atool Archival front-end
142 frpc Client app of fast reverse proxy to expose a local server to the internet
142 jid Json incremental digger
142 shapelib Library for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles
141 aws-sdk-cpp AWS SDK for C++
141 libgsm Lossy speech compression library
141 mongo-cxx-driver C++ driver for MongoDB
141 phpmd PHP Mess Detector
140 bitcoin Decentralized, peer to peer payment network
140 dyld-headers Header files for the dynamic linker
140 jp2a Convert JPG images to ASCII
140 pdfpc Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
140 riemann-client C client library for the Riemann monitoring system
140 sponge Soak up standard input and write to a file
140 sysdig System-level exploration and troubleshooting tool
139 dark-mode Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line
139 icon General-purpose programming language
139 little-cms Version 1 of the Little CMS library
139 rgbds Rednex GameBoy Development System
139 spotifyd Spotify daemon
139 suricata Network IDS, IPS, and security monitoring engine
138 chrome-cli Control Google Chrome from the command-line
138 crosstool-ng Tool for building toolchains
138 nodeenv Node.js virtual environment builder
138 orocos-kdl Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library
138 xonsh Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt
137 byacc (Arguably) the best yacc variant
137 cataclysm Fork/variant of Cataclysm Roguelike
137 detekt Static code analysis for Kotlin
137 kde-threadweaver Helper for multithreaded programming
137 openstackclient Command-line client for OpenStack
137 sipcalc Advanced console-based IP subnet calculator
136 foreman Manage Procfile-based applications
136 mdbook Create modern online books from Markdown files
136 nedit Fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor
136 ngspice Spice circuit simulator
136 noti Trigger notifications when a process completes
136 varnish High-performance HTTP accelerator
135 bbftp-client Secure file transfer software, optimized for large files
135 cargo-instruments Easily generate Instruments traces for your rust crate
135 cdk Curses development kit provides predefined curses widget for apps
135 consul-template Generic template rendering and notifications with Consul
135 lmod Lua-based environment modules system to modify PATH variable
135 perl-build Perl builder
135 pgbouncer Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
135 rustscan Modern Day Portscanner
134 k3sup Utility to create k3s clusters on any local or remote VM
134 tcptrace Analyze tcpdump output
133 rpcgen Protocol Compiler
133 tty-clock Digital clock in ncurses
132 daq Network intrusion prevention and detection system
132 sngrep Command-line tool for displaying SIP calls message flows
132 tailor Cross-platform static analyzer and linter for Swift
131 coturn Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server
131 gnu-typist GNU typing tutor
131 latexindent Add indentation to LaTeX files
131 sdcc ANSI C compiler for Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, and Zilog Z80
131 tealdeer Very fast implementation of tldr in Rust
130 aubio Extract annotations from audio signals
130 libglade RAD tool to help build GTK+ interfaces
130 ntl C++ number theory library
130 shpotify Command-line interface for Spotify on a Mac
130 tnftpd NetBSD's FTP server
129 gst-devtools GStreamer development and validation tools
129 litecli CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
129 scw Command-line Interface for Scaleway
128 bashdb Bash shell debugger
128 dumb IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library
128 nsq Realtime distributed messaging platform
128 saxon XSLT and XQuery processor
127 apache-drill Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage
127 ccm Create and destroy an Apache Cassandra cluster on localhost
127 liquidctl Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices
127 osslsigncode OpenSSL based Authenticode signing for PE/MSI/Java CAB files
127 recon-ng Web Reconnaissance Framework
126 dnscontrol It is system for maintaining DNS zones
126 jp Dead simple terminal plots from JSON data
126 log4cplus Logging Framework for C++
126 moarvm Virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo Perl 6
125 capnp Data interchange format and capability-based RPC system
125 freeradius-server High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
125 lean-cli Command-line tool to develop and manage LeanCloud apps
125 oauth2l Simple CLI for interacting with Google oauth tokens
125 slowhttptest Simulates application layer denial of service attacks
124 ifstat Tool to report network interface bandwidth
124 rmlint Extremely fast tool to remove dupes and other lint from your filesystem
123 advancecomp Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG, .ZIP, and .GZ files
123 antiword Utility to read Word (.doc) files
123 catimg Insanely fast image printing in your terminal
123 javacc Parser generator for use with Java applications
123 lha Utility for creating and opening lzh archives
123 livestreamer Pipes video from streaming services into a player such as VLC
123 stk Sound Synthesis Toolkit
123 twarc Command-line tool and Python library for archiving Twitter JSON
122 cracklib LibCrack password checking library
122 fdk-aac-encoder Command-line encoder frontend for libfdk-aac
122 gnu-prolog Prolog compiler with constraint solving
122 go-jsonnet Go implementation of configuration language for defining JSON data
122 homebank Manage your personal accounts at home
122 id3v2 Command-line editor
122 janet Dynamic language and bytecode vm
122 libmtp Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
122 webkit2png Create screenshots of webpages from the terminal
121 a2ps Any-to-PostScript filter
121 easy-tag Application for viewing and editing audio file tags
121 go-jira Simple jira command-line client in Go
121 imageoptim-cli CLI for ImageOptim, ImageAlpha and JPEGmini
121 leela-zero Neural Network Go engine with no human-provided knowledge
121 pip-completion Bash completion for Pip
121 st Statistics from the command-line
120 gdub Gradlew/gradle wrapper
120 latexdiff Compare and mark up LaTeX file differences
120 lesspipe Input filter for the pager less
119 fail2ban Scan log files and ban IPs showing malicious signs
119 reaver Implements brute force attack to recover WPA/WPA2 passkeys
119 tee-clc Microsoft Team Explorer Everywhere command-line Client
118 kyma-cli Kyma command-line interface
118 pueue Command-line tool for managing long-running shell commands
118 swift High-performance system programming language
118 vpn-slice Vpnc-script replacement for easy and secure split-tunnel VPN setup
118 ykclient Library to validate YubiKey OTPs against YubiCloud
117 boost-bcp Utility for extracting subsets of the Boost library
117 ejabberd XMPP application server
117 iozone File system benchmark tool
117 libaacs Implements the Advanced Access Content System specification
117 libqalculate Library for Qalculate! program
117 libquvi C library to parse flash media stream properties
117 librealsense Intel RealSense D400 series and SR300 capture
117 minipro Open controller for the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
117 rakudo Perl 6 compiler targeting MoarVM
117 t-rec Blazingly fast terminal recorder that generates animated gif images for the web
116 ensmallen Flexible C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization
116 ical-buddy Get events and tasks from the macOS calendar database
116 jc Serializes the output of command-line tools to structured JSON output
116 nqp Lightweight Perl 6-like environment for virtual machines
116 watson Command-line tool to track (your) time
115 crf++ Conditional random fields for segmenting/labeling sequential data
115 gforth Implementation of the ANS Forth language
115 libirecovery Library and utility to talk to iBoot/iBSS via USB
115 mafft Multiple alignments with fast Fourier transforms
115 man-db Unix documentation system
115 vorbis-tools Ogg Vorbis CODEC tools
114 delta Programmatically minimize files to isolate features of interest
114 rdfind Find duplicate files based on content (NOT file names)
113 csound Sound and music computing system
113 git-subrepo Git Submodule Alternative
113 kite Programming language designed to minimize programmer experience
113 pgrouting Provides geospatial routing for PostGIS/PostgreSQL database
113 polipo Web caching proxy
113 smake Portable make program with automake features
112 darcs Distributed version control system that tracks changes, via Haskell
112 dopewars Free rewrite of a game originally based on "Drug Wars"
112 isort Sort Python imports automatically
112 marked Markdown parser and compiler built for speed
112 netcat6 Rewrite of netcat that supports IPv6, plus other improvements
112 terrascan Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code
111 abcde Better CD Encoder
111 ccrypt Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
111 cups Common UNIX Printing System
111 djview4 Viewer for the DjVu image format
111 proctools OpenBSD and Darwin versions of pgrep, pkill, and pfind
111 shc Shell Script Compiler
111 snakemake Pythonic workflow system
111 spotbugs Tool for Java static analysis (FindBugs's successor)
110 bsdiff Generate and apply patches to binary files
110 gpsbabel Converts/uploads GPS waypoints, tracks, and routes
110 gputils GNU PIC Utilities
110 libslirp General purpose TCP-IP emulator
110 libsvg-cairo SVG rendering library using Cairo
110 metricbeat Collect metrics from your systems and services
110 patchutils Small collection of programs that operate on patch files
110 tinyproxy HTTP/HTTPS proxy for POSIX systems
109 bastet Bastard Tetris
109 ec2-api-tools Client interface to the Amazon EC2 web service
109 fauna-shell Interactive shell for FaunaDB
109 libsoundio Cross-platform audio input and output
109 libxml++3 C++ wrapper for libxml
109 pdfcpu PDF processor written in Go
109 pqiv Powerful image viewer with minimal UI
109 telegram-cli Command-line interface for Telegram
109 yosys Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis
109 zile Text editor development kit
108 dns2tcp TCP over DNS tunnel
108 httperf Tool for measuring webserver performance
108 ipv6calc Small utility for manipulating IPv6 addresses
108 sonobuoy Kubernetes component that generates reports on cluster conformance
107 bwa Burrow-Wheeler Aligner for pairwise alignment of DNA
107 cdo Climate Data Operators
107 docker-clean Clean Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes
107 embulk Data transfer between various databases, file formats and services
107 grpcui Interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman
107 libbitcoin-protocol Bitcoin Blockchain Query Protocol
107 macosvpn Create Mac OS VPNs programmatically
107 onednn Basic building blocks for deep learning applications
107 protoc-gen-go-grpc Protoc plugin that generates code for gRPC-Go clients
107 whalebrew Homebrew, but with Docker images
107 x11vnc VNC server for real X displays
107 ydiff View colored diff with side by side and auto pager support
106 afl-fuzz American fuzzy lop: Security-oriented fuzzer
106 ddgr DuckDuckGo from the terminal
106 evernote2md Convert Evernote .enex file to Markdown
106 findomain Cross-platform subdomain enumerator
106 flint C library for number theory
106 go@1.9 Go programming environment (1.9)
106 jsonnet-bundler Package manager for Jsonnet
106 libdiscid C library for creating MusicBrainz and freedb disc IDs
106 mage Make/rake-like build tool using Go
106 rhino JavaScript engine
106 zsh-navigation-tools Zsh curses-based tools, e.g. multi-word history searcher
105 cifer Work on automating classical cipher cracking in C
105 jags Just Another Gibbs Sampler for Bayesian MCMC simulation
105 sipp Traffic generator for the SIP protocol
105 xorriso ISO9660+RR manipulation tool
105 z.lua New cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits
105 zssh Interactive file transfers over SSH
104 antlr@2 ANother Tool for Language Recognition
104 bit Distributed Code Component Manager
104 fastqc Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
104 idris2 Pure functional programming language with dependent types
104 modules Dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles
104 netperf Benchmarks performance of many different types of networking
103 boot-clj Build tooling for Clojure
103 cpulimit CPU usage limiter
103 cucumber-cpp Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in C++
103 gost GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
103 pgweb Web-based PostgreSQL database browser
103 unrtf RTF to other formats converter
102 dcm2niix DICOM to NIfTI converter
102 gdbgui Modern, browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger)
102 kubie Much more powerful alternative to kubectx and kubens
102 tcsh Enhanced, fully compatible version of the Berkeley C shell
102 vis Vim-like text editor
101 anycable-go WebSocket server with action cable protocol
101 gocryptfs Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go
101 pbzip2 Parallel bzip2
101 phplint Validator and documentator for PHP 5 and 7 programs
101 subliminal Library to search and download subtitles
100 appledoc Objective-C API documentation generator
100 dateutils Tools to manipulate dates with a focus on financial data
100 git-sizer Compute various size metrics for a Git repository
100 git-standup Git extension to generate reports for standup meetings
100 imapfilter IMAP message processor/filter
100 mobiledevice CLI for Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework
100 mockserver Mock HTTP server and proxy
100 nrpe Nagios remote plugin executor
100 pdfsandwich Generate sandwich OCR PDFs from scanned file
100 quvi Parse video download URLs
100 siril Astronomical image processing tool
18885 iterm2 Terminal emulator as alternative to Apple's Terminal app
17019 docker App to build and share containerized applications and microservices
16000 visual-studio-code Open-source code editor
15213 zoom Video communication and virtual meeting platform
12787 osxfuse File system integration
12663 android-platform-tools Android SDK component
12625 google-chrome Web browser
10975 firefox Web browser
10098 xquartz Open-source version of the X.Org X Window System
8455 virtualbox Free and open-source hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization
8082 chromedriver Automated testing of webapps for Google Chrome
7084 vlc Open-source cross-platform multimedia player
6764 postman Collaboration platform for API development
6288 slack Team communication and collaboration software
6263 spotify Music streaming service
6056 google-cloud-sdk Set of tools to manage resources and applications hosted on Google Cloud
5702 ngrok Reverse proxy, secure introspectable tunnels to localhost
5292 powershell Command-line shell and scripting language
5251 wine-stable Compatibility layer to run Windows applications
4796 vagrant Development environment
4750 microsoft-auto-update Provides updates to various Microsoft products
4373 alfred Application launcher and productivity software
4209 discord Voice and text chat software
4017 rectangle Move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
3872 sublime-text Text editor for code, markup and prose
3806 adoptopenjdk -
3600 gimp Free and open-source image editor
3599 emacs -
3388 skype Video chat, voice call and instant messaging application
3280 zoomus Temporary makeshift alias for the video communication tool Zoom
3133 atom Cross-platform text editor
3120 anaconda -
3081 android-sdk -
3068 react-native-debugger -
2929 steam Video game digital distribution service
2854 dbeaver-community Free universal database tool and SQL client
2820 iina Free and open-source media player
2719 appcleaner Application uninstaller
2719 mactex Full TeX Live distribution with GUI applications
2712 dropbox Client for the Dropbox cloud storage service
2603 microsoft-edge Multi-platform web browser
2559 whatsapp Desktop client for WhatsApp
2472 sourcetree Graphical client for Git version control
2349 keepassxc Password manager app
2347 keka File archiver
2331 brave-browser Web browser focusing on privacy
2328 notion App to write, plan, collaborate, and get organized
2312 telegram Messaging app with a focus on speed and security
2306 wireshark Network protocol analyzer
2261 microsoft-teams -
2174 cyberduck Server and cloud storage browser
2170 alacritty Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
2168 teamviewer Remote access and connectivity software focused on security
2166 tunnelblick -
2153 1password Password manager that keeps all passwords secure behind one password
2131 transmission Open-source BitTorrent client
2106 libreoffice Free cross-platform office suite
2092 db-browser-for-sqlite Database browser for SQLite (DB4S) project
2069 balenaetcher Tool to flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives
1991 android-studio Tools for building Android applications
1939 qlcolorcode QuickLook plug-in that renders source code with syntax highlighting
1934 github Desktop client for GitHub repositories
1915 intellij-idea -
1904 wkhtmltopdf -
1853 karabiner-elements Keyboard customizer
1812 calibre E-books management software
1806 spectacle Move and resize windows with ease
1804 chromium Free and open-source web browser
1798 meld Visual diff and merge tool
1782 aws-vault -
1782 monitorcontrol Tool to control external monitor brightness & volume
1767 typora Configurable document editor that supports Markdown
1760 inkscape Vector graphics editor
1756 the-unarchiver Unpacks archive files
1732 qlmarkdown QuickLook generator for Markdown files
1732 rar Archive manager for data compression and backups
1686 microsoft-office -
1667 insomnia Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client
1631 jetbrains-toolbox JetBrains tools manager
1619 qlstephen -
1612 pgadmin4 -
1608 adobe-acrobat-reader View, print, and comment on PDF documents
1603 background-music -
1588 obs Open-source software for live streaming and screen recording
1587 miniconda -
1571 quicklook-json -
1565 google-backup-and-sync -
1565 intellij-idea-ce IDE for Java development - community edition
1556 tor-browser Web browser focusing on security
1531 mysqlworkbench Visual tool to design, develop and administer MySQL servers
1523 flutter UI toolkit for building applications for mobile, web and desktop
1513 basictex Compact TeX distribution as alternative to the full TeX Live / MacTeX
1457 multipass Orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
1423 pycharm IDE for professional Python development
1374 amethyst Automatic tiling window manager similar to xmonad
1338 oracle-jdk -
1325 stats System monitor for the menu bar
1286 tcl -
1259 signal Cross-platform instant messaging application focusing on security
1240 handbrake Open-source video transcoder
1144 kitty Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator
1140 virtualbox-extension-pack AMD64/Intel64 and x86 virtualization
1137 hyper Terminal built on web technologies
1117 dotnet-sdk Free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform
1114 sequel-ace MySQL/MariaDB database management
1104 webpquicklook -
1102 figma -
1102 phantomjs -
1096 android-file-transfer Transfer files from and to an Android smartphone
1093 bartender Menu bar icon organizer
1078 qbittorrent Peer to peer Bitorrent client
1076 qlimagesize Display image info and preview unsupported formats in QuickLook
1045 gpg-suite Tools to protect your emails and files
1031 suspicious-package Application for inspecting installer packages
1020 lens Kubernetes IDE
1007 caffeine Utility that prevents the system from going to sleep
1000 sequel-pro MySQL/MariaDB database management platform
998 vscodium Binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
997 istat-menus System monitoring app
979 macdown Open-source Markdown editor
967 google-drive-file-stream -
964 blackhole-2ch Virtual Audio Driver
950 drawio -
949 coconutbattery Tool to show live information about the batteries in various devices
949 wechat Free messaging and calling application
948 qlvideo -
944 bloomrpc GUI Client for GRPC Services
935 evernote App for note taking, organizing, task lists, and archiving
921 pycharm-ce Free and open-source IDE for Python programming - Community Edition
920 macvim Text editor
914 rstudio Data science software focusing on R and Python
910 julia Programming language for technical computing
909 dozer Tool to hide status bar icons
888 blender Free and open-source 3D creation suite
881 onyx Verify system files structure, run miscellaneous maintenance and more
872 dash API documentation browser and code snippet manager
865 vmware-fusion App to run other operating systems without rebooting
857 blackhole-16ch Virtual Audio Driver
855 fork GIT client
848 opera Cross-platform web browser
837 vnc-viewer Remote desktop application focusing on security
828 bettertouchtool Tool to customize input devices and automate computer systems
816 thunderbird Customizable email client
815 graphiql Light, Electron-based Wrapper around GraphiQL
813 mactex-no-gui Full TeX Live distribution without GUI applications
809 lastpass Cross-platform password manager
786 another-redis-desktop-manager Redis desktop manager
781 r Environment for statistical computing and graphics
773 arduino Open-source electronics prototyping platform
770 mounty Re-mounts write-protected NTFS volumes
767 minishift -
766 skim PDF reader and note-taking application
759 tableplus Native GUI tool for relational databases
758 mongodb-compass -
754 sketch Digital design and prototyping platform
751 cscreen -
750 bitwarden Desktop password and login vault
740 graphql-playground -
733 vagrant-manager -
730 adobe-creative-cloud Collection of apps and services for photography, design, video, web, and UX
729 clipy Clipboard extension app
717 imageoptim Tool to optimize images to a smaller size
710 keycastr Open-source keystroke visualizer
707 alt-tab Utility to set up alt-tap to switch between windows
704 cheatsheet Tool to list all active shortcuts of the current application
699 mpv Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
687 cakebrew GUI app for Homebrew
685 joplin Note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities
678 robo-3t MongoDB management tool (formerly Robomongo)
675 eclipse-java -
675 freecad 3D parametric modeler
656 keepingyouawake Tool to prevent the system from going into sleep mode
653 session-manager-plugin Plugin for AWS CLI to start and end sessions that connect to managed instances
651 charles Web debugging Proxy application
639 bitbar Utility to display the output from any script or program in the menu bar
634 hammerspoon Desktop automation application
630 authy Two-factor authentication software
625 keybase End-to-end encryption software
624 nrlquaker-winbox MikroTik Winbox
618 kindle Interface for reading and syncing eBooks
615 webstorm JavaScript IDE
604 deepl Trains AIs to understand and translate texts
601 itsycal Menu bar calendar
601 vivaldi Web browser focusing on customization and control
598 flux Screen color temperature controller
589 gitkraken Git client focusing on productivity
577 quicklookase -
575 anki Memory training application
565 visual-studio Integrated development environment
561 openvpn-connect Client program for the OpenVPN Access Server
555 xld Lossless audio decoder
553 aerial -
553 google-japanese-ime -
553 nordvpn VPN client for secure internet access and private browsing
552 gulp -
545 kap Open-source screen recorder built with web technology
543 obsidian Knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files
542 nextcloud Desktop sync client for Nextcloud software products
538 darktable Photography workflow application and raw developer
538 transmit File transfer application
526 textmate General-purpose text editor
523 qq Instant messaging tool
515 epic-games Launcher for *Epic Games* games
512 openscad Programmable solid 3D CAD modeller
508 phpstorm -
507 datagrip Databases & SQL IDE
507 postgres -
503 cleanmymac Tool to remove unnecessary files and folders from disk
502 maccy Clipboard manager
499 parallels Desktop virtualization software
498 qt-creator -
496 cmake -
494 bluestacks Mobile gaming platform
493 goland Go (golang) IDE
488 betterzip Utility to create and modify archives
483 quicklook-csv -
479 microsoft-excel -
474 anydesk Allows connection to a computer remotely
474 telegram-desktop Desktop client for Telegram messenger
471 openemu Retro video game emulation
470 zotero Collect, organize, cite, and share research sources
469 krita Free and open-source painting and sketching program
469 microsoft-word -
465 1password-cli Command-line helper for the 1Password password manager
465 minecraft -
459 jd-gui Standalone Java Decompiler GUI
457 disk-inventory-x Disk usage utility
455 macs-fan-control Controls and monitors all fans on Apple computers
449 jumpcut Clipboard manager
442 clashx Rule-based custom proxy with GUI based on clash
441 unetbootin Tool to install Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive
439 onedrive Cloud storage client
438 postico GUI client for PostgreSQL databases
437 messenger Native desktop app for Messenger (formerly Facebook Messenger)
435 mos Smooths scrolling and set mouse scroll directions independently
432 barrier Open-source KVM software
431 eloston-chromium -
427 eul Status monitoring
424 netbeans Open-source development environment, tooling
422 smcfancontrol Sets a minimum speed for built-in fans
420 baidunetdisk Cloud storage service
418 plex Home media server
414 keepassx Personal data manager focusing on security
411 plex-media-server Home media server
406 zenmap Multi-platform graphical interface for official Nmap Security Scanner
404 kdiff3 -
404 shiftit Tool to manage the size and position of windows
401 openconnect-gui GitLab mirror - Graphical OpenConnect client (beta phase)
401 texstudio LaTeX editor
399 dotnet -
398 veracrypt Disk encryption software focusing on security based on TrueCrypt
397 raspberry-pi-imager -
396 skitch Screen capture tool with mark up and sharing features
394 jdownloader -
392 google-earth-pro Virtual globe
390 bbedit Text, code, and markup editor
390 soundflower -
384 provisionql -
382 tigervnc-viewer Multi-platform VNC client and server
375 mono-mdk -
372 brackets Open-source code editor for web-developement
369 macpass Open-source, KeePass-client and password manager
367 intel-power-gadget -
362 fuse Visual desktop tool suite for working with the Fuse framework
361 microsoft-powerpoint -
361 playonmac Allows installation and use of software designed for Windows
360 pdftotext -
359 chef-workstation All-in-one installer for the tools you need to manage your Chef infrastructure
358 godot -
358 hex-fiend Hex editor focussing on speed
351 eclipse-jee -
350 neteasemusic Music streaming platform
349 clion C and C++ IDE
349 daisydisk Disk space visualizer
349 scroll-reverser Tool to reverse the direction of scrolling
348 pdf-expert PDF reader, editor and annotator
347 swiftformat-for-xcode -
345 iglance System monitor for the status bar
345 visualvm -
343 protonvpn VPN client focusing on security
341 libreoffice-language-pack Collection of alternate languages for LibreOffice
340 edex-ui -
337 lulu Open-source firewall to block unknown outgoing connections
336 gswitch -
334 launchcontrol Create, manage and debug system- and user services
333 zettlr Open-source markdown editor
330 battle-net Online gaming platform
329 gpg-suite-no-mail -
329 wireshark-chmodbpf -
328 mattermost Open-source, self-hosted Slack-alternative
328 openinterminal -
328 sublime-merge Git client
327 forklift Finder replacement and FTP, SFTP, WebDAV and Amazon s3 client
327 gog-galaxy Game client
326 azure-data-studio Data management tool that enables working with SQL Server
324 android-ndk -
324 imazing iPhone management application
323 cool-retro-term -
321 private-internet-access VPN client
318 diffmerge Visually compare and merge files
317 webex-meetings -
316 xampp -
314 gcc-arm-embedded -
314 grammarly Utility to fix grammar errors and style issues in text
311 obs-virtualcam -
311 rubymine Ruby on Rails IDE
309 geekbench Tool to measure the computer system's performance
308 apparency Inspect application bundles
308 zeplin Share, organize and collaborate on designs
307 tuntap -
306 menumeters Set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools
305 ccleaner -
304 fantastical -
301 setapp Collection of apps available by subscription
301 viber Calling and messaging application focusing on security
299 carbon-copy-cloner Hard disk backup and cloning utility
299 squirrel -
298 qlprettypatch -
297 flash-player Adobe Flash player
297 little-snitch Host-based application firewall
292 gqrx Software-defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
291 clean-me System cleaner for logs, caches and more
291 ghidra -
291 nvidia-geforce-now Cloud gaming platform
290 paw HTTP client that helps testing and describing APIs
288 beyond-compare Compare files and folders
288 mkvtoolnix Set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files (MKV)
283 flycut Clipboard manager for developers
283 licecap Animated screen capture application
282 viscosity VPN client for secure internet access and private browsing
281 proxyman Modern and intuitive HTTP Debugging Proxy app
275 folx Download manager with a torrent client
274 syncthing Real time file synchronization software
271 mamp Web development solution with Apache, Nginx, PHP & MySQL
271 miro -
271 numi Calculator and converter application
270 app-cleaner -
270 kodi Free and open-source media player
270 snowflake-snowsql -
270 ultimaker-cura 3D printer and slicing GUI
268 fontforge Font editor and converter for outline and bitmap fonts
268 switchhosts App to switch hosts
267 deluge Cross-platform BitTorrent client
266 bob -
265 sonarr -
264 grandperspective Graphically shows disk usage within a file system
262 duet Tool for using an iPad as a second display
262 forticlient -
261 vimr GUI for the Neovim text editor
260 hyperswitch -
259 metasploit Penetration testing framework
257 netron Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
253 owasp-zap Free and open source web app scanner
252 mysql-shell -
250 pusher -
250 unity-hub Management tool for Unity
249 kite -
246 gtkwave GTK+ based wave viewer
245 fly Official CLI tool for Concourse CI
243 burp-suite -
243 motrix Open-source download manager
240 microsoft-outlook Cross-platform industry standard email client
240 paintbrush Image editor
239 openoffice Free and open-source productivity suite
238 v2rayx GUI for v2ray-core
237 gdisk -
236 expressvpn VPN client for secure internet access and private browsing
235 transmission-remote-gui -
234 qgis Geographic Information System
232 rsyncosx GUI for rsync
230 processing -
230 rider -
229 stretchly Break time reminder app
227 adguard Stand alone ad blocker
227 xmind Mind mapping and brainstorming tool
226 makemkv Video format converter (transcoder)
225 tower Git client focusing on power and productivity
223 angry-ip-scanner Open-source, cross-platform network scanner
223 michaelvillar-timer Timer application
223 qqmusic Chinese music streaming application
222 malwarebytes Warns about malware, adware and spyware
221 brooklyn Screen saver based on animations presented during Apple Special Event Brooklyn
221 zerotier-one Mesh VPN client
220 thunder VPN and WiFi proxy
219 cryptomator Multi-platform client-side cloud file encryption tool
219 lyx -
219 v2rayu Collection of tools to build a dedicated basic communication network
218 omnidisksweeper Finds large, unwanted files and deletes them
217 hiddenbar Utility to hide menu bar items
216 eqmac System-wide audio equalizer
216 kitematic Visual user interface for Docker Container management
214 electrum Bitcoin thin client
214 synergy Keyboard and mouse sharing tool - open-source core
212 mockoon Utility to run mock APIs locally
212 oracle-jdk-javadoc -
212 terminus Terminal for a more modern age
211 element Matrix collaboration client
211 tex-live-utility Graphical user interface for TeX Live Manager
209 altair-graphql-client GraphQL client
209 gitup Git interface focused on visual interaction
209 tencent-lemon -
209 upic Native and simple picture and file upload tool
208 skype-for-business Microsofts instant messaging enterprise software
207 racket -
205 loopback Cable-free audio router
205 texmaker Free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor
204 cocoapods Dependency manager for Cocoa projects
204 mtmr -
203 remote-desktop-manager -
203 snipaste -
202 coteditor Plain-text editor for web pages, program source codes and more
202 docker-toolbox -
200 tidal Music streaming service with high fidelity sound and hi-def video quality
199 prince -
198 openinterminal-lite -
197 vanilla Tool to hide menu bar icons
195 avibrazil-rdm Utility to set a Retina display to custom resolutions
195 hazel Automated organization
195 rocket Emoji picker optimized for blind people
195 scribus Free and open-source page layout program
195 ubersicht Run commands and display their output on the desktop
193 mactracker Detailed information on every Apple product ever made
193 pock Utility to display the Dock in the Touch Bar
193 rocket-chat Official desktop client for Rocket.Chat
193 spyder Scientific Python IDE
192 superduper Backup, recovery and cloning software
190 launchrocket -
188 cloudflare-warp Free app that makes your Internet safer
188 copyq Clipboard manager with advanced features
188 dingtalk Teamwork app by Alibaba Group
188 eclipse-ide -
188 smlnj -
187 texshop TeX previewer
185 pritunl OpenVPN client
184 sage -
183 corretto OpenJDK distribution from Amazon
182 dia -
182 intel-haxm -
182 lunar Adaptive brightness for external displays
181 amazon-music Desktop client for Amazon Music
181 crossover Tool to run Windows software
181 ferdi Free messaging app for popular messengers
180 autodesk-fusion360 -
179 yacreader -
178 yt-music App wrapper for
176 kid3 Audio tagger focusing on efficiency
176 swimat Xcode formatter plug-in for Swift code
174 apache-directory-studio -
174 boostnote Markdown editor for developers
174 omnigraffle Visual communication software
173 electron Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
172 jitsi-meet Free, open-source and secure video conferencing app
171 mendeley Research management tool
171 musicbrainz-picard Cross-platform music tagger
171 quicklookapk -
171 termius Cross-platform SSH client
170 downie Downloads videos from different websites
170 geany Fast and lightweight IDE
170 netnewswire Free and open-source RSS reader
169 responsively Modified browser that helps in responsive web development
169 webtorrent Torrent streaming application
168 feishu Project management software
168 openmtp -
168 sloth Displays all open files and sockets in use by all running processes
168 webex Video communication and virtual meeting platform
167 ipfs Menu bar application for the IPFS peer-to-peer network
167 omnifocus Scheduling application focusing on organization
167 sf-symbols Tool that provides consistent, highly configurable symbols for apps
167 spark -
167 turbo-boost-switcher Enable and disable the Intel CPU Turbo Boost feature
166 go2shell -
166 microsoft-azure-storage-explorer -
165 avidemux Open-source cross-platform video editor
163 commander-one Two-panel file manager
163 plex-media-player Home media player
162 mark-text -
162 opencore-configurator -
162 reactotron Desktop app for inspecting React JS and React Native projects
162 tencent-meeting Cloud video conferencing
161 marta -
161 sogouinput -
161 soundsource Sound and audio controller
160 franz Messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and more
160 paragon-ntfs -
159 finicky Utility for customizing which browser to start
158 qutebrowser Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5
157 backblaze Data backup and storage service
157 gnucash Double-entry accounting program
155 hackintool Hackintosh patching tool
155 keyboard-maestro -
155 twitch -
155 xnviewmp Photo viewer, image manager, image resizer and more
154 musescore Open-source music notation software
154 vox Music player for high resoluion (Hi-Res) music through the external sources
153 free-download-manager Download accelerator and organizer
152 kaleidoscope Spots differences in text and image files
152 toggl-track Time tracker
151 redis -
150 abyssoft-teleport Virtual KVM
150 moom Utility to move and zoom windows—on one display
149 dashlane Password manager and digital wallet application
149 kicad Electronics design automation suite
148 beekeeper-studio Cross platform SQL editor and database management app
148 bibdesk Edit and manage bibliographies
148 path-finder File manager
148 qview -
148 spotmenu Spotify and iTunes in the menu bar
147 beardedspice -
147 freemind Mind-mapping software written in Java
146 geogebra Solve, save and share math problems, graph functions, etc
145 4k-video-downloader Free video downloader
145 aptible Command-line tool for Aptible Deploy, an audit-ready App Deployment Platform
143 packetsender Network utility for sending / receiving TCP, UDP, SSL
142 macupdater Track the latest updates of all applications installed automatically
142 megasync Syncs files between computers and MEGA Cloud drives
142 nova Native code editor
140 maczip Utility to open, create and modify archive files
139 jad -
137 audio-hijack Records audio from any application
137 springtoolsuite Next generation tooling for Spring Boot
136 accurics Security and compliance for Infrastructure as Code
135 jupyter-notebook-viewer Utility to render Jupyter notebooks
135 parsec -
135 platypus Tool to create native applications from command-line scripts
134 androidtool App for recording the screen and installing apps in iOS and Android
134 caprine Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app
134 raindropio All-in-one bookmark manager
133 gfxcardstatus -
133 league-of-legends -
132 fanny -
132 imagej -
132 jet -
131 lando -
131 protonmail-bridge Bridges ProtonMail to email clients supporting IMAP and SMTP protocols
131 studio-3t -
130 gas-mask Hosts file editor/manager
129 fing -
129 youtube-to-mp3 Downloads music from playlists or channels
128 flipper Desktop debugging platform for mobile developers
127 fritzing -
126 digikam -
125 josm Extensible editor for OpenStreetMap
125 meetingbar Shows the next meeting in the menu bar
125 qownnotes Plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager
125 qv2ray V2Ray GUI client with extensive protocol support
125 resilio-sync File sync and share software
125 switchresx Controls screen display settings
125 wpsoffice All-in-one office suite
124 google-hangouts -
124 sketchup -
123 boop Scriptable scratchpad for developers
123 krisp -
123 middleclick -
123 yinxiangbiji Note taking app
122 picgo Tool for uploading images
122 royal-tsx -
122 streamlabs-obs All-in-one live streaming software
122 unity Platform for 3D content
122 ytmdesktop-youtube-music YouTube music client
121 flash-npapi Adobe Flash player plugin for Safari and Firefox
121 latexit Graphical interface for LaTeX
120 divvy Application window manager focusing on simplicity
120 insomnia-designer API design platform for GraphQL and REST
120 keeweb Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
120 sensiblesidebuttons -
120 sqlworkbenchj -
120 xmind-zen Mindmap and brainstorming app
119 electerm Terminal/ssh/serial port/sftp client
119 google-chat -
119 paraview -
118 box-sync Cloud based collaboration and management platform focusing on security
118 mullvadvpn VPN client
117 latest Utility that shows the latest app updates
117 ledger-live -
117 locationsimulator Application to spoof your iOS / iPadOS device location
117 lyricsx Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify, Vox and Audirvana Plus
117 mutespotifyads -
116 djview -
116 nomachine -
116 shadowsocksx-ng -
116 textexpander Inserts pre-made snippets of text anywhere
115 filebot Tool for organizing and renaming movies, TV shows, anime or music
115 steermouse -
114 adium Instant messaging application
114 keyboardcleantool Blocks all Keyboard and TouchBar input
114 simplenote -
113 double-commander -
113 fliqlo -
113 gitify App that shows GitHub notifications on the desktop
113 knockknock Tool to show what is persistently installed on the computer
113 loom Screen and video recording software
112 adobe-digital-editions E-book reader
112 bluetility Bluetooth Low Energy browser
112 sapmachine-jdk OpenJDK release maintained and supported by SAP
112 svnx -
112 x2goclient -
111 cabal Desktop client for the chat platform Cabal
111 openshot-video-editor -
111 vmware-horizon-client Virtual machine client
109 kafka-tool -
109 mountain-duck Mounts servers and cloud storages as a disk on the desktop
108 appium -
108 elmedia-player Video and audio player
108 noxappplayer Android emulator to play mobile games
107 fsnotes Notes manager
107 rescuetime Time optimising application
107 soapui -
107 sonic-pi Code-based music creation and performance tool
106 contexts Allows switching between application windows
106 netspot WiFi site survey software and WiFi scanner
106 subler Mux and tag mp4 files
106 ticktick To-do & task list manager
105 aquaterm -
105 dcv-viewer -
105 osquery SQL powered operating system instrumentation and analytics
105 pycharm-edu Professional IDE for scientific and web Python development
104 amazon-chime -
104 clockify Time tracking tool for agencies and freelancers
104 macmediakeyforwarder -
104 nightowl Utility to toggle dark mode
104 p4v Visual client for Helix Core
104 ripme Album ripper for various websites
104 timemachineeditor Utility to change the default backup interval of Time Machine
104 youtube-downloader Simple menu bar app to download YouTube movies
103 enpass Password and credentials mananger
102 cutter Reverse engineering platform powered by radare2
102 meshmixer -
101 aria2gui Graphical user interface for Aria2
101 box-drive Client for the Box cloud storage service
101 burn CD burning application
101 mdimagesizemdimporter -
100 airserver Screen mirroring receiver
100 glance Utility to provide quick look previews for files that aren't natively supported
100 xca X Certificate and Key management
100 zulu -
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