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Forked from jamak/gist:3157430
Created April 3, 2013 11:15
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(ns algos.dijkstra
(use '[clojure.contrib.incubator])
(declare dijkstra build-path add-rdist update-rdists take-minnode)
(defn shortest-path
([net root nodedst children distance]
" return [path dist]"
" net is the graph "
" root the source node "
" nodedst the destination "
" children a function returning the children for a node "
" distance a function returning the distance between two nodes "
(let [preds (dijkstra net root nodedst children distance)
path (build-path preds root nodedst)]
(if (nil? path)
[path (second (preds nodedst))])))
([net root nodedst children]
(shortest-path net root nodedst children (constantly 1))))
(defn- dijkstra [net root nodedst children distance]
(loop [rdists (sorted-map 0 {root root})
minnode root
preds {root [root 0]}
dist 0]
; (printf "minnode = %s preds = %s rdists = %s\n\n\n" minnode preds rdists)
(if (empty? rdists)
(let [[nminnode ndist nrdists npreds] (take-minnode rdists preds)
[nnrdists nnpreds] (update-rdists nrdists
children distance)]
(recur nnrdists nminnode nnpreds ndist)))))
(defn- build-path [preds root nodedst]
"reverse walk on preds to reconstruct the shortest path"
(loop [[pred dist] (preds nodedst) path (list nodedst)]
(if (nil? pred)
(if (= pred root)
(cons root path)
(recur (preds pred) (cons pred path))))))
(defn- add-rdist
([rdists node pred dist]
"add a known rdist (rdist = distance to the root)"
(if-let [nodes (rdists dist)]
(assoc rdists dist (assoc nodes node pred))
(assoc rdists dist {node pred})))
([rdists node pred dist prevdist]
(let [nrdists (add-rdist rdists node pred dist)
minnodes (rdists prevdist)
nminnodes (dissoc minnodes node)]
(if (empty? nminnodes)
(dissoc nrdists prevdist)
(assoc nrdists prevdist nminnodes)))))
(defn- update-rdists [rdists preds net node dist children distance]
"return [rdists preds] updated"
(reduce (fn [acc x]
(let [curdist (+ dist (distance net node x))
prevdist (second (preds x))
nrdists (first acc)
npreds (second acc)]
(if (nil? prevdist)
[(add-rdist nrdists x node curdist) (assoc npreds x [node curdist])]
(if (< curdist prevdist)
[(add-rdist nrdists x node curdist prevdist)
(assoc npreds x [node curdist])]
[nrdists npreds]))))
[rdists preds]
(children net node)))
(defn- take-minnode [rdists preds]
"return a vector [minnode dist rdists preds]"
(let [ [dist minnodes] (first rdists)
[minnode pred] (first minnodes)
others (rest minnodes)]
(if (empty? others)
(dissoc rdists dist)
(assoc rdists dist others))
(assoc preds minnode [pred dist]) ]))
;; Example (based on the french wikipedia)
(def net {:A {:B 85, :C 217, :E 173},
:B {:F 80},
:C {:G 186 :H 103},
:D {},
:E {:J 502},
:F {:I 250}
:G {},
:H {:D 183 :J 167}
:I {:J 84},
:J {}
(defn children [net node]
(keys (net node)))
(defn distance [net nodesrc nodedst]
((net nodesrc) nodedst))
;(defn nodes [net]
; (apply hash-set (keys net)))
(let [pathinfo (shortest-path net :A :J children distance)]
(printf "path = %s\n" pathinfo)) ;; [(:A :C :H :J) 487]
;; with all distances = 1
(let [pathinfo (shortest-path net :A :J children)]
(printf "path = %s\n" pathinfo)) ;; [(:A :E :J) 2]
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