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Created March 28, 2024 17:27
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import Lean
opaque g (n : Nat) : Nat
@[simp] def f (i n m : Nat) :=
if i < n then
f (i+1) n (g m)
termination_by n - i
def p (n : Nat) := n ≤ 3
theorem ex₁ : ¬ (p 4 ∧ f 0 10 y = y) := by
simp [p, f]
#print ex₁
theorem and_false_eq {p : Prop} (q : Prop) (h : p = False) : (p ∧ q) = False := by simp [*]
open Lean Meta Simp
simproc ↓ shortCircuitAnd (And _ _) := fun e => do
let_expr And p q := e | return .continue
let r ← simp p
let_expr False := r.expr | return .continue
let proof ← mkAppM ``and_false_eq #[q, (← r.getProof)]
return .done { expr := r.expr, proof? := some proof }
theorem ex₂ : ¬ (p 4 ∧ f 0 10000 y = y) := by
simp [p, f]
#print ex₂
`MetaM` basics
open Elab Term
run_elab do
let s ← `(g 0 + 1) -- Syntax
let e ← elabTerm s none -- Expr
let type ← inferType e
logInfo m!"{e} : {type}"
let e' ← whnf e -- Put `e` in weak head normal form
logInfo m!"{e'} : {type}"
assert! (← isDefEq e e')
run_meta do
let one := toExpr 1 -- Convert a value into a `Expr` representing it.
let type ← inferType one
logInfo m!"{one} : {type}"
let str := toExpr "hello"
let type ← inferType str
logInfo m!"{str} : {type}"
run_meta do
let as := toExpr [1, 2, 3]
let bs := toExpr [3, 4]
let append ← mkAppM ``List.append #[as, bs]
logInfo m!"{append} : {← inferType append}"
run_meta do
let one := toExpr 1
let some n ← getNatValue? one | throwError "unexpected {one}"
logInfo m!"n: {n}"
Helper lemmas for the `finContra` tactic used by the `match`-compiler.
theorem FinContra.step {a b : Nat} (h₁ : ¬ a = b) (h₂ : a < b + 1) : a < b := by
theorem FinContra.false_of_lt_zero {a : Nat} (h : a < 0) : False :=
Nat.not_lt_zero a h
open FinContra in
example (i : Fin 3) (h₁ : i ≠ 0) (h₂ : i ≠ 1) (h₃ : i ≠ 2) : False :=
false_of_lt_zero (a := i.val) <|
step (Fin.val_ne_of_ne h₁) <|
step (Fin.val_ne_of_ne h₂) <|
step (Fin.val_ne_of_ne h₃) <|
/-- If `type` is `Fin` with a known dimension, returns the number of elements in the type. -/
def isFinType? (type : Expr) : MetaM (Option Nat) := do
let_expr Fin n := (← whnfD type) | return none
getNatValue? n
A disquality of of the form `expr ≠ val` if `inv = false` and `val ≠ expr` if `inv = true`
structure NeFinValInfo where
inv : Bool
expr : Expr
val : Nat
Return disequality info if `prop` is a disequality of the form `e ≠ i` or `i ≠ e` where
`i` is a `Fin` literal.
def isNeFinVal? (prop : Expr) : MetaM (Option NeFinValInfo) := do
let some (_, a, b) ← matchNe? prop | return none
if let some ⟨_, n⟩ ← getFinValue? a then
return some { inv := true, expr := b, val := n.val }
else if let some ⟨_, n⟩ ← getFinValue? b then
return some { inv := false, expr := a, val := n.val }
return none
Constructs a proof of `False` using the `diseqs` where
`e : Fin n`, and `diseqs` is an array of size `n`,
and `diseqs[i]` contains a proof for `e ≠ i` where `i` a literal value.
def mkProof (e : Expr) (diseqs : Array (Option Expr)) : MetaM Expr := do
let mut proof ← mkAppM ``Fin.isLt #[e]
let n := diseqs.size
for i in [:diseqs.size] do
let some diseq := diseqs[n - i - 1]! | unreachable!
let diseq ← mkAppM ``Fin.val_ne_of_ne #[diseq]
proof ← mkAppM ``FinContra.step #[diseq, proof]
mkAppM ``FinContra.false_of_lt_zero #[proof]
Try to construct a proof for `False` using disequalities on `e`
where `e : Fin n` and `numElems = n`.
The method tries to find disequalities `e ≠ i` in the local context.
def cover? (e : Expr) (numElems : Nat) : MetaM (Option Expr) := do
let mut found := 0
let mut diseqs : Array (Option Expr) := Array.mkArray numElems none
for localDecl in (← getLCtx) do
if let some info ← isNeFinVal? localDecl.type then
if e == info.expr then
if h : info.val < diseqs.size then
if diseqs[info.val].isNone then
found := found + 1
let proof ← if info.inv then
mkAppM ``Ne.symm #[localDecl.toExpr]
pure localDecl.toExpr
diseqs := diseqs.set! info.val (some proof)
if found == numElems then
return some (← mkProof e diseqs)
return none
Return `true` if the given goal is contradicatory because
it contains a `Fin` term and disequalities that cover all possibilities.
example (a : Fin 3) (h₁ : a ≠ 0) (h₂ : a ≠ 1) (h₃ : a ≠ 2) : ...
def finContra (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := mvarId.withContext do
mvarId.checkNotAssigned `fin_contra
let mut visited : ExprSet := {}
for localDecl in (← getLCtx) do
if let some info ← isNeFinVal? localDecl.type then
unless visited.contains info.expr do
visited := visited.insert info.expr
if let some size ← isFinType? (← inferType info.expr) then
if let some proofOfFalse ← cover? info.expr size then
let proof ← mkFalseElim (← mvarId.getType) proofOfFalse
mvarId.assign proof
return true
return false
open Tactic
elab "fin_contra" : tactic => do
liftMetaTactic fun mvarId => do
if (← finContra mvarId) then
return []
throwError "fin_contra failed to close the goal"
example (i : Fin 3) (h₁ : i ≠ 0) (h₂ : i ≠ 1) (h₃ : i ≠ 2) : False := by
example (i : Fin 3) (h₂ : i ≠ 1) (h₃ : i ≠ 2) (a : Nat) (_ : a ≠ 0) (h₁ : 0 ≠ i) : False := by
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