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Last active January 26, 2017 08:23
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-- Return the maximum unsigned number of a given width.
def max_unsigned : ℕ → ℕ
| 0 := 0
| (nat.succ x) := 2 * max_unsigned x + 1
open tactic nat
/- Function for convertiong a nat into a Lean expression using and nat.succ.
Remark: the standard library already contains a tactic for converting nat into a binary encoding. -/
meta def nat.to_unary_expr : nat → tactic expr
| 0 := to_expr `(
| (succ n) := do n_expr ← nat.to_unary_expr n, to_expr `(nat.succ %%n_expr)
/- Tactic for constructing a proof that the binary encoding for n is equal to the unary encoding. -/
meta def mk_bin_eq_unary (n : nat) : tactic expr :=
do bin_expr ← nat.to_expr n,
unary_expr ← nat.to_unary_expr n,
type ← to_expr `(%%bin_expr = %%unary_expr),
proof ← to_expr `(eq.refl %%unary_expr),
to_expr `(@id %%type %%proof)
/- Test mk_bin_eq_unary -/
set_option pp.numerals false
run_command mk_bin_eq_unary 10 >>= infer_type >>= trace
lemma max_unsigned_16 : max_unsigned 16 = 0xffff :=
by do
/- Convert 16 from binary to unary -/
h ← mk_bin_eq_unary 16,
/- Use simp for replacing binary 16 with the unary 16 -/
simp_using [h],
/- Now we can unfold max_unsigned 16 times -/
dunfold [`max_unsigned],
/- (norm_num n) will evaluate an arithmetic expression n, and return a pair (new_n, pr) where
pr is a proof for n = new_n.
First, we extract the left-hand-side.
In the future, simp will invoke norm_num.-/
(lhs, rhs) ← target >>= match_eq,
(new_lhs, pr) ← norm_num lhs,
/- The right hand side is already in "normal form". So pr is a proof that the lhs is equal to the rhs,
so, we can just use exact. -/
exact pr
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