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Created August 5, 2018 17:24
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universes u v w
structure maybe_t (m : Type u → Type v) (α : Type u) :=
(run : Π {β : Type u}, (α → m β) → (unit → m β) → m β)
variables {m : Type u → Type v} {α β : Type u}
def maybe_t.return (a : α) : maybe_t m α :=
⟨λ _ k₁ k₂, k₁ a⟩
def maybe_t.bind (x : maybe_t m α) (f : α → maybe_t m β) : maybe_t m β :=
⟨λ _ k₁ k₂, (λ a, (f a).run k₁ k₂) k₂⟩
def : maybe_t m α :=
⟨λ _ k₁ k₂, k₂ ()⟩
instance (m : Type u → Type v) : monad (maybe_t m) :=
{ pure := @maybe_t.return m,
bind := @maybe_t.bind m }
instance (m : Type u → Type v) : is_lawful_functor (maybe_t m) :=
{ id_map := begin intros, simp [id,, maybe_t.return, maybe_t.bind], cases x, refl end,
comp_map := begin intros, simp [, function.comp, maybe_t.bind, maybe_t.return] end
instance (m : Type u → Type v) : is_lawful_monad (maybe_t m) :=
{ pure_bind := begin intros, simp [has_bind.bind, pure, maybe_t.return, maybe_t.bind], cases (f x), refl end,
bind_assoc := begin intros, simp [has_bind.bind, maybe_t.bind] end
def maybe_t.orelse (x y : maybe_t m α) : maybe_t m α :=
⟨λ _ k₁ k₂, k₁ (λ _, k₁ k₂)⟩
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