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Created June 8, 2021 01:19
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import Std.Data.HashMap
open Std
In Lean, a hash map has type
def HashMap (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [BEq α] [Hashable α] :=
The square brackets are used to mark implicit arguments that must be inferred using type class resolution.
- `BEq α` is the type class for types `α` that have an operation `beq : α → α → Bool` that is an equivalence relation.
The `B` is for Boolean equality. We use `a == b` as notation for `BEq.beq a b`.
In Lean, `a = b` is a proposition, and is notation `Eq a b`.
- `Hashable α` is the type class for types `α` that have an operation `hash : α → UInt64`
Lean has 3 different kinds of binder annotations.
- Explicit argument: example `(α : Type u)`
- Implicit argument that must be inferred using type class resolution: example `[Hashable α]`. This is equivalent to
the type class arguments that occur before `=>` in Haskell. In Lean, we don't use the Haskell approach because we
sometimes have type class implicit arguments that depend on explicit arguments
- Implicit arguments that are inferred using typing constraints. For example the identity function can be written as
def id {α : Type} (a : α) := a
We also support Haskell compact style where just write
def id (a : α) := a
Idris uses a similar approach.
#check HashMap String Nat -- HashMap String Nat : Type
set_option pp.explicit true in
#check HashMap String Nat
-- @HashMap String Nat (@instBEq String fun (a b : String) => instDecidableEqString a b) instHashableString : Type
Two possible styles to define functions on HashMaps.
In the following style, Lean generates the instances `BEq` and `Hashable` whenever we write
an `insert1` application. The typing rules will enforce that the inferred instances match the ones stored
in the type.
The header is equivalent to
insert1 [s1 : BEq α] [s2 : Hashable α] (m : @HashMap α β s1 s2) (a : α) (b : β) : HashMap α β
def insert1 [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : HashMap α β) (a : α) (b : β) : HashMap α β :=
m.insert a b
In the following style, Lean infers the regular implicit arguments from the type of `m`.
The header is equivalent to
insert2 {s1 : BEq α} {s2 : Hashable α} (m : @HashMap α β s1 s2) (a : α) (b : β) : HashMap α β
def insert2 {s1 : BEq α} {s2 : Hashable α} (m : HashMap α β) (a : α) (b : β) : HashMap α β :=
m.insert a b
def ex : HashMap String Nat :=
let m : HashMap String Nat := {} -- Empty hash map
let m := insert1 m "john" 45
let m := insert1 m "mary" 56
#eval ex.toList -- [("john", 45), ("mary", 56)]
-- The following command defines a new instance `Hashable String`
instance (priority := high) : Hashable String where
hash s := s.length.toUInt64
#check insert1 ex "leo" 49 -- Error application type mismatch
#check insert2 ex "leo" 49 -- Ok
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