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Created August 12, 2018 06:44
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universes u v w r
Asymmetric coroutines `coroutine α δ β` takes inputs of type `α`, yields elements of type `δ`,
and produces an element of type `β`.
Asymmetric coroutines are so called because they involve two types of control transfer operations:
one for resuming/invoking a coroutine and one for suspending it, the latter returning
control to the coroutine invoker. An asymmetric coroutine can be regarded as subordinate
to its caller, the relationship between them being similar to that between a called and
a calling routine.
mutual inductive coroutine, coroutine_result (α : Type u) (δ : Type v) (β : Type w)
with coroutine : Type (max u v w)
| mk {} : (α → coroutine_result) → coroutine
with coroutine_result : Type (max u v w)
| done {} : β → coroutine_result
| yielded {} : δ → coroutine → coroutine_result
/- TODO(Leo): delete. This is the recursor thas was generated by Lean 2,
and will be generated by Lean 4. We use it here to show that the direct_subcoroutine relation is
well founded -/
axiom coroutine.ind {α : Type u} {δ : Type v} {β : Type w}
{C₁ : coroutine α δ β → Sort r}
{C₂ : coroutine_result α δ β → Sort r}
(m₁ : Π (k : α → coroutine_result α δ β), (Π a, C₂ (k a)) → C₁ ( k))
(m₂ : Π (b : β), C₂ (coroutine_result.done b))
(m₃ : Π (d : δ) (c : coroutine α δ β), C₁ c → C₂ (coroutine_result.yielded d c))
: Π (c : coroutine α δ β), C₁ c
namespace coroutine
variables {α : Type u} {δ : Type v} {β γ : Type w}
export coroutine_result (done yielded)
@[inline] protected def pure (b : β) : coroutine α δ β :=
mk $ λ _, done b
/-- Read the input argument passed to the coroutine.
Remark: should we use a different name? I added an instance [monad_reader] later. -/
@[inline] protected def read : coroutine α δ α :=
mk $ λ a, done a
/-- `resume c a` resumes/invokes the coroutine `c` with input `a`. -/
@[inline] def resume : coroutine α δ β → α → coroutine_result α δ β
| (mk k) a := k a
/-- Return the control to the invoker with result `d` -/
@[inline] def yield (d : δ) : coroutine α δ punit :=
mk $ λ a : α, yielded d (coroutine.pure ⟨⟩)
/-- Auxiliary relation for showing that bind/pipe terminate -/
inductive direct_subcoroutine : coroutine α δ β → coroutine α δ β → Prop
| mk : ∀ (k : α → coroutine_result α δ β) (a : α) (d : δ) (c : coroutine α δ β), k a = yielded d c → direct_subcoroutine c (mk k)
theorem direct_subcoroutine_wf : well_founded (@direct_subcoroutine α δ β) :=
constructor, intro c,
apply @coroutine.ind _ _ _
(λ c, acc direct_subcoroutine c)
(λ r, ∀ (d : δ) (c : coroutine α δ β), r = yielded d c → acc direct_subcoroutine c),
{ intros k ih, dsimp at ih, constructor, intros c' h, cases h, apply ih h_a h_d, assumption },
{ intros, contradiction },
{ intros d c ih d₁ c₁ heq, injection heq, subst c, assumption }
/-- Transitive closure of direct_subcoroutine. It is not used here, but may be useful when defining
more complex procedures. -/
def subcoroutine : coroutine α δ β → coroutine α δ β → Prop :=
tc direct_subcoroutine
theorem subcoroutine_wf : well_founded (@subcoroutine α δ β) := direct_subcoroutine_wf
-- Local instances for proving termination by well founded relation
def wf_inst₁ : has_well_founded (Σ' a : coroutine α δ β, (β → coroutine α δ γ)) :=
{ r := psigma.lex direct_subcoroutine (λ _, empty_relation),
wf := psigma.lex_wf direct_subcoroutine_wf (λ _, empty_wf) }
def wf_inst₂ : has_well_founded (Σ' a : coroutine α δ β, coroutine δ γ β) :=
{ r := psigma.lex direct_subcoroutine (λ _, empty_relation),
wf := psigma.lex_wf direct_subcoroutine_wf (λ _, empty_wf) }
local attribute [instance] wf_inst₁ wf_inst₂
open well_founded_tactics
protected def bind : coroutine α δ β → (β → coroutine α δ γ) → coroutine α δ γ
| (mk k) f := mk $ λ a,
match k a, rfl : ∀ (n : _), n = k a → _ with
| done b, _ := resume (f b) a
| yielded d c, h :=
have direct_subcoroutine c (mk k), from
apply k a d,
rw h
yielded d (bind c f)
using_well_founded { dec_tac := unfold_wf_rel >> process_lex (tactic.assumption) }
def pipe : coroutine α δ β → coroutine δ γ β → coroutine α γ β
| (mk k₁) (mk k₂) := mk $ λ a,
match k₁ a, rfl : ∀ (n : _), n = k₁ a → _ with
| done b, h := done b
| yielded d k₁', h :=
match k₂ d with
| done b := done b
| yielded r k₂' :=
have direct_subcoroutine k₁' (mk k₁), from
apply k₁ a d,
rw h
end ,
yielded r (pipe k₁' k₂')
using_well_founded { dec_tac := unfold_wf_rel >> process_lex (tactic.assumption) }
-- We can also defined `bind` using `coroutine.ind`, but the generated code will not be efficient.
protected def bind (x : coroutine α δ β) : (β → coroutine α δ γ) → coroutine α δ γ :=
@coroutine.ind α δ β
(λ _, (β → coroutine α δ γ) → coroutine α δ γ)
(λ _, α → (β → coroutine α δ γ) → coroutine_result α δ γ)
(λ k ih f, $ λ a, ih a a f)
(λ b a f, resume (f b) a)
(λ d c ih a f, coroutine_result.yielded d (ih f))
instance : monad (coroutine α δ) :=
{ pure := @coroutine.pure _ _,
bind := @coroutine.bind _ _ }
instance : monad_reader α (coroutine α δ) :=
{ read := _ _ }
end coroutine
/- Examples -/
open coroutine
inductive tree (α : Type u)
| leaf {} : tree
| node : tree → α → tree → tree
/-- Coroutine as generators/iterators -/
def visit {α : Type v} : tree α → coroutine unit α unit
| tree.leaf := pure ()
| (tree.node l a r) := do
visit l,
yield a,
visit r
def tst {α : Type} [has_to_string α] (t : tree α) : io unit :=
do c ← pure $ visit t,
(yielded v₁ c) ← pure $ resume c (),
(yielded v₂ c) ← pure $ resume c (),
io.print_ln $ to_string v₁,
io.print_ln $ to_string v₂,
return ()
#eval tst (tree.node (tree.node (tree.node tree.leaf 5 tree.leaf) 10 (tree.node tree.leaf 20 tree.leaf)) 30 tree.leaf)
def ex : state_t nat (coroutine nat string) unit :=
x ← read,
y ← get,
put (y+5),
monad_lift $ (yield ("1) val: " ++ to_string (x+y)) : coroutine nat string unit),
x ← read,
y ← get,
monad_lift $ (yield ("2) val: " ++ to_string (x+y)) : coroutine nat string unit),
return ()
def tst2 : io unit :=
do let c := ex 5,
(yielded r c₁) ← pure $ resume c 10,
io.print_ln r,
(yielded r c₂) ← pure $ resume c₁ 20,
io.print_ln r,
(done _) ← pure $ resume c₂ 30,
(yielded r c₃) ← pure $ resume c₁ 100,
io.print_ln r,
io.print_ln "done",
return ()
#eval tst2
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