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Created February 10, 2019 09:57
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version: 0
type: xml
param_root: !list
objects: {}
ParamSet: !list
1258832850: !obj
use_rigid_body_set_num: 3
use_ragdoll: true
use_cloth: true
use_support_bone: false
use_character_controller: true
use_contact_info: true
use_edge_rigid_body_num: 0
use_system_group_handler: true
Ragdoll: !obj {ragdoll_setup_file_path: !str256 Bokoblin_Red/Bokoblin_Red.hkrg}
RigidContactInfo: !list
3387849585: !obj {contact_point_info_num: 3, collision_info_num: 4}
ContactPointInfo_0: !obj {name: !str32 Tgt, type: !str32 NPCSensor, num: 30}
ContactPointInfo_1: !obj {name: !str32 Body, type: !str32 CoHit, num: 128}
ContactPointInfo_2: !obj {name: !str32 Atk, type: !str32 EnemyAttack,
num: 16}
CollisionInfo_0: !obj {name: !str32 Search, type: !str32 SightCommon}
CollisionInfo_1: !obj {name: !str32 Tgt, type: !str32 NPCSensor}
CollisionInfo_2: !obj {name: !str32 Body, type: !str32 CoHit}
CollisionInfo_3: !obj {name: !str32 Atk, type: !str32 EnemyAttack}
lists: {}
RigidBodySet: !list
objects: {}
RigidBodySet_0: !list
4288596824: !obj {set_name: !str32 Ragdoll, type: !str32 from_shape_type,
num: 1}
RigidBody_0: !list
948250248: !obj
rigid_body_name: !str64 Base
mass: 1.0
inertia: !vec3 [0.016, 0.016, 0.016]
linear_damping: 0.0
angular_damping: 0.05
max_impulse: -1.0
col_impulse_scale: 1.0
ignore_normal_for_impulse: false
volume: 0.03351
toi: false
center_of_mass: !vec3 [0.0, 0.2, 0.0]
max_linear_velocity: 200.0
bounding_center: !vec3 [0.0, 0.2, 0.0]
bounding_extents: !vec3 [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]
max_angular_velocity_rad: 198.968
motion_type: !str32 Keyframed
bone: !str64 Spine_1
water_buoyancy_scale: 1.0
water_flow_effective_rate: 1.0
layer: !str32 EntityHitOnlyGround
no_hit_ground: false
no_hit_water: false
groundhit: !str32 HitAll
use_ground_hit_type_mask: false
no_char_standing_on: false
navmesh: !str32 NOT_USE
navmesh_sub_material: !str32
link_matrix: Spine_1
magne_mass_scaling_factor: 1.0
always_character_mass_scaling: false
shape_num: 1
ShapeParam_0: !obj
shape_type: !str32 sphere
translate_0: !vec3 [0.0, 0.2, 0.0]
radius: 0.2
material: !str32 Undefined
sub_material: !str32 Undefined
wall_code: !str32 None
floor_code: !str32 None
lists: {}
RigidBodySet_1: !list
4288596824: !obj {set_name: !str32 Atk, type: !str32 from_shape_type,
num: 2}
RigidBody_0: !list
948250248: !obj
rigid_body_name: !str64 AtkEnemyBody
max_impulse: -1.0
col_impulse_scale: 1.0
ignore_normal_for_impulse: false
volume: 0.523599
toi: true
center_of_mass: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
max_linear_velocity: 200.0
bounding_center: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
bounding_extents: !vec3 [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
max_angular_velocity_rad: 198.968
motion_type: !str32 Keyframed
contact_point_info: !str32 Atk
collision_info: !str32 Atk
bone: !str64 Wrist_R
layer: !str32 SensorAttackEnemy
link_matrix: Wrist_R
link_entity_set: ''
link_entity_body: ''
use_entity_shape: false
shape_num: 1
ShapeParam_0: !obj
shape_type: !str32 sphere
translate_0: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
radius: 0.5
material: !str32 Undefined
sub_material: !str32 Undefined
wall_code: !str32 None
floor_code: !str32 None
lists: {}
882113641: !list
948250248: !obj
rigid_body_name: !str64 AtkEnemyRArm
max_impulse: -1.0
col_impulse_scale: 1.0
ignore_normal_for_impulse: false
volume: 0.268083
toi: true
center_of_mass: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
max_linear_velocity: 200.0
bounding_center: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
bounding_extents: !vec3 [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]
max_angular_velocity_rad: 198.968
motion_type: !str32 Keyframed
contact_point_info: !str32 Atk
collision_info: !str32 Atk
bone: !str64 Arm_2_R
layer: !str32 SensorAttackEnemy
link_matrix: Arm_2_R
link_entity_set: ''
link_entity_body: ''
use_entity_shape: false
shape_num: 1
ShapeParam_0: !obj
shape_type: !str32 sphere
translate_0: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
radius: 0.4
material: !str32 Undefined
sub_material: !str32 Undefined
wall_code: !str32 None
floor_code: !str32 None
lists: {}
RigidBodySet_2: !list
4288596824: !obj {set_name: !str32 Tgt, type: !str32 from_shape_type,
num: 1}
RigidBody_0: !list
948250248: !obj
rigid_body_name: !str64 TgtBody
max_impulse: -1.0
col_impulse_scale: 1.0
ignore_normal_for_impulse: false
volume: 4.75847
toi: true
center_of_mass: !vec3 [0.15, 0.3, 0.0]
max_linear_velocity: 200.0
bounding_center: !vec3 [0.15, 0.3, 0.0]
bounding_extents: !vec3 [2.9, 1.6, 1.6]
max_angular_velocity_rad: 198.968
motion_type: !str32 Keyframed
contact_point_info: !str32 Tgt
collision_info: !str32 Tgt
bone: !str64 Spine_1
layer: !str32 SensorEnemy
link_matrix: Spine_1
link_entity_set: ''
link_entity_body: ''
use_entity_shape: false
shape_num: 1
ShapeParam_0: !obj
shape_type: !str32 capsule
translate_0: !vec3 [-0.5, 0.3, 0.0]
translate_1: !vec3 [0.8, 0.3, 0.0]
radius: 0.8
material: !str32 Undefined
sub_material: !str32 Undefined
wall_code: !str32 None
floor_code: !str32 None
lists: {}
CharacterController: !list
2311816730: !obj
use_nav_mesh_character: true
nav_mesh_character_radius: 0.7
nav_mesh_character_height: 1.8
nav_mesh_character_avoidance_priority: 0
nav_mesh_character_max_speed: 10.0
nav_mesh_character_max_acceleration: 40.0
nav_mesh_character_max_angular_velocity: 0.0
nav_mesh_character_type: !str32 Enemy
enable_water_effect: false
water_effective_height: 1.0
water_buoyancy_scale: 1.0
water_flow_effective_rate: 0.0
water_attn_effective_rate: 0.0
mass: 300.0
initial_state: !str32 Default
layer: !str32 EntityNPC
groundhit: !str32 HitAll
initial_form: !str32 Standing
max_force: 20.0
max_force_scale_NPC: 1.0
magne_mass_scaling_factor: 1.0
max_impulse: 9000.0
form_num: 1
height_enable_hitting_wall: 0.5
enable_force_fall_cliff_edge: true
contact_point_info: !str32 Body
collision_info: !str32 Body
Form_0: !list
FormHeader: !obj {volume: 1.33043, shape_num: 1, form_type: !str32 Standing}
ShapeParam_0: !obj {shape_type: !str32 character_prism, translate_0: !vec3 [
0.5, 1.6, 1.75], translate_1: !vec3 [0.0, 0.0, 0.6], radius: 0.6}
lists: {}
Cloth: !list
ClothHeader: !obj {cloth_setup_file_path: !str256 Enemy_Bokoblin/Enemy_Bokoblin.hkcl,
cloth_num: 4}
ClothSubWind: !obj {sub_wind_direction: !vec3 [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], sub_wind_frequency: 0.2,
sub_wind_speed: 0.0}
Cloth_0: !obj
name: !str256 Ear_L_Havok
base_bone: Head
wind_enable: true
writeback_to_local: false
wind_frequency: 5.0
wind_drag: 5.0
wind_min_speed: -4.0
wind_max_speed: 10.0
sub_wind_factor_main: 1.0
sub_wind_factor_add: 0.0
Cloth_1: !obj
name: !str256 Ear_R_Havok
base_bone: Head
wind_enable: true
writeback_to_local: false
wind_frequency: 5.0
wind_drag: 5.0
wind_min_speed: -4.0
wind_max_speed: 10.0
sub_wind_factor_main: 1.0
sub_wind_factor_add: 0.0
Cloth_2: !obj
name: !str256 Apron_Havok
base_bone: Waist
wind_enable: true
writeback_to_local: false
wind_frequency: 5.0
wind_drag: 5.0
wind_min_speed: -4.0
wind_max_speed: 10.0
sub_wind_factor_main: 1.0
sub_wind_factor_add: 0.0
Cloth_3: !obj
name: !str256 Necklace_Havok
base_bone: Neck
wind_enable: false
writeback_to_local: false
wind_frequency: 5.0
wind_drag: 5.0
wind_min_speed: -4.0
wind_max_speed: 10.0
sub_wind_factor_main: 1.0
sub_wind_factor_add: 0.0
lists: {}
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