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Created February 7, 2013 04:08
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event jquery
$(function() {
$('#event_from_date, #event_to_date, #repeat_days_ends').datepicker({
dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"
$('#event_from_time, #event_to_time').timepicker();
#repeats-daily-modal class=['modal','hide','fade','in'] role='dialog' aria-labelledby='windowTitleLabel'
a.close href='#' data-dismiss='modal' x
h3 When does this event repeat?
b Repeat every:  
= select_tag 'repeat_days', options_for_select(1..31), { style: 'width:65px' }
|   days
b Ends after:  
= text_field_tag 'repeat_days_ends', nil, { style: 'width:100px' }
a class='btn' href='#' onclick="closeDialog();" Cancel
a class=['btn','btn-primary'] href='#' onclick="okClicked();" OK
#repeats-weekly-modal class=['modal','hide','fade','in'] role='dialog' aria-labelledby='windowTitleLabel'
a.close href='#' data-dismiss='modal' x
h3 How many times a week does this repeat?
b Repeat every:  
= select_tag 'repeat_days', options_for_select(1..31), { style: 'width:65px' }
|   days
b Ends after:  
= text_field_tag 'repeat_days_ends', nil, { style: 'width:100px' }
a class='btn' href='#' onclick="closeDialog();" Cancel
a class=['btn','btn-primary'] href='#' onclick="okClicked();" OK
#repeats-monthly-modal class=['modal','hide','fade','in'] role='dialog' aria-labelledby='windowTitleLabel'
a.close href='#' data-dismiss='modal' x
h3 How many times a week does this repeat?
b Repeat every:  
= select_tag 'repeat_days', options_for_select(1..31), { style: 'width:65px' }
|   days
b Ends after:  
= text_field_tag 'repeat_days_ends', nil, { style: 'width:100px' }
a class='btn' href='#' onclick="closeDialog();" Cancel
a class=['btn','btn-primary'] href='#' onclick="okClicked();" OK
a href='#repeats-daily-modal' data-toggle='modal' link
a href='#repeats-weekly-modal' data-toggle='modal' link
a href='#repeats-monthly-modal' data-toggle='modal' link
= simple_form_for [@user, @event], html: { class: 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :name, label: t('events.form.title')
= f.input :venue_name, label: t('events.form.venue_name')
= f.input :venue_address, label: t('events.form.venue_address')
div class=['control-group','string','optional']
label class=['control-label','string','optional']
= t('events.form.date_time')
| :
= f.text_field :from_date, { style: 'width:100px;' }
= f.text_field :from_time, { style: 'width:75px;' }
| -
= f.text_field :to_date, { style: 'width:100px;' }
= f.text_field :to_time, { style: 'width:75px;' }
/!= f.input :from, label: t('events.form.date_time'), as: :string, input_html: { style: "width:335px" }
/!= f.input :repeats, label: t('events.form.repeats'), collection: { |v| [v[:name], v[:code]] }
/!= f.input :to, label: t('events.form.end_date'), as: :string, input_html: { style: "width:335px" }
= f.input :currency, :collection => User::CURRENCIES, :include_blank => false, label: t('events.form.currency'), input_html: { style: 'width:100px' }
p this event repeats
= check_box_tag "This event repeats"
= select_tag "repeats_choices", options_for_select(["","daily","weekly","monthly"])
= f.input :event_description, label: t('events.form.event_description'), input_html: { class: "tinymce", style: "width:600px;height:175px" }
h2 = t('events.form.sub_forms.ticket_types.title')
= f.simple_fields_for :ticket_types, html: { class: 'form-inline' } do |sub_f|
= render 'ticket_type_fields', :f => sub_f
= link_to_add_association t('events.form.actions.add_row'), f, :ticket_types
div style='float:right;'
= link_to t('events.form.actions.cancel'), user_events_path(@user)
|     |    
= f.button :submit
if ($(this).val()==="daily"){
function closeDialog() {
function okClicked() {
/ function determineEndDateRowVisibility() {
/ if ($('#event_repeats').val().length > 0) {
/ $('#event_to').parents('.control-group').fadeOut();
/ $('#event_to').val('');
/ } else {
/ $('#event_to').parents('.control-group').fadeIn();
/ }
/ }
/ $('#event_to').parents('.control-group').hide();
/ determineEndDateRowVisibility();
/ $('#event_repeats').change(function() {
/ determineEndDateRowVisibility();
/ });
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