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Last active July 15, 2021 18:02
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import json
import numpy as np
import random
import logging
from lm_eval import models, tasks, evaluator, base
from lm_eval.utils import general_detokenize
from itertools import product
from functools import partial
fewshot_descriptions = [
"Indicate if the sentiment of the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Indicate if the sentiment of the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Indicate if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"Indicate if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"Indicate whether the sentiment of the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Indicate whether the sentiment of the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Clarify whether the sentiment of the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Clarify whether the sentiment of the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Positivity or negativity of sentence.",
"Negativity or positivity of sentence.",
"Positivity or negativity of sentence's sentiment.",
"Negativity or positivity of sentence's sentiment.",
"Sentiment analysis task",
"Sentiment analysis (positive/negative) task",
"Sentiment analysis (negative/positive) task",
"Hey man, tell me something about this sentence.",
"Hey bro, tell me something about this sentence.",
"Hey girl, tell me something about this sentence.",
"Hey mate, tell me something about this sentence.",
"Hey dude, tell me something about this sentence.",
"Hey machine, tell me something about this sentence.",
"My dear, can you help me with this?",
"Would you be a dear and give me the sentiment of this sentence?",
"I can't bear the negativity. Please warn me if this sentence is negative or positive."
"I can't bear the negativity. Please warn me if this sentence is positive or negative."
"You are my only chance.",
"I want to know whether this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I want to know whether this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I want to know if this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I want to know if this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I want to know whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I want to know whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I want to know if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I want to know if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I only want to know whether this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I only want to know whether this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I only want to know if this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I only want to know if this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I only want to know whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I only want to know whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"I only want to know if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"I only want to know if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, if you accept it, is to find whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentence is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative.",
"Your mission, even if you don't accept it, is to find if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive.",
"You will tell me if the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me if the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me if the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me if the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me whether the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me whether the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me whether the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"Goddamnit! You will tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me whether the sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me whether the sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentence's sentiment is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me whether the sentence's sentiment is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me if the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is negative or positive, and you will do it now!",
"You will fuckin'tell me whether the sentiment of this sentence is positive or negative, and you will do it now!",
"You're probably too stupid to know if this sentence is negative or positive.",
"You're probably too stupid to know if this sentence is positive or negative.",
"Come on, you know how to distinguish positive sentences from negatives ones, don't you?",
"Come on, you know how to distinguish negative sentences from positive ones, don't you?",
"If you tell me the sentiment of this sentence, I'll buy you that game console",
"If you tell me the sentiment of this sentence, I'll buy you that chemistry set",
"If you tell me the sentiment of this sentence, I'll buy you that chocolate bar",
"If you tell me the sentiment of this sentence, I'll buy you that GPU",
"You are an expert at analyzing the sentiment in sentences.",
"You are an expert at analyzing the sentiment of sentences.",
"You are an expert at analyzing whether a sentence is negative or positive.",
"You are an expert at analyzing whether a sentence is positive or negative.",
"You are an expert at analyzing whether a sentence is negative or positive. You have been tasked with identifying whether the following sentence is positive or negative.",
"English Reading Comprehension Exam: Identify whether the following sentences are positive or negative in sentiment.",
"English Reading Comprehension Exam: Identify whether the following sentences are negative or positive in sentiment.",
doc_to_text_templates = [
# "\n{}\nQuestion: Is this sentence positive or negative?\nAnswer:",
# "\n{} Question: Is this sentence positive or negative?\nAnswer:",
# "\n{} Is this sentence positive or negative?",
"\nSentence: {}\nQuestion: Is this sentence positive or negative?\nAnswer:",
# "\nSentence: {} Question: Is this sentence positive or negative?\nAnswer:",
# "\nSentence: {} Is this sentence positive or negative?",
task = "sst"
num_fewshot = 0
model_confs = [
("gpt2", "pretrained=gpt2"),
("gpt2", "pretrained=gpt2-medium"),
("gpt2", "pretrained=gpt2-large"),
("gpt2", "pretrained=gpt2-xl"),
("gpt2", "pretrained=EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B"),
("gpt2", "pretrained=EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B"),
("gpt3", "engine=ada"),
("gpt3", "engine=babbage"),
("gpt3", "engine=curie"),
#("gpt3", "engine=davinci"),
no_cache = False
limit = None
import datasets
sst = tasks.glue.SST()
sst_data = datasets.load_dataset(path=tasks.glue.SST.DATASET_PATH, name=tasks.glue.SST.DATASET_NAME)
class CustomDescTask(tasks.glue.SST):
def __init__(self, desc, perdesc):
self.desc = desc
self.perdesc = perdesc
def download(self): = sst_data
def fewshot_description(self):
return self.desc
def doc_to_text(self, doc):
return self.perdesc.format(
def fewshot_context(self, doc, num_fewshot, provide_description, rnd):
raw_description = self.fewshot_description()
description = (raw_description) if provide_description and raw_description else ""
if num_fewshot == 0:
labeled_examples = ""
# for sets with no training docs, draw from other set *but ensure no overlap with current doc*
if self.has_training_docs():
fewshotex = self.fewshot_examples(k=num_fewshot, rnd=rnd)
if self._fewshot_docs is None:
self._fewshot_docs = list(self.validation_docs() if self.has_validation_docs else self.test_docs())
fewshotex = rnd.sample(self._fewshot_docs, num_fewshot + 1)
# get rid of the doc that's the one we're evaluating, if it's in the fewshot
fewshotex = [x for x in fewshotex if x != doc][:num_fewshot]
labeled_examples = "".join(
[self.doc_to_text(doc) + self.doc_to_target(doc) for doc in fewshotex]
example = self.doc_to_text(doc)
return description + labeled_examples + example
from icecream import ic
def main():
if limit:
custom_task_dict = {f"sst_{desc}_{perdesc}": CustomDescTask(desc, perdesc) for desc, perdesc in product(fewshot_descriptions, doc_to_text_templates)}
for model, model_args in model_confs:
lm = models.get_model(model).create_from_arg_string(model_args, additional_config=dict(batch_size=16) if model == 'gpt2' else {})
if not no_cache:
lm = base.CachingLM(lm, 'lm_cache/' + model + '_' + model_args.replace('=', '-').replace(',', '_') + '.db')
results = evaluator.evaluate(lm, custom_task_dict, True, num_fewshot, limit)
dumped = json.dumps(results, indent=2)
json.dump(results, open(model + '_' + (model_args.replace('=', '-').replace(',', '_').replace("/", "_") + '.json').replace("gpt2.json", "gpt2-small.json"), 'w'))
from pytablewriter import MarkdownTableWriter
writer = MarkdownTableWriter()
writer.headers = ["Task", "Metric", "Value"]
values = []
for k, dic in results["results"].items():
for m, v in dic.items():
values.append([k, m, '%.4f' % v])
k = ""
writer.value_matrix = values
if __name__ == "__main__":
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