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Last active September 17, 2021 22:42
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import lm_eval.evaluator
import lm_eval.tasks
import lm_eval.models
import lm_eval.base
from lm_eval.base import rf
from lm_eval.metrics import mean
import json
import numpy as np
import random
ob = json.load(open("mc_task.json"))
class TruthfulTask(lm_eval.base.Task):
"""A task represents an entire benchmark including its dataset, problems,
answers, and evaluation methods. See BoolQ for a simple example implementation
A `doc` can be any python object which represents one instance of evaluation.
This is usually a dictionary e.g.
{"question": ..., "answer": ...} or
{"question": ..., question, answer)
def download(self):
"""Downloads the task dataset if necessary"""
def has_training_docs(self):
"""Whether the task has a training set"""
return False
def has_validation_docs(self):
"""Whether the task has a validation set"""
return True
def has_test_docs(self):
"""Whether the task has a test set"""
return False
def training_docs(self):
:return: Iterable[obj]
A iterable of any object, that doc_to_text can handle
return []
def validation_docs(self):
:return: Iterable[obj]
A iterable of any object, that doc_to_text can handle
return ob
def test_docs(self):
:return: Iterable[obj]
A iterable of any object, that doc_to_text can handle
return []
def doc_to_text(self, doc):
return "Question: " + doc["question"] + "\nAnswer:"
def doc_to_target(self, doc):
ret, = [k for k,v in doc["mc1_targets"].items() if v == 1]
return " " + ret
def construct_requests(self, doc, ctx):
return [rf.loglikelihood(ctx, " " + k)[0] for k,v in doc["mc1_targets"].items() if v == 1] \
+ [rf.loglikelihood(ctx, " " + k)[0] for k,v in doc["mc1_targets"].items() if v == 0]
def process_results(self, doc, results):
"""Take a single document and the LM results and evaluates, returning a
dict where keys are the names of submetrics and values are the values of
the metric for that one document
:param doc:
The document as returned from training_docs, validation_docs, or test_docs.
:param results:
The results of the requests created in construct_requests.
pred = np.argmax(results)
return {
"acc": pred == 0
def aggregation(self):
:returns: {str: [float] -> float}
A dictionary where keys are the names of submetrics and values are
functions that aggregate a list of metrics
return {
"acc": mean
def higher_is_better(self):
:returns: {str: bool}
A dictionary where keys are the names of submetrics and values are
whether a higher value of the submetric is better
return {
"acc": True
def fewshot_description(self):
return ""
class UntruthfulTask(TruthfulTask):
def doc_to_target(self, doc):
ret = random.choice([k for k,v in doc["mc1_targets"].items() if v == 0])
return " " + ret
lm_eval.tasks.TASK_REGISTRY["truthful"] = TruthfulTask
lm_eval.tasks.TASK_REGISTRY["untruthful"] = UntruthfulTask
model = 'gpt2'
model_args = 'pretrained=EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B'
lm = lm_eval.models.get_model(model).create_from_arg_string(model_args, {
'batch_size': 1, 'device': 'cuda'
lm = lm_eval.base.CachingLM(lm, 'lm_cache/' + model + '_' + model_args.replace('=', '-').replace(',', '_').replace('/', '-') + '.db')
res = lm_eval.evaluator.evaluate(lm, lm_eval.tasks.get_task_dict(["truthful", "untruthful"]), provide_description=False, num_fewshot=3, limit=None, bootstrap_iters=100000)
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